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//! This module implements a compiler for compiling the rnix AST
//! representation to Tvix bytecode.
//! A note on `unwrap()`: This module contains a lot of calls to
//! `unwrap()` or `expect(...)` on data structures returned by `rnix`.
//! The reason for this is that rnix uses the same data structures to
//! represent broken and correct ASTs, so all typed AST variants have
//! the ability to represent an incorrect node.
//! However, at the time that the AST is passed to the compiler we
//! have verified that `rnix` considers the code to be correct, so all
//! variants are fulfilled. In cases where the invariant is guaranteed
//! by the code in this module, `debug_assert!` has been used to catch
//! mistakes early during development.
mod attrs;
mod scope;
mod spans;
use path_clean::PathClean;
use rnix::ast::{self, AstToken, HasEntry};
use rowan::ast::AstChildren;
use smol_str::SmolStr;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::chunk::Chunk;
use crate::errors::{Error, ErrorKind, EvalResult};
use crate::observer::Observer;
use crate::opcode::{CodeIdx, Count, JumpOffset, OpCode, UpvalueIdx};
use crate::value::{Closure, Lambda, Thunk, Value};
use crate::warnings::{EvalWarning, WarningKind};
use self::scope::{LocalIdx, LocalPosition, Scope, Upvalue, UpvalueKind};
use self::spans::ToSpan;
/// Represents the result of compiling a piece of Nix code. If
/// compilation was successful, the resulting bytecode can be passed
/// to the VM.
pub struct CompilationOutput {
pub lambda: Rc<Lambda>,
pub warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
pub errors: Vec<Error>,
/// Represents the lambda currently being compiled.
struct LambdaCtx {
lambda: Lambda,
scope: Scope,
captures_with_stack: bool,
impl LambdaCtx {
fn new() -> Self {
LambdaCtx {
lambda: Lambda::new_anonymous(),
scope: Default::default(),
captures_with_stack: false,
fn inherit(&self) -> Self {
LambdaCtx {
lambda: Lambda::new_anonymous(),
scope: self.scope.inherit(),
captures_with_stack: false,
/// Alias for the map of globally available functions that should
/// implicitly be resolvable in the global scope.
type GlobalsMap = HashMap<&'static str, Rc<dyn Fn(&mut Compiler, rnix::ast::Ident)>>;
struct Compiler<'code, 'observer> {
contexts: Vec<LambdaCtx>,
warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
errors: Vec<Error>,
root_dir: PathBuf,
/// Carries all known global tokens; the full set of which is
/// created when the compiler is invoked.
/// Each global has an associated token, which when encountered as
/// an identifier is resolved against the scope poisoning logic,
/// and a function that should emit code for the token.
globals: GlobalsMap,
/// File reference in the codemap contains all known source code
/// and is used to track the spans from which instructions where
/// derived.
file: &'code codemap::File,
/// Carry an observer for the compilation process, which is called
/// whenever a chunk is emitted.
observer: &'observer mut dyn Observer,
// Helper functions for emitting code and metadata to the internal
// structures of the compiler.
impl Compiler<'_, '_> {
fn context(&self) -> &LambdaCtx {
&self.contexts[self.contexts.len() - 1]
fn context_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LambdaCtx {
let idx = self.contexts.len() - 1;
&mut self.contexts[idx]
fn chunk(&mut self) -> &mut Chunk {
&mut self.context_mut().lambda.chunk
fn scope(&self) -> &Scope {
fn scope_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Scope {
&mut self.context_mut().scope
/// Push a single instruction to the current bytecode chunk and
/// track the source span from which it was compiled.
fn push_op<T: ToSpan>(&mut self, data: OpCode, node: &T) -> CodeIdx {
let span = self.span_for(node);
self.chunk().push_op(data, span)
/// Emit a single constant to the current bytecode chunk and track
/// the source span from which it was compiled.
fn emit_constant<T: ToSpan>(&mut self, value: Value, node: &T) {
let idx = self.chunk().push_constant(value);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpConstant(idx), node);
// Actual code-emitting AST traversal methods.
impl Compiler<'_, '_> {
fn compile(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, expr: ast::Expr) {
match expr {
ast::Expr::Literal(literal) => self.compile_literal(literal),
ast::Expr::Path(path) => self.compile_path(path),
ast::Expr::Str(s) => self.compile_str(slot, s),
ast::Expr::UnaryOp(op) => self.compile_unary_op(slot, op),
ast::Expr::BinOp(binop) => {
self.thunk(slot, &binop, move |c, o, s| c.compile_binop(s, o.clone()))
ast::Expr::HasAttr(has_attr) => self.compile_has_attr(slot, has_attr),
ast::Expr::List(list) => {
self.thunk(slot, &list, move |c, l, s| c.compile_list(s, l.clone()))
ast::Expr::AttrSet(attrs) => self.thunk(slot, &attrs, move |c, a, s| {
c.compile_attr_set(s, a.clone())
ast::Expr::Select(select) => self.thunk(slot, &select, move |c, sel, s| {
c.compile_select(s, sel.clone())
ast::Expr::Assert(assert) => {
self.thunk(slot, &assert, move |c, a, s| c.compile_assert(s, a.clone()))
ast::Expr::IfElse(if_else) => self.compile_if_else(slot, if_else),
ast::Expr::LetIn(let_in) => self.compile_let_in(slot, let_in),
ast::Expr::Ident(ident) => self.compile_ident(slot, ident),
ast::Expr::With(with) => {
self.thunk(slot, &with, |c, w, s| c.compile_with(s, w.clone()))
ast::Expr::Lambda(lambda) => self.compile_lambda(slot, lambda),
ast::Expr::Apply(apply) => {
self.thunk(slot, &apply, move |c, a, s| c.compile_apply(s, a.clone()))
// Parenthesized expressions are simply unwrapped, leaving
// their value on the stack.
