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Common Lisp
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(in-package :panettone)
(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
(defvar *cheddar-url* "http://localhost:4238")
(defgeneric render-markdown (markdown)
"Render the argument, or the elements of the argument, as markdown, and return
the same structure"))
(defun request-markdown-from-cheddar (input)
"Send the CL value INPUT encoded as JSON to cheddar's
markdown endpoint and return the decoded response."
(let ((s (drakma:http-request
(concatenate 'string
:accept "application/json"
:method :post
:content-type "application/json"
:external-format-out :utf-8
:content (json:encode-json-to-string input)
:want-stream t)))
(setf (flexi-streams:flexi-stream-external-format s) :utf-8)
(cl-json:decode-json s)))
(defmethod render-markdown ((markdown string))
(cdr (assoc :markdown
`((markdown . ,markdown))))))
(defmethod render-markdown ((markdown hash-table))
(request-markdown-from-cheddar markdown)))
(defun markdownify-comment-bodies (comments)
"Convert the bodies of the given list of comments to markdown in-place using
Cheddar, and return nothing"
(let ((in (make-hash-table))
(comment-table (make-hash-table)))
(dolist (comment comments)
(when (typep comment 'model:issue-comment)
(setf (gethash (id comment) in) (body comment))
(setf (gethash (id comment) comment-table) comment)))
(let ((res (render-markdown in)))
(iter (for (comment-id markdown-body) in-hashtable res)
(let ((comment-id (parse-integer (symbol-name comment-id))))
(setf (slot-value (gethash comment-id comment-table)
;;; Views
(defvar *title* "Panettone")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(setf (who:html-mode) :html5))
(defun render/nav ()
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
(if (find (car (split "\\?" (hunchentoot:request-uri*) :limit 2))
(list "/" "/issues/closed")
:test #'string=)
(who:htm (:span :class "placeholder"))
(who:htm (:a :href "/" "All Issues")))
(if *user*
(:div :class "nav-group"
(:a :href "/settings" "Settings")
(:form :class "form-link log-out"
:method "post"
:action "/logout"
(:input :type "submit" :value "Log Out"))))
(:a :href
(format nil
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
(drakma:url-encode (hunchentoot:request-uri*)
"Log In"))))))
(defun author (object)
(find-user-by-dn (author-dn object)))
(defun displayname-if-known (user)
(or (when user (displayname user))
(defmacro render ((&key
(footer t)
(header t))
&body body)
`(who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t)
:lang "en"
(:title (who:esc *title*))
(:link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "/main.css")
(:meta :name "viewport"
:content "width=device-width,initial-scale=1"))
:class "content"
(when ,header
(when ,footer
(defun form-button (&key
(method "post"))
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
(:form :class class
:method method
:action href
(:input :type "submit"
:class input-class
:value label))))
(defun render/alert (message)
"Render an alert box for MESSAGE, if non-null"
(check-type message (or null string))
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
(when message
(who:htm (:div :class "alert" (who:esc message))))))
(defun render/settings ()
(let ((settings (model:settings-for-user (dn *user*))))
(render ()
:class "settings-page"
(:h1 "Settings"))
:method :post :action "/settings"
(:label :class "checkbox"
(:input :type "checkbox"
:name "enable-email-notifications"
:id "enable-email-notifications"
:checked (model:enable-email-notifications-p
"Enable Email Notifications"))
(:div :class "form-group"
(:input :type "submit"
:value "Save Settings")))))))
(defun created-by-at (issue)
(check-type issue model:issue)
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
(:span :class "created-by-at"
"Opened by "
(:span :class "username"
(who:esc (displayname-if-known
(author issue))))
" at "
(:span :class "timestamp"
(format-dottime (created-at issue)))))))
(defun render/issue-list (&key issues)
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
:class "issue-list"
(dolist (issue issues)
(let ((issue-id (model:id issue)))
(:a :href (format nil "/issues/~A" issue-id)
(:span :class "issue-subject"
(render-inline-markdown (subject issue))))
(:span :class "issue-number"
(who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id)))
" - "
(created-by-at issue)
(let ((num-comments (length (model:issue-comments issue))))
(unless (zerop num-comments)
(:span :class "comment-count"
" - "
(format nil "~A comment~:p" num-comments))))))))))))))
(defun render/index (&key issues)
(render ()
(:h1 "Issues")
(when *user*
:class "new-issue"
:href "/issues/new" "New Issue"))))
:class "issue-links"
(:a :href "/issues/closed" "View closed issues"))
(render/issue-list :issues issues))))
(defun render/closed-issues (&key issues)
(render ()
(:h1 "Closed issues"))
:class "issue-links"
(:a :href "/" "View open isues"))
(render/issue-list :issues issues))))
(defun render/issue-form (&optional issue message)
