Add a drop command, bound to 'd', which prompts the character for an item in their inventory, removes it from the inventory, and places it on the ground. Along the way I had to fix a bug in the `EntityMap.atPosition` lens, which was always appending to the existing entities at the position on set, without removing the entities that were already there - the rabbit hole of quickchecking the lens laws here also lead to replacing the target of this lens with a newtype called `VectorBag`, which ignores order (since the entitymap makes no guarantees about order of entities at a given position).
62 lines
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62 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Xanthous.Command where
import Xanthous.Prelude hiding (Left, Right, Down)
import Graphics.Vty.Input (Key(..), Modifier(..))
import Xanthous.Data (Direction(..))
data Command
= Quit
| Move Direction
| PreviousMessage
| PickUp
| Drop
| Open
| Wait
| Eat
| Look
| Save
| Read
| ShowInventory
| Wield
-- | TODO replace with `:` commands
| ToggleRevealAll
commandFromKey :: Key -> [Modifier] -> Maybe Command
commandFromKey (KChar 'q') [] = Just Quit
commandFromKey (KChar '.') [] = Just Wait
commandFromKey (KChar (directionFromChar -> Just dir)) [] = Just $ Move dir
commandFromKey (KChar 'p') [MCtrl] = Just PreviousMessage
commandFromKey (KChar ',') [] = Just PickUp
commandFromKey (KChar 'd') [] = Just Drop
commandFromKey (KChar 'o') [] = Just Open
commandFromKey (KChar ';') [] = Just Look
commandFromKey (KChar 'e') [] = Just Eat
commandFromKey (KChar 'S') [] = Just Save
commandFromKey (KChar 'r') [] = Just Read
commandFromKey (KChar 'i') [] = Just ShowInventory
commandFromKey (KChar 'w') [] = Just Wield
commandFromKey (KChar 'r') [MMeta] = Just ToggleRevealAll
commandFromKey _ _ = Nothing
directionFromChar :: Char -> Maybe Direction
directionFromChar 'h' = Just Left
directionFromChar 'j' = Just Down
directionFromChar 'k' = Just Up
directionFromChar 'l' = Just Right
directionFromChar 'y' = Just UpLeft
directionFromChar 'u' = Just UpRight
directionFromChar 'b' = Just DownLeft
directionFromChar 'n' = Just DownRight
directionFromChar '.' = Just Here
directionFromChar _ = Nothing