ast::Expr::Paren(paren) => self.compile(slot, paren.expr().unwrap()),
ast::Expr::LegacyLet(legacy_let) => self.compile_legacy_let(slot, legacy_let),
ast::Expr::Root(_) => unreachable!("there cannot be more than one root"),
ast::Expr::Error(_) => unreachable!("compile is only called on validated trees"),
fn compile_literal(&mut self, node: ast::Literal) {
let value = match node.kind() {
ast::LiteralKind::Float(f) => Value::Float(f.value().unwrap()),
ast::LiteralKind::Integer(i) => Value::Integer(i.value().unwrap()),
ast::LiteralKind::Uri(u) => {
self.emit_warning(&node, WarningKind::DeprecatedLiteralURL);
self.emit_constant(value, &node);
fn compile_path(&mut self, node: ast::Path) {
// TODO(tazjin): placeholder implementation while waiting for
let raw_path = node.to_string();
let path = if raw_path.starts_with('/') {
} else if raw_path.starts_with('~') {
let mut buf = match dirs::home_dir() {
Some(buf) => buf,
None => {
ErrorKind::PathResolution("failed to determine home directory".into()),
} else if raw_path.starts_with('.') {
let mut buf = self.root_dir.clone();
} else {
// TODO: decide what to do with findFile
"other path types (e.g. <...> lookups) not yet implemented",
// TODO: Use
// once it is available
let value = Value::Path(path.clean());
self.emit_constant(value, &node);
/// Helper that compiles the given string parts strictly. The caller
/// (`compile_str`) needs to figure out if the result of compiling this
/// needs to be thunked or not.
fn compile_str_parts(
&mut self,
slot: LocalIdx,
parent_node: &ast::Str,
parts: Vec<ast::InterpolPart<String>>,
) {
// The string parts are produced in literal order, however
// they need to be reversed on the stack in order to
// efficiently create the real string in case of
// interpolation.
for part in parts.iter().rev() {
match part {
// Interpolated expressions are compiled as normal and
// dealt with by the VM before being assembled into
// the final string. We need to coerce them here,
// so OpInterpolate definitely has a string to consume.
ast::InterpolPart::Interpolation(ipol) => {
self.compile(slot, ipol.expr().unwrap());
// implicitly forces as well
self.push_op(OpCode::OpCoerceToString, ipol);
ast::InterpolPart::Literal(lit) => {
self.emit_constant(Value::String(lit.as_str().into()), parent_node);
if parts.len() != 1 {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpInterpolate(Count(parts.len())), parent_node);
fn compile_str(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::Str) {
let parts = node.normalized_parts();
// We need to thunk string expressions if they are the result of
// interpolation. A string that only consists of a single part (`"${foo}"`)
// can't desugar to the enclosed expression (`foo`) because we need to
// coerce the result to a string value. This would require forcing the
// value of the inner expression, so we need to wrap it in another thunk.
if parts.len() != 1 || matches!(&parts[0], ast::InterpolPart::Interpolation(_)) {
self.thunk(slot, &node, move |c, n, s| {
c.compile_str_parts(s, n, parts);
} else {
self.compile_str_parts(slot, &node, parts);
fn compile_unary_op(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, op: ast::UnaryOp) {
self.compile(slot, op.expr().unwrap());
let opcode = match op.operator().unwrap() {
ast::UnaryOpKind::Invert => OpCode::OpInvert,
ast::UnaryOpKind::Negate => OpCode::OpNegate,
self.push_op(opcode, &op);
fn compile_binop(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, op: ast::BinOp) {
use ast::BinOpKind;
// Short-circuiting and other strange operators, which are
// under the same node type as NODE_BIN_OP, but need to be
// handled separately (i.e. before compiling the expressions
// used for standard binary operators).
match op.operator().unwrap() {
BinOpKind::And => return self.compile_and(slot, op),
BinOpKind::Or => return self.compile_or(slot, op),
BinOpKind::Implication => return self.compile_implication(slot, op),
_ => {}
// For all other operators, the two values need to be left on
// the stack in the correct order before pushing the
// instruction for the operation itself.
self.compile(slot, op.lhs().unwrap());
self.compile(slot, op.rhs().unwrap());
match op.operator().unwrap() {
BinOpKind::Add => self.push_op(OpCode::OpAdd, &op),
BinOpKind::Sub => self.push_op(OpCode::OpSub, &op),
BinOpKind::Mul => self.push_op(OpCode::OpMul, &op),
BinOpKind::Div => self.push_op(OpCode::OpDiv, &op),
BinOpKind::Update => self.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrsUpdate, &op),
BinOpKind::Equal => self.push_op(OpCode::OpEqual, &op),
BinOpKind::Less => self.push_op(OpCode::OpLess, &op),
BinOpKind::LessOrEq => self.push_op(OpCode::OpLessOrEq, &op),
BinOpKind::More => self.push_op(OpCode::OpMore, &op),
BinOpKind::MoreOrEq => self.push_op(OpCode::OpMoreOrEq, &op),
BinOpKind::Concat => self.push_op(OpCode::OpConcat, &op),
BinOpKind::NotEqual => {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpEqual, &op);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpInvert, &op)
// Handled by separate branch above.
