Nodes only have names if they're contained inside a Directory, or if they're a root node and have something else possibly giving them a name externally. This removes all `name` fields in the three different Nodes, and instead maintains it inside a BTreeMap inside the Directory. It also removes the NamedNode trait (they don't have a get_name()), as well as Node::rename(self, name), and all [Partial]Ord implementations for Node (as they don't have names to use for sorting). The `nodes()`, `directories()`, `files()` iterators inside a `Directory` now return a tuple of Name and Node, as does the RootNodesProvider. The different {Directory,File,Symlink}Node struct constructors got simpler, and the {Directory,File}Node ones became infallible - as there's no more possibility to represent invalid state. The proto structs stayed the same - there's now from_name_and_node and into_name_and_node to convert back and forth between the two `Node` structs. Some further cleanups: The error types for Node validation were renamed. Everything related to names is now in the DirectoryError (not yet happy about the naming) There's some leftover cleanups to do: - There should be a from_(sorted_)iter and into_iter in Directory, so we can construct and deconstruct in one go. That should also enable us to implement conversions from and to the proto representation that moves, rather than clones. - The BuildRequest and PathInfo structs are still proto-based, so we still do a bunch of conversions back and forth there (and have some ugly expect there). There's not much point for error handling here, this will be moved to stricter types in a followup CL. Change-Id: I7369a8e3a426f44419c349077cb4fcab2044ebb6 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: yuka <> Autosubmit: flokli <> Reviewed-by: benjaminedwardwebb <> Reviewed-by: Connor Brewster <>
386 lines
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386 lines
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use std::collections::HashSet;
use super::{Directory, DirectoryPutter, DirectoryService};
use crate::composition::{CompositionContext, ServiceBuilder};
use crate::proto::{self, get_directory_request::ByWhat};
use crate::{B3Digest, DirectoryError, Error};
use async_stream::try_stream;
use futures::stream::BoxStream;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::spawn;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream;
use tonic::{async_trait, Code, Status};
use tracing::{instrument, warn, Instrument as _};
/// Connects to a (remote) tvix-store DirectoryService over gRPC.
pub struct GRPCDirectoryService<T> {
/// The internal reference to a gRPC client.
/// Cloning it is cheap, and it internally handles concurrent requests.
grpc_client: proto::directory_service_client::DirectoryServiceClient<T>,
impl<T> GRPCDirectoryService<T> {
/// construct a [GRPCDirectoryService] from a [proto::directory_service_client::DirectoryServiceClient].
/// panics if called outside the context of a tokio runtime.
pub fn from_client(
grpc_client: proto::directory_service_client::DirectoryServiceClient<T>,
) -> Self {
Self { grpc_client }
impl<T> DirectoryService for GRPCDirectoryService<T>
T: tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
T::ResponseBody: tonic::codegen::Body<Data = tonic::codegen::Bytes> + Send + 'static,
<T::ResponseBody as tonic::codegen::Body>::Error: Into<tonic::codegen::StdError> + Send,
T::Future: Send,
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(directory.digest = %digest))]
async fn get(&self, digest: &B3Digest) -> Result<Option<Directory>, crate::Error> {
// Get a new handle to the gRPC client, and copy the digest.
let mut grpc_client = self.grpc_client.clone();
let digest_cpy = digest.clone();
let message = async move {
let mut s = grpc_client
.get(proto::GetDirectoryRequest {
recursive: false,
by_what: Some(ByWhat::Digest(digest_cpy.into())),
// Retrieve the first message only, then close the stream (we set recursive to false)
let digest = digest.clone();
match message.await {
Ok(Some(directory)) => {
// Validate the retrieved Directory indeed has the
// digest we expect it to have, to detect corruptions.
let actual_digest = directory.digest();
if actual_digest != digest {
"requested directory with digest {}, but got {}",
digest, actual_digest
} else {
Ok(Some(directory.try_into().map_err(|_| {
Error::StorageError("invalid root digest length in response".to_string())
Ok(None) => Ok(None),
Err(e) if e.code() == Code::NotFound => Ok(None),
Err(e) => Err(crate::Error::StorageError(e.to_string())),
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(directory.digest = %directory.digest()))]
async fn put(&self, directory: Directory) -> Result<B3Digest, crate::Error> {
let resp = self
match resp {
Ok(put_directory_resp) => Ok(put_directory_resp
.map_err(|_| {
Error::StorageError("invalid root digest length in response".to_string())
Err(e) => Err(crate::Error::StorageError(e.to_string())),
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(directory.digest = %root_directory_digest))]
fn get_recursive(
root_directory_digest: &B3Digest,
) -> BoxStream<'static, Result<Directory, Error>> {
let mut grpc_client = self.grpc_client.clone();
let root_directory_digest = root_directory_digest.clone();
let stream = try_stream! {
let mut stream = grpc_client
.get(proto::GetDirectoryRequest {
recursive: true,
by_what: Some(ByWhat::Digest(root_directory_digest.clone().into())),
.map_err(|e| crate::Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?
// The Directory digests we received so far
let mut received_directory_digests: HashSet<B3Digest> = HashSet::new();
// The Directory digests we're still expecting to get sent.
let mut expected_directory_digests: HashSet<B3Digest> = HashSet::from([root_directory_digest.clone()]);
loop {
match stream.message().await {
Ok(Some(directory)) => {
// validate we actually expected that directory, and move it from expected to received.
let directory_digest = directory.digest();
let was_expected = expected_directory_digests.remove(&directory_digest);
if !was_expected {
// FUTUREWORK: dumb clients might send the same stuff twice.
