TL;DR: - Define googleCloudVM function to provision NixOS VMs on Google Cloud. - Consume googleCloudVM in diogenes/default.nix - Define for basic usage instructions (subject to change). - Delete diogenes's HCL - Remove `diogenesSystem` from meta.targets I'm still having trouble with DNS: - I need to transfer the Google Domains config to Cloud DNS - `host` is NXDOMAIN, so I don't trust my tf DNS config - This is preventing me from getting SSL certs, which blocks my website, quassel Change-Id: If315876c96298e83a5953f13b62784d2f65a1024 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: wpcarro <> Autosubmit: wpcarro <>
475 B
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diogenes is a NixOS machine deployed on a Google VM. It hosts
I manage diogenes's deployment with Terraform. My current workflow looks like this (highly subject to change):
cd /tmp/terraform # or any directory that hosts terraform state
outpath=$(nix-build /depot -A users.wpcarro.nixos.diogenes)
cp <out-path> .
nix-shell -p terraform google-cloud-sdk # gcloud to authenticate if necessary
terraform init/apply