BinOpKind::And | BinOpKind::Implication | BinOpKind::Or => {
fn compile_and(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::BinOp) {
matches!(node.operator(), Some(ast::BinOpKind::And)),
"compile_and called with wrong operator kind: {:?}",
// Leave left-hand side value on the stack.
self.compile(slot, node.lhs().unwrap());
// If this value is false, jump over the right-hand side - the
// whole expression is false.
let end_idx = self.push_op(OpCode::OpJumpIfFalse(JumpOffset(0)), &node);
// Otherwise, remove the previous value and leave the
// right-hand side on the stack. Its result is now the value
// of the whole expression.
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPop, &node);
self.compile(slot, node.rhs().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAssertBool, &node);
fn compile_or(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::BinOp) {
matches!(node.operator(), Some(ast::BinOpKind::Or)),
"compile_or called with wrong operator kind: {:?}",
// Leave left-hand side value on the stack
self.compile(slot, node.lhs().unwrap());
// Opposite of above: If this value is **true**, we can
// short-circuit the right-hand side.
let end_idx = self.push_op(OpCode::OpJumpIfTrue(JumpOffset(0)), &node);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPop, &node);
self.compile(slot, node.rhs().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAssertBool, &node);
fn compile_implication(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::BinOp) {
matches!(node.operator(), Some(ast::BinOpKind::Implication)),
"compile_implication called with wrong operator kind: {:?}",
// Leave left-hand side value on the stack and invert it.
self.compile(slot, node.lhs().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpInvert, &node);
// Exactly as `||` (because `a -> b` = `!a || b`).
let end_idx = self.push_op(OpCode::OpJumpIfTrue(JumpOffset(0)), &node);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPop, &node);
self.compile(slot, node.rhs().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAssertBool, &node);
/// Compile list literals into equivalent bytecode. List
/// construction is fairly simple, consisting of pushing code for
/// each literal element and an instruction with the element
/// count.
/// The VM, after evaluating the code for each element, simply
/// constructs the list from the given number of elements.
fn compile_list(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::List) {
let mut count = 0;
// Open a temporary scope to correctly account for stack items
// that exist during the construction.
for item in node.items() {
// Start tracing new stack slots from the second list
// element onwards. The first list element is located in
// the stack slot of the list itself.
let item_slot = match count {
0 => slot,
_ => {
let item_span = self.span_for(&item);
self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(item_span, false)
count += 1;
self.compile(item_slot, item);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpList(Count(count)), &node);
fn compile_assert(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::Assert) {
// Compile the assertion condition to leave its value on the stack.
self.compile(slot, node.condition().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAssert, &node.condition().unwrap());
// The runtime will abort evaluation at this point if the
// assertion failed, if not the body simply continues on like
// normal.
self.compile(slot, node.body().unwrap());
/// Compile conditional expressions using jumping instructions in the VM.
/// ```notrust
/// ┌────────────────────┐
/// │ 0 [ conditional ] │
/// │ 1 JUMP_IF_FALSE →┼─┐
/// │ 2 [ main body ] │ │ Jump to else body if
/// ┌┼─3─← JUMP │ │ condition is false.
/// Jump over else body ││ 4 [ else body ]←┼─┘
/// if condition is true.└┼─5─→ ... │
/// └────────────────────┘
/// ```
fn compile_if_else(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::IfElse) {
self.compile(slot, node.condition().unwrap());
let then_idx = self.push_op(
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPop, &node); // discard condition value
self.compile(slot, node.body().unwrap());
let else_idx = self.push_op(OpCode::OpJump(JumpOffset(0)), &node);
self.patch_jump(then_idx); // patch jump *to* else_body
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPop, &node); // discard condition value
self.compile(slot, node.else_body().unwrap());
self.patch_jump(else_idx); // patch jump *over* else body
fn compile_recursive_scope<N>(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, rec_attrs: bool, node: &N)
N: ToSpan + ast::HasEntry,
fix(tvix/eval): declare let inherit (from) locals before compiling The recent change that split declaration of let based locals and the compilation of their values did not touch locals bound by inherit in let. These were previously declared and compiled immediately before starting to work on the other locals introduced in a let. In the case of plain inherits, this behavior is kept in this change, because there's nothing wrong with it: The value of a plain inherit will always resolve to a higher scope, either statically or dynamically. Since inherit (from) expression might refer to other locals bound in the same let, we need to handle them in the same three steps as ordinary let based locals: 1. We need to declare the (uninitialised) locals. 2. We need to compile the expression that obtains their value. For this, we create a new thunk, since the from expression may very well return a thunk which we need to force before selecting the value we are interested in. 3. Thunks need to be finalised. For 1., we create an extra pass over the inherits that already declares and initialises plain inherits and notes inherit (from) expressions in the entries vector after declaring them. 2. only needs a bit of adapting to create the thunks for selecting if appropriate, the rest of the existing code can be reused. Change-Id: Ie4ac1c0f9ffcbf7c07c452036aa8e577443af773 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <> Reviewed-by: tazjin <>
2022-09-07 15:37:29 +02:00
// First pass to find all plain inherits (if they are not useless).
// Since they always resolve to a higher scope, we can just compile and
// declare them immediately. This needs to happen *before* we declare
// any other locals in the scope or the stack order gets messed up.
