* feat(dossier): prefill drop down list champ
* decorate the types de champ to avoid if / else
In order to avoid doing if this a drop down ? / else at several places,
we decorate the types de champ and let the decorator give the possible
and example values.
* show all possible values when there are too many
* allow to prefill 'other' option
* review: remove duplicate
* review: refactor for readability
* validate that value is in options
* review: exclude disabled options
- Les observers doivent être déclarés *avant*
le chargement de nos delivery methods (Sendinblue & Dolist),
sinon ils seront ignorés par ces derniers
- dans le balancer, on ne peut pas appeler `.deliver` une seconde fois,
sinon les observers (et interceptors) sont invoqués deux fois.
* extract parent for yes no and checkbox champs
* checkbox stores true / false instead of on / off
* normalize blank value to nil
* normalize invalid value to false
* after party task: normalize checkbox values
* after party task: normalize yes_no values
* add base controller for public api
* add dossiers controller with basic checks
* create the dossier
* ensure content-type is json
* prefill dossier with given values
* mark a dossier as prefilled
When a dossier is prefilled, it's allowed not to have a user.
Plus, we add a secure token to the dossier, which we will need later to set a
user after sign in / sign up.
* set user as owner of an orphan prefilled dossier
When a visitor comes from the dossier_url answered by the public api,
the dossier is orphan:
- when the user is already authenticated: they become the owner
- when the user is not authenticated: they can sign in / sign up / france_connect
and then they become the owner
So here is the procedure:
- allow to sign in / sign up / france connect when user is unauthenticated
- set dossier ownership when the dossier is orphan
- check dossier ownership when the dossier is not
- redirect to brouillon path when user is signed in and owner
* mark the dossier as prefilled when it's prefilled
(even with a GET request, because it will be useful later on, for
exmample in order to cleanup the unused prefilled dossiers)
* system spec: prefilling dossier with post request