(let ((editing (and issue (id issue))))
(render ()
(if editing "Edit Issue" "New Issue"))))
(render/alert message)
(:form :method "post"
:action (if editing
(format nil "/issues/~A"
(id issue))
:class "issue-form"
(:input :type "text"
:id "subject"
:name "subject"
:placeholder "Subject"
:value (when editing
(subject issue)))))
(:textarea :name "body"
:placeholder "Description"
:rows 10
(when editing
(body issue)))))
(:input :type "submit"
(if editing
"Save Issue"
"Create Issue")))))))
(defun render/new-comment (issue-id)
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
:class "new-comment"
:method "post"
:action (format nil "/issues/~A/comments" issue-id)
(:textarea :name "body"
:placeholder "Leave a comment"
:rows 5))
(:input :type "submit"
:value "Comment"))))
(defgeneric render/issue-history-item (item))
(defmethod render/issue-history-item ((comment model:issue-comment))
(let ((fragment (format nil "comment-~A" (id comment))))
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
:class "comment"
:id fragment
(:p (who:str (body comment)))
:class "comment-info"
(:span :class "username"
(displayname-if-known (author comment)))
" at "
(:a :href (concatenate 'string "#" fragment)
(who:esc (format-dottime (created-at comment))))))))))
(defmethod render/issue-history-item ((event model:issue-event))
(let ((user (find-user-by-dn (acting-user-dn event)))
(fragment (format nil "event-~A" (id event))))
(who:with-html-output (*standard-output*)
:class "event"
:id fragment
(who:esc (displayname-if-known user))
(switch ((field event) :test #'string=)
(switch ((new-value event) :test #'string=)
("OPEN" " reopened ")
("CLOSED" " closed ")))
" this issue "))
("BODY" (who:htm " updated the body of this issue"))
" changed the "
(who:esc (string-downcase (field event)))
" of this issue from \""
(who:esc (previous-value event))
"\" to \""
(who:esc (new-value event))
" at "
(who:esc (format-dottime (created-at event)))))))
(defun render/issue (issue)
(check-type issue model:issue)
(let ((issue-id (id issue))
(issue-status (status issue)))
(render ()
(:h1 (render-inline-markdown (subject issue)))
(:div :class "issue-number"
(who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id))))
:class "issue-info"
(created-by-at issue)
(when *user*
(when (string= (author-dn issue)
(dn *user*))
(:a :class "edit-issue"
:href (format nil "/issues/~A/edit"
:class "set-issue-status"
:href (format nil "/issues/~A/~A"
(case issue-status
(:open "close")
(:closed "open")))
:input-class (case issue-status
(:open "close-issue")
(:closed "open-issue"))
:label (case issue-status
(:open "Close")
(:closed "Reopen"))))))
(:p (who:str (render-markdown (body issue))))
(let* ((comments (model:issue-comments issue))
(events (model:issue-events issue))
(history (merge 'list
:key #'created-at)))
(markdownify-comment-bodies comments)
(when (or history *user*)
:class "issue-history"
(dolist (item history)
(render/issue-history-item item))
(when *user*
(render/new-comment (id issue)))))))))))
(defun render/not-found (entity-type)
(render ()
(:h1 (who:esc entity-type) " Not Found")))
;;; HTTP handlers
(defun send-email-for-issue
(issue-id &key subject (message ""))
"Send an email notification to all subscribers to the given issue with the
given subject an body (in a thread, to avoid blocking)"
(let ((current-user *user*))
(lambda ()
(pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
(dolist (user-dn (model:issue-subscribers issue-id))
(when (not (equal (dn current-user) user-dn))
:subject subject
:message message))))))))
(defun link-to-issue (issue-id)
(format nil "" issue-id))
(defun @auth-optional (next)
(let ((*user* (hunchentoot:session-value 'user)))
(funcall next)))
(defun @auth (next)
(if-let ((*user* (hunchentoot:session-value 'user)))
(funcall next)
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
(format nil "/auth?original-uri=~A"
(defun @db (next)
"Decorator for handlers that use the database, wrapped in a transaction."
(pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
(pomo:with-transaction ()
;; 'hunchentoot:handler-done is unexported, but is used by functions
;; like hunchentoot:redirect to nonlocally abort the request handler -
;; this doesn't mean an error occurred, so we need to catch it here to
;; make the transaction still get committed
(funcall next)))))
(defun @handle-issue-not-found (next)
(handler-case (funcall next)
(model:issue-not-found (err)
(format nil "Issue #~A" (model:not-found-id err))))))
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
(defroute auth-handler ("/auth" :method :get :decorators (@auth-optional)) ()
(if-let ((code (hunchentoot:get-parameter "code")))
(let ((user (fetch-token code)))
(setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'user) user)
(hunchentoot:redirect (or (hunchentoot:session-value 'original-uri) "/")))
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
(when-let ((original-uri (hunchentoot:get-parameter "original-uri")))
(setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'original-uri) original-uri))
(hunchentoot:