// While we are looping through the inherits, already note all inherit
// (from) expressions, that may very well resolve recursively and need
// to be compiled like normal let in bindings.
let mut inherit_froms: Vec<(ast::Expr, ast::Ident)> = vec![];
fix(tvix/eval): declare let inherit (from) locals before compiling The recent change that split declaration of let based locals and the compilation of their values did not touch locals bound by inherit in let. These were previously declared and compiled immediately before starting to work on the other locals introduced in a let. In the case of plain inherits, this behavior is kept in this change, because there's nothing wrong with it: The value of a plain inherit will always resolve to a higher scope, either statically or dynamically. Since inherit (from) expression might refer to other locals bound in the same let, we need to handle them in the same three steps as ordinary let based locals: 1. We need to declare the (uninitialised) locals. 2. We need to compile the expression that obtains their value. For this, we create a new thunk, since the from expression may very well return a thunk which we need to force before selecting the value we are interested in. 3. Thunks need to be finalised. For 1., we create an extra pass over the inherits that already declares and initialises plain inherits and notes inherit (from) expressions in the entries vector after declaring them. 2. only needs a bit of adapting to create the thunks for selecting if appropriate, the rest of the existing code can be reused. Change-Id: Ie4ac1c0f9ffcbf7c07c452036aa8e577443af773 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <> Reviewed-by: tazjin <>
2022-09-07 15:37:29 +02:00
for inherit in node.inherits() {
match inherit.from() {
// Within a `let` binding, inheriting from the outer
// scope is a no-op *if* the identifier can be
// statically resolved.
None if !rec_attrs && !self.scope().has_with() => {
self.emit_warning(&inherit, WarningKind::UselessInherit);
None => {
for ident in inherit.idents() {
// If the identifier resolves statically in a
// `let`, it has precedence over dynamic
// bindings, and the inherit is useless.
if !rec_attrs
&& matches!(
self.emit_warning(&ident, WarningKind::UselessInherit);
if rec_attrs {
let span = self.span_for(&ident);
self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, true);
self.compile_ident(slot, ident.clone());
let idx = self.declare_local(&ident, ident.ident_token().unwrap().text());
Some(from) => {
for ident in inherit.idents() {
inherit_froms.push((from.expr().unwrap(), ident));
// Data structures to track the bindings observed in the
// second path, and forward the information needed to compile
// their value.
enum BindingKind {
InheritFrom {
namespace: ast::Expr,
ident: ast::Ident,
Plain {
expr: ast::Expr,
struct KeySlot {
slot: LocalIdx,
name: SmolStr,
struct TrackedBinding {
key_slot: Option<KeySlot>,
value_slot: LocalIdx,
kind: BindingKind,
// Vector to track these observed bindings.
let mut bindings: Vec<TrackedBinding> = vec![];
// Begin second pass to ensure that all remaining identifiers
// (that may resolve recursively) are known.
// Begin with the inherit (from)s since they all become a thunk anyway
for (from, ident) in inherit_froms {
let key_slot = if rec_attrs {
let span = self.span_for(&ident);
Some(KeySlot {
slot: self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, false),
name: SmolStr::new(ident.ident_token().unwrap().text()),
} else {
let value_slot = self.declare_local(&ident, ident.ident_token().unwrap().text());
bindings.push(TrackedBinding {
kind: BindingKind::InheritFrom {
namespace: from,
// Declare all regular bindings
for entry in node.attrpath_values() {
let mut path = match self.normalise_ident_path(entry.attrpath().unwrap().attrs()) {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(err) => {
if path.len() != 1 {
ErrorKind::NotImplemented("nested bindings in recursive scope :("),
let key_slot = if rec_attrs {
let span = self.span_for(&entry.attrpath().unwrap());
Some(KeySlot {
slot: self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, false),
name: SmolStr::new(&path[0]),
} else {
let value_slot = self.declare_local(&entry.attrpath().unwrap(), path.pop().unwrap());
bindings.push(TrackedBinding {
kind: BindingKind::Plain {
expr: entry.value().unwrap(),
// Third pass to place the values in the correct stack slots.
let mut value_indices: Vec<LocalIdx> = vec![];
for binding in bindings.into_iter() {
if let Some(key_slot) = binding.key_slot {
// TODO: emit_constant should be able to take a span directly
let span = self.scope()[key_slot.slot].span;
let idx = self
self.chunk().push_op(OpCode::OpConstant(idx), span);
match binding.kind {
// This entry is an inherit (from) expr. The value is
// placed on the stack by selecting an attribute.
BindingKind::InheritFrom { namespace, ident } => {
// Create a thunk wrapping value (which may be one as well) to
// avoid forcing the from expr too early.
self.thunk(binding.value_slot, &namespace, move |c, n, s| {
c.compile(s, n.clone());
c.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrsSelect, &ident);
// Binding is "just" a plain expression that needs to
// be compiled.
BindingKind::Plain { expr } => self.compile(binding.value_slot, expr),
fix(tvix/eval): declare let inherit (from) locals before compiling The recent change that split declaration of let based locals and the compilation of their values did not touch locals bound by inherit in let. These were previously declared and compiled immediately before starting to work on the other locals introduced in a let. In the case of plain inherits, this behavior is kept in this change, because there's nothing wrong with it: The value of a plain inherit will always resolve to a higher scope, either statically or dynamically. Since inherit (from) expression might refer to other locals bound in the same let, we need to handle them in the same three steps as ordinary let based locals: 1. We need to declare the (uninitialised) locals. 2. We need to compile the expression that obtains their value. For this, we create a new thunk, since the from expression may very well return a thunk which we need to force before selecting the value we are interested in. 3. Thunks need to be finalised. For 1., we create an extra pass over the inherits that already declares and initialises plain inherits and notes inherit (from) expressions in the entries vector after declaring them. 2. only needs a bit of adapting to create the thunks for selecting if appropriate, the rest of the existing code can be reused. Change-Id: Ie4ac1c0f9ffcbf7c07c452036aa8e577443af773 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <> Reviewed-by: tazjin <>
2022-09-07 15:37:29 +02:00
// Any code after this point will observe the value in the
// right stack slot, so mark it as initialised.
