In the beginning there existed only a generic //org directory... This directory was generic enough to include any .org file regardless of its purpose, but specific enough to disallow membership of other worthy files of the Markdown ilk. Then came the //playbooks directory, which robbed //org of most of its inhabitants... In the interim various .md and .org TODO lists existed scattered across the landscape of the monorepo... some existed in far-away, exotic lands like "travel-histlist"... These fractious tribes shared much in common with their distant relatives, but the superficial differences granted the simple-minded, draconian filesystem license to prevent them from mingling. Then one day the monorepo had a new visitor: //todo-lists. //todo-lists restored order to the monorepo, uniting all of the fractious documents under one roof. .md and .org files held hands and sang Kumbaya around a blazing fire for the first time in history. All was well, and all were happy.
190 lines
5.7 KiB
Org Mode
190 lines
5.7 KiB
Org Mode
# I'd like to read all of Paul Graham's essays. I cannot rely on my web browser
# to tell me which I've already read, so I'm resorting to an org file.
* TODO How to Write Usefully
* DONE Being a Noob
* TODO Haters
* TODO The Two Kinds of Moderate
* TODO Fashionable Problems
* TODO Having Kids
* DONE The Lesson to Unlearn
* TODO Novelty and Heresy
* TODO The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius
* TODO General and Surprising
* DONE Charisma / Power
* TODO The Risk of Discovery
* TODO How to Make Pittsburgh a Startup Hub
* TODO Life is Short
* TODO Economic Inequality
* TODO The Refragmentation
* TODO Jessica Livingston
* TODO A Way to Detect Bias
* TODO Write Like You Talk
* TODO Default Alive or Default Dead?
* TODO Why It's Safe for Founders to Be Nice
* TODO Change Your Name
* TODO What Microsoft Is this the Altair Basic of?
* TODO The Ronco Principle
* TODO What Doesn't Seem Like Work?
* TODO Don't Talk to Corp Dev
* TODO Let the Other 95% of Great Programmers In
* TODO How to Be an Expert in a Changing World
* TODO How You Know
* TODO The Fatal Pinch
* DONE Mean People Fail
* TODO Before the Startup
* TODO How to Raise Money
* TODO Investor Herd Dynamics
* TODO How to Convince Investors
* TODO Do Things that Don't Scale
* TODO Startup Investing Trends
* TODO How to Get Startup Ideas
* TODO The Hardware Renaissance
* TODO Startup = Growth
* TODO Black Swan Farming
* TODO The Top of My Todo List
* TODO Writing and Speaking
* TODO How Y Combinator Started
* TODO Defining Property
* TODO Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
* TODO A Word to the Resourceful
* TODO Schlep Blindness
* TODO Snapshot: Viaweb, June 1998
* TODO Why Startup Hubs Work
* TODO The Patent Pledge
* TODO Subject: Airbnb
* TODO Founder Control
* TODO Tablets
* TODO What We Look for in Founders
* TODO The New Funding Landscape
* TODO Where to See Silicon Valley
* TODO High Resolution Fundraising
* TODO What Happened to Yahoo
* TODO The Future of Startup Funding
* TODO The Acceleration of Addictiveness
* TODO The Top Idea in Your Mind
* TODO How to Lose Time and Money
* TODO Organic Startup Ideas
* TODO Apple's Mistake
* TODO What Startups Are Really Like
* TODO Persuade xor Discover
* TODO Post-Medium Publishing
* TODO The List of N Things
* TODO The Anatomy of Determination
* TODO What Kate Saw in Silicon Valley
* TODO The Trouble with the Segway
* TODO Ramen Profitable
* DONE Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule
* TODO A Local Revolution?
* TODO Why Twitter is a Big Deal
* TODO The Founder Visa
* TODO Five Founders
* TODO Relentlessly Resourceful
* TODO How to Be an Angel Investor
* TODO Why TV Lost
* TODO Can You Buy a Silicon Valley? Maybe.
* TODO What I've Learned from Hacker News
* TODO Startups in 13 Sentences
* TODO Keep Your Identity Small
* TODO After Credentials
* TODO Could VC be a Casualty of the Recession?
* TODO The High-Res Society
* TODO The Other Half of "Artists Ship"
* TODO Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy
* TODO A Fundraising Survival Guide
* TODO The Pooled-Risk Company Management Company
* TODO Cities and Ambition
* TODO Disconnecting Distraction
* TODO Lies We Tell Kids
* TODO Be Good
* TODO Why There Aren't More Googles
* TODO Some Heroes
* TODO How to Disagree
* TODO You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss
* TODO A New Venture Animal
* TODO Trolls
* TODO Six Principles for Making New Things
* TODO Why to Move to a Startup Hub
* TODO The Future of Web Startups
* TODO How to Do Philosophy
* TODO News from the Front
* TODO How Not to Die
* TODO Holding a Program in One's Head
* TODO Stuff
* TODO The Equity Equation
* TODO An Alternative Theory of Unions
* TODO The Hacker's Guide to Investors
* TODO Two Kinds of Judgement
* TODO Microsoft is Dead
* TODO Why to Not Not Start a Startup
* TODO Is It Worth Being Wise?
* TODO Learning from Founders
* TODO How Art Can Be Good
* TODO The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups
* TODO A Student's Guide to Startups
* TODO How to Present to Investors
* TODO Copy What You Like
* TODO The Island Test
* TODO The Power of the Marginal
* TODO Why Startups Condense in America
* TODO How to Be Silicon Valley
* TODO The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn
* TODO See Randomness
* TODO Are Software Patents Evil?
* TODO 6,631,372
* TODO How to Do What You Love
* TODO Good and Bad Procrastination
* TODO Web 2.0
* TODO How to Fund a Startup
* TODO The Venture Capital Squeeze
* TODO Ideas for Startups
* TODO What I Did this Summer
* TODO Inequality and Risk
* TODO After the Ladder
* TODO What Business Can Learn from Open Source
* TODO Hiring is Obsolete
* TODO The Submarine
* TODO Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas
* TODO Return of the Mac
* DONE Writing, Briefly
* TODO Undergraduation
* TODO A Unified Theory of VC Suckage
* TODO How to Start a Startup
* TODO What You'll Wish You'd Known
* TODO Made in USA
* TODO It's Charisma, Stupid
* TODO Bradley's Ghost
* TODO A Version 1.0
* TODO What the Bubble Got Right
* TODO The Age of the Essay
* TODO The Python Paradox
* TODO Great Hackers
* TODO Mind the Gap
* TODO How to Make Wealth
* TODO The Word "Hacker"
* TODO What You Can't Say
* TODO Filters that Fight Back
* TODO Hackers and Painters
* TODO If Lisp is So Great
* TODO The Hundred-Year Language
* TODO Why Nerds are Unpopular
* TODO Better Bayesian Filtering
* TODO Design and Research
* TODO A Plan for Spam
* TODO Revenge of the Nerds
* TODO Succinctness is Power
* TODO What Languages Fix
* DONE Taste for Makers
* TODO Why Arc Isn't Especially Object-Oriented
* TODO What Made Lisp Different
* TODO The Other Road Ahead
* TODO The Roots of Lisp
* DONE Five Questions about Language Design
* DONE Being Popular
* DONE Java's Cover
* DONE Beating the Averages
* DONE Lisp for Web-Based Applications
* TODO Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
* TODO Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
* DONE Programming Bottom-Up
* DONE This Year We Can End the Death Penalty in California