// as a fallback, we might want to tolerate receiving
// it if it's in received_directory_digests (as that
// means it once was in expected_directory_digests)
"received unexpected directory {}",
// register all children in expected_directory_digests.
for child_directory in &directory.directories {
// We ran validate() above, so we know these digests must be correct.
let child_directory_digest =
let directory = directory.try_into()
.map_err(|e: DirectoryError| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?;
yield directory;
Ok(None) if expected_directory_digests.len() == 1 && expected_directory_digests.contains(&root_directory_digest) => {
// The root directory of the requested closure was not found, return an
// empty stream
Ok(None) => {
// The stream has ended
let diff_len = expected_directory_digests
// Account for directories which have been referenced more than once,
// but only received once since they were deduplicated
// If this is not empty, then the closure is incomplete
if diff_len != 0 {
"still expected {} directories, but got premature end of stream",
} else {
Err(e) => {
fn put_multiple_start(&self) -> Box<(dyn DirectoryPutter + 'static)>
Self: Clone,
let mut grpc_client = self.grpc_client.clone();
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let task: JoinHandle<Result<proto::PutDirectoryResponse, Status>> = spawn(
async move {
let s = grpc_client
} // instrument the task with the current span, this is not done by default
Box::new(GRPCPutter {
rq: Some((task, tx)),
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct GRPCDirectoryServiceConfig {
url: String,
impl TryFrom<url::Url> for GRPCDirectoryServiceConfig {
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
fn try_from(url: url::Url) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// This is normally grpc+unix for unix sockets, and grpc+http(s) for the HTTP counterparts.
// - In the case of unix sockets, there must be a path, but may not be a host.
// - In the case of non-unix sockets, there must be a host, but no path.
// Constructing the channel is handled by tvix_castore::channel::from_url.
Ok(GRPCDirectoryServiceConfig {
url: url.to_string(),
impl ServiceBuilder for GRPCDirectoryServiceConfig {
type Output = dyn DirectoryService;
async fn build<'a>(
&'a self,
_instance_name: &str,
_context: &CompositionContext,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn DirectoryService>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
let client = proto::directory_service_client::DirectoryServiceClient::new(
/// Allows uploading multiple Directory messages in the same gRPC stream.
pub struct GRPCPutter {
/// Data about the current request - a handle to the task, and the tx part
/// of the channel.
/// The tx part of the pipe is used to send [proto::Directory] to the ongoing request.
/// The task will yield a [proto::PutDirectoryResponse] once the stream is closed.
#[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // lol
rq: Option<(
JoinHandle<Result<proto::PutDirectoryResponse, Status>>,
impl DirectoryPutter for GRPCPutter {
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, fields(directory.digest=%directory.digest()), err)]
async fn put(&mut self, directory: Directory) -> Result<(), crate::Error> {
match self.rq {
// If we're not already closed, send the directory to directory_sender.
Some((_, ref directory_sender)) => {
if directory_sender.send(directory.into()).is_err() {
// If the channel has been prematurely closed, invoke close (so we can peek at the error code)
// That error code is much more helpful, because it
// contains the error message from the server.
// If self.close() was already called, we can't put again.
None => Err(Error::StorageError(
"DirectoryPutter already closed".to_string(),
/// Closes the stream for sending, and returns the value.
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, ret, err)]
async fn close(&mut self) -> Result<B3Digest, crate::Error> {
// get self.rq, and replace it with None.
// This ensures we can only close it once.
match std::mem::take(&mut self.rq) {
None => Err(Error::StorageError("already closed".to_string())),
Some((task, directory_sender)) => {
// close directory_sender, so blocking on task will finish.
let root_digest = task
.map_err(|e| Error::StorageError(e.to_string()))?
root_digest.try_into().map_err(|_| {
Error::StorageError("invalid root digest length in response".to_string())
mod tests {
use std::time::Duration;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
use tokio_retry::{strategy::ExponentialBackoff, Retry};
use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnixListenerStream;
use crate::{
directoryservice::{DirectoryService, GRPCDirectoryService, MemoryDirectoryService},
proto::{directory_service_client::DirectoryServiceClient, GRPCDirectoryServiceWrapper},
/// This ensures connecting via gRPC works as expected.
async fn test_valid_unix_path_ping_pong() {
let tmpdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let socket_path = tmpdir.path().join("daemon");
let path_clone = socket_path.clone();
// Spin up a server
tokio::spawn(async {
let uds = UnixListener::bind(path_clone).unwrap();
let uds_stream = UnixListenerStream::new(uds);
// spin up a new server
let mut server = tonic::transport::Server::builder();
let router = server.add_service(
Box::<MemoryDirectoryService>::default() as Box<dyn DirectoryService>
// wait for the socket to be created
|| async {
if socket_path.exists() {
} else {
.expect("failed to wait for socket");
// prepare a client
let grpc_client = {
let url = url::Url::parse(&format!(
.expect("must parse");
let client = DirectoryServiceClient::new(
.expect("must succeed"),
.expect("must not fail")