// Fourth pass to emit finaliser instructions if necessary.
for idx in value_indices {
if self.scope()[idx].needs_finaliser {
let stack_idx = self.scope().stack_index(idx);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpFinalise(stack_idx), node);
/// Compile a standard `let ...; in ...` expression.
/// Unless in a non-standard scope, the encountered values are
/// simply pushed on the stack and their indices noted in the
/// entries vector.
fn compile_let_in(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::LetIn) {
self.compile_recursive_scope(slot, false, &node);
// Deal with the body, then clean up the locals afterwards.
self.compile(slot, node.body().unwrap());
fn compile_ident(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::Ident) {
let ident = node.ident_token().unwrap();
// If the identifier is a global, and it is not poisoned, emit
// the global directly.
if let Some(global) = self.globals.get(ident.text()) {
if !self.scope().is_poisoned(ident.text()) {
global.clone()(self, node.clone());
match self.scope_mut().resolve_local(ident.text()) {
LocalPosition::Unknown => {
// Are we possibly dealing with an upvalue?
if let Some(idx) =
self.resolve_upvalue(self.contexts.len() - 1, ident.text(), &node)
self.push_op(OpCode::OpGetUpvalue(idx), &node);
// If there is a non-empty `with`-stack (or a parent
// context with one), emit a runtime dynamic
// resolution instruction.
if self.has_dynamic_ancestor() {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpResolveWith, &node);
// Otherwise, this variable is missing.
self.emit_error(&node, ErrorKind::UnknownStaticVariable);
LocalPosition::Known(idx) => {
let stack_idx = self.scope().stack_index(idx);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpGetLocal(stack_idx), &node);
// This identifier is referring to a value from the same
// scope which is not yet defined. This identifier access
// must be thunked.
LocalPosition::Recursive(idx) => self.thunk(slot, &node, move |compiler, node, _| {
let upvalue_idx = compiler.add_upvalue(
compiler.contexts.len() - 1,
compiler.push_op(OpCode::OpGetUpvalue(upvalue_idx), node);
/// Compile `with` expressions by emitting instructions that
/// pop/remove the indices of attribute sets that are implicitly
/// in scope through `with` on the "with-stack".
fn compile_with(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::With) {
// TODO: Detect if the namespace is just an identifier, and
// resolve that directly (thus avoiding duplication on the
// stack).
self.compile(slot, node.namespace().unwrap());
let span = self.span_for(&node.namespace().unwrap());
// The attribute set from which `with` inherits values
// occupies a slot on the stack, but this stack slot is not
// directly accessible. As it must be accounted for to
// calculate correct offsets, what we call a "phantom" local
// is declared here.
let local_idx = self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, true);
let with_idx = self.scope().stack_index(local_idx);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPushWith(with_idx), &node.namespace().unwrap());
self.compile(slot, node.body().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpPopWith, &node);
/// Compiles pattern function arguments, such as `{ a, b }: ...`.
/// These patterns are treated as a special case of locals binding
/// where the attribute set itself is placed on the first stack
/// slot of the call frame (either as a phantom, or named in case
/// of an `@` binding), and the function call sets up the rest of
/// the stack as if the parameters were rewritten into a `let`
/// binding.
/// For example:
/// ```nix
/// ({ a, b ? 2, c ? a * b, ... }@args: <body>) { a = 10; }
/// ```
/// would be compiled similarly to a binding such as
/// ```nix
/// let args = { a = 10; };
/// in let a = args.a;
/// b = args.a or 2;
/// c = args.c or a * b;
/// in <body>
/// ```
/// The only tricky bit being that bindings have to fail if too
/// many arguments are provided. This is done by emitting a
/// special instruction that checks the set of keys from a
/// constant containing the expected keys.
fn compile_param_pattern(&mut self, pattern: ast::Pattern) {
let span = self.span_for(&pattern);
let set_idx = match pattern.pat_bind() {
Some(name) => self.declare_local(&name, name.ident().unwrap().to_string()),
None => self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, true),
// At call time, the attribute set is already at the top of
// the stack.
// Similar to `let ... in ...`, we now do multiple passes over
// the bindings to first declare them, then populate them, and
// then finalise any necessary recursion into the scope.
let mut entries: Vec<(LocalIdx, ast::PatEntry)> = vec![];
let mut indices: Vec<LocalIdx> = vec![];
for entry in pattern.pat_entries() {
let ident = entry.ident().unwrap();
let idx = self.declare_local(&ident, ident.to_string());
entries.push((idx, entry));
// For each of the bindings, push the set on the stack and
// attempt to select from it.
let stack_idx = self.scope().stack_index(set_idx);
for (idx, entry) in entries.into_iter() {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpGetLocal(stack_idx), &pattern);
// Use the same mechanism as `compile_select_or` if a
// default value was provided, or simply select otherwise.
if let Some(default_expr) = entry.default() {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrsTrySelect, &entry.ident().unwrap());
let jump_to_default =
self.push_op(OpCode::OpJumpIfNotFound(JumpOffset(0)), &default_expr);
let jump_over_default = self.push_op(OpCode::OpJump(JumpOffset(0)), &default_expr);
self.compile(idx, default_expr);
} else {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrsSelect, &entry.ident().unwrap());
for idx in indices {
if self.scope()[idx].needs_finaliser {
let stack_idx = self.scope().stack_index(idx);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpFinalise(stack_idx), &pattern);
// TODO: strictly check if all keys have been consumed if
// there is no ellipsis.
if pattern.ellipsis_token().is_none() {
self.emit_warning(&pattern, WarningKind::NotImplemented("closed formals"));
fn compile_lambda(&mut self, outer_slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::Lambda) {
let span = self.span_for(&node);
let slot = self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, false);
// Compile the function itself
match node.param().unwrap() {
ast::Param::Pattern(pat) => self.compile_param_pattern(pat),
ast::Param::IdentParam(param) => {
let name = param
let idx = self.declare_local(&param, &name);
self.compile(slot, node.body().unwrap());
// TODO: determine and insert enclosing name, if available.
// Pop the lambda context back off, and emit the finished
// lambda as a constant.
let mut compiled = self.contexts.pop().unwrap();
// Check if tail-call optimisation is possible and perform it.
optimise_tail_call(&mut compiled.lambda.chunk);
// Capturing the with stack counts as an upvalue, as it is
// emitted as an upvalue data instruction.
if compiled.captures_with_stack {
compiled.lambda.upvalue_count += 1;
let lambda = Rc::new(compiled.lambda);;
// If the function is not a closure, just emit it directly and
// move on.
if lambda.upvalue_count == 0 {
self.emit_constant(Value::Closure(Closure::new(lambda)), &node);
// If the function is a closure, we need to emit the variable
// number of operands that allow the runtime to close over the
// upvalues and leave a blueprint in the constant index from
// which the runtime closure can be constructed.
let blueprint_idx = self.chunk().push_constant(Value::Blueprint(lambda));
self.push_op(OpCode::OpClosure(blueprint_idx), &node);
fn compile_apply(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::Apply) {
// To call a function, we leave its arguments on the stack,
// followed by the function expression itself, and then emit a
// call instruction. This way, the stack is perfectly laid out
// to enter the function call straight away.
self.compile(slot, node.argument().unwrap());
self.compile(slot, node.lambda().unwrap());
self.push_op(OpCode::OpCall, &node);
fn compile_legacy_let(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: ast::LegacyLet) {
self.emit_warning(&node, WarningKind::DeprecatedLegacyLet);
self.compile_recursive_scope(slot, true, &node);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrs(Count(node.entries().count())), &node);
self.emit_constant(Value::String(SmolStr::new_inline("body").into()), &node);
self.push_op(OpCode::OpAttrsSelect, &node);
/// Compile an expression into a runtime thunk which should be
/// lazily evaluated when accessed.
// TODO: almost the same as Compiler::compile_lambda; unify?
fn thunk<N, F>(&mut self, outer_slot: LocalIdx, node: &N, content: F)
N: ToSpan + Clone,
F: FnOnce(&mut Compiler, &N, LocalIdx),
let span = self.span_for(node);
let slot = self.scope_mut().declare_phantom(span, false);
content(self, node, slot);
let mut thunk = self.contexts.pop().unwrap();
optimise_tail_call(&mut thunk.lambda.chunk);
// Capturing the with stack counts as an upvalue, as it is
// emitted as an upvalue data instruction.
if thunk.captures_with_stack {
thunk.lambda.upvalue_count += 1;
let lambda = Rc::new(thunk.lambda);;
// Emit the thunk directly if it does not close over the
// environment.
if lambda.upvalue_count == 0 {
self.emit_constant(Value::Thunk(Thunk::new(lambda)), node);
// Otherwise prepare for runtime construction of the thunk.
let blueprint_idx = self.chunk().push_constant(Value::Blueprint(lambda));
self.push_op(OpCode::OpThunk(blueprint_idx), node);
/// Emit the data instructions that the runtime needs to correctly
/// assemble the upvalues struct.
fn emit_upvalue_data<T: ToSpan>(
&mut self,
slot: LocalIdx,
node: &T,
upvalues: Vec<Upvalue>,
capture_with: bool,
) {
let this_depth = self.scope()[slot].depth;
let this_stack_slot = self.scope().stack_index(slot);
for upvalue in upvalues {
match upvalue.kind {
UpvalueKind::Local(idx) => {
let target_depth = self.scope()[idx].depth;
let stack_idx = self.scope().stack_index(idx);
// If the upvalue slot is located at the same
// depth, but *after* the closure, the upvalue
// resolution must be deferred until the scope is
// fully initialised and can be finalised.
if this_depth == target_depth && this_stack_slot < stack_idx {
self.push_op(OpCode::DataDeferredLocal(stack_idx), &upvalue.node);
} else {
self.push_op(OpCode::DataLocalIdx(stack_idx), &upvalue.node);
UpvalueKind::Upvalue(idx) => {
self.push_op(OpCode::DataUpvalueIdx(idx), &upvalue.node);
fix(tvix/eval): correctly thread through dynamic upvalues This puts together the puzzle pieces for threading dynamic upvalues (that is, upvalues resolved from the `with`-stack) all the way through. Reading the test case enclosed in this commit and walking through it is recommended to understand what problem is being tackled here. In short, because the compiler can not statically know *which* with-scope a dynamic argument is resolved from it needs to lay the groundwork for resolving from *all* possible scopes. There are multiple different approaches to doing this. The approach chosen in this commit is that if a dynamic upvalue is detected, the compiler will emit instructions to close over this dynamic value in *all* enclosing lambda contexts. It uses a new instruction for this that will leave around a sentinel value in case an identifier could not be resolved, and wire the location of this found value (or sentinel) up through the upvalues to the next level of nesting. In this tradeoff, tvix potentially closes over more upvalues than are needed (but in practice, how often do people create *really* deep `with`-stacks? and in *this* kind of code situation? maybe we should even warn for this!) but avoids keeping the entire attribute sets themselves around. Looking at the test case, each surrounding closure will close over *all* dynamic identifiers that are referenced later on visible to it, but only the last one for each identifier will actually end up being used. This also covers our bases for an additional edge-case this creates, in which an identifier potentially resolves to a dynamic upvalue *and* to a dynamic value within the function's own scope (again, would anyone really do this?) by introducing a resolution instruction for that particular case. There is likely some potential for cleaning up this code which is quite ugly in some parts, but as this implementation is now carefully calibrated to work I decided it is time to commit it and clean it up in subsequent commits. Change-Id: Ib701e3e6da39bd2c95938d1384036ff4f9fb3749 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: sterni <>
2022-08-28 03:45:45 +03:00
if capture_with {
// TODO(tazjin): probably better to emit span for the ident that caused this
self.push_op(OpCode::DataCaptureWith, node);
/// Emit the literal string value of an identifier. Required for
/// several operations related to attribute sets, where
/// identifiers are used as string keys.
fn emit_literal_ident(&mut self, ident: &ast::Ident) {
/// Patch the jump instruction at the given index, setting its
/// jump offset from the placeholder to the current code position.
/// This is required because the actual target offset of jumps is
/// not known at the time when the jump operation itself is
/// emitted.
fn patch_jump(&mut self, idx: CodeIdx) {
let offset = JumpOffset(self.chunk().code.len() - 1 - idx.0);
match &mut self.chunk().code[idx.0] {
| OpCode::OpJumpIfFalse(n)
| OpCode::OpJumpIfTrue(n)
| OpCode::OpJumpIfNotFound(n) => {
*n = offset;
op => panic!("attempted to patch unsupported op: {:?}", op),
/// Decrease scope depth of the current function and emit
/// instructions to clean up the stack at runtime.
fn cleanup_scope<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N) {
// When ending a scope, all corresponding locals need to be
// removed, but the value of the body needs to remain on the
// stack. This is implemented by a separate instruction.
let (popcount, unused_spans) = self.scope_mut().end_scope();
for span in &unused_spans {
self.emit_warning(span, WarningKind::UnusedBinding);
if popcount > 0 {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpCloseScope(Count(popcount)), node);
/// Open a new lambda context within which to compile a function,
/// closure or thunk.
fn new_context(&mut self) {
// This must inherit the scope-poisoning status of the parent
// in order for upvalue resolution to work correctly with
// poisoned identifiers.
/// Declare a local variable known in the scope that is being
/// compiled by pushing it to the locals. This is used to
/// determine the stack offset of variables.
fn declare_local<S: Into<String>, N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N, name: S) -> LocalIdx {
let name = name.into();
let depth = self.scope().scope_depth();
// Do this little dance to get ahold of the *static* key and
// use it for poisoning if required.
let key: Option<&'static str> = match self.globals.get_key_value(name.as_str()) {
Some((key, _)) => Some(*key),
None => None,
if let Some(global_ident) = key {
self.emit_warning(node, WarningKind::ShadowedGlobal(global_ident));
self.scope_mut().poison(global_ident, depth);
for other in self.scope().locals.iter().rev() {
if other.has_name(&name) && other.depth == depth {
self.emit_error(node, ErrorKind::VariableAlreadyDefined(other.span));
let span = self.span_for(node);
self.scope_mut().declare_local(name, span)
fn resolve_upvalue(
&mut self,
ctx_idx: usize,
name: &str,
node: &rnix::ast::Ident,
) -> Option<UpvalueIdx> {
if ctx_idx == 0 {
// There can not be any upvalue at the outermost context.
return None;
// Determine whether the upvalue is a local in the enclosing context.
match self.contexts[ctx_idx - 1].scope.resolve_local(name) {
// recursive upvalues are dealt with the same way as
// standard known ones, as thunks and closures are
// guaranteed to be placed on the stack (i.e. in the right
// position) *during* their runtime construction
LocalPosition::Known(idx) | LocalPosition::Recursive(idx) => {
return Some(self.add_upvalue(ctx_idx, node, UpvalueKind::Local(idx)))
LocalPosition::Unknown => { /* continue below */ }
// If the upvalue comes from even further up, we need to
// recurse to make sure that the upvalues are created at each
// level.
if let Some(idx) = self.resolve_upvalue(ctx_idx - 1, name, node) {
return Some(self.add_upvalue(ctx_idx, node, UpvalueKind::Upvalue(idx)));
/// Determine whether the current lambda context has any ancestors
/// that use dynamic scope resolution, and mark contexts as
/// needing to capture their enclosing `with`-stack in their
/// upvalues.
fn has_dynamic_ancestor(&mut self) -> bool {
let mut ancestor_has_with = false;
for ctx in self.contexts.iter_mut() {
if ancestor_has_with {
// If the ancestor has an active with stack, mark this
// lambda context as needing to capture it.
ctx.captures_with_stack = true;
} else {
// otherwise, check this context and move on
ancestor_has_with = ctx.scope.has_with();
fn add_upvalue(
&mut self,
ctx_idx: usize,
node: &rnix::ast::Ident,
kind: UpvalueKind,
) -> UpvalueIdx {
// If there is already an upvalue closing over the specified
// index, retrieve that instead.
for (idx, existing) in self.contexts[ctx_idx].scope.upvalues.iter().enumerate() {
if existing.kind == kind {
return UpvalueIdx(idx);
self.contexts[ctx_idx].scope.upvalues.push(Upvalue {
node: node.clone(),
let idx = UpvalueIdx(self.contexts[ctx_idx].lambda.upvalue_count);
self.contexts[ctx_idx].lambda.upvalue_count += 1;
fn emit_force<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N) {
self.push_op(OpCode::OpForce, node);
fn emit_warning<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N, kind: WarningKind) {
let span = self.span_for(node);
self.warnings.push(EvalWarning { kind, span })
fn emit_error<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N, kind: ErrorKind) {
let span = self.span_for(node);
self.errors.push(Error { kind, span })
/// Convert a non-dynamic string expression to a string if possible.
fn expr_static_str(&self, node: &ast::Str) -> Option<String> {
let mut parts = node.normalized_parts();
if parts.len() != 1 {
return None;
if let Some(ast::InterpolPart::Literal(lit)) = parts.pop() {
return Some(lit);
/// Convert the provided `ast::Attr` into a statically known
/// string if possible.
// TODO(tazjin): these should probably be SmolStr
fn expr_static_attr_str(&self, node: &ast::Attr) -> Option<String> {
match node {
ast::Attr::Ident(ident) => Some(ident.ident_token().unwrap().text().into()),
ast::Attr::Str(s) => self.expr_static_str(s),
// The dynamic node type is just a wrapper. C++ Nix does not
// care about the dynamic wrapper when determining whether the
// node itself is dynamic, it depends solely on the expression
// inside (i.e. `let ${"a"} = 1; in a` is valid).
ast::Attr::Dynamic(ref dynamic) => match dynamic.expr().unwrap() {
ast::Expr::Str(s) => self.expr_static_str(&s),
_ => None,
/// Construct the error returned when a dynamic attribute is found
/// in a `let`-expression.
fn dynamic_key_error<N>(&self, node: &N) -> Error
N: ToSpan,
Error {
kind: ErrorKind::DynamicKeyInLet,
span: self.span_for(node),
/// Convert a single identifier path fragment of a let binding to
/// a string if possible, or raise an error about the node being
/// dynamic.
fn binding_name(&self, node: ast::Attr) -> EvalResult<String> {
.ok_or_else(|| self.dynamic_key_error(&node))
/// Normalises identifier fragments into a single string vector
/// for `let`-expressions; fails if fragments requiring dynamic
/// computation are encountered.
fn normalise_ident_path<I: Iterator<Item = ast::Attr>>(
path: I,
) -> EvalResult<Vec<String>> {|node| self.binding_name(node)).collect()
/// Perform tail-call optimisation if the last call within a
/// compiled chunk is another call.
fn optimise_tail_call(chunk: &mut Chunk) {
let last_op = chunk
.expect("compiler bug: chunk should never be empty");
if matches!(last_op, OpCode::OpCall) {
*last_op = OpCode::OpTailCall;
/// Prepare the full set of globals from additional globals supplied
/// by the caller of the compiler, as well as the built-in globals
/// that are always part of the language.
/// Note that all builtin functions are *not* considered part of the
/// language in this sense and MUST be supplied as additional global
/// values, including the `builtins` set itself.
fn prepare_globals(additional: HashMap<&'static str, Value>) -> GlobalsMap {
let mut globals: GlobalsMap = HashMap::new();
Rc::new(|compiler, node| {
compiler.push_op(OpCode::OpTrue, &node);
Rc::new(|compiler, node| {
compiler.push_op(OpCode::OpFalse, &node);
Rc::new(|compiler, node| {
compiler.push_op(OpCode::OpNull, &node);
for (ident, value) in additional.into_iter() {
Rc::new(move |compiler, node| compiler.emit_constant(value.clone(), &node)),
pub fn compile(
expr: ast::Expr,
location: Option<PathBuf>,
file: &codemap::File,
globals: HashMap<&'static str, Value>,
observer: &mut dyn Observer,
) -> EvalResult<CompilationOutput> {
let mut root_dir = match location {
Some(dir) => Ok(dir),
None => std::env::current_dir().map_err(|e| Error {
kind: ErrorKind::PathResolution(format!(
"could not determine current directory: {}",
span: file.span,
// If the path passed from the caller points to a file, the
// filename itself needs to be truncated as this must point to a
// directory.
if root_dir.is_file() {
let mut c = Compiler {
globals: prepare_globals(globals),
contexts: vec![LambdaCtx::new()],
warnings: vec![],
errors: vec![],
let root_span = c.span_for(&expr);
let root_slot = c.scope_mut().declare_phantom(root_span, false);
c.compile(root_slot, expr.clone());
// The final operation of any top-level Nix program must always be
// `OpForce`. A thunk should not be returned to the user in an
// unevaluated state (though in practice, a value *containing* a
// thunk might be returned).
let lambda = Rc::new(c.contexts.pop().unwrap().lambda);;
Ok(CompilationOutput {
warnings: c.warnings,
errors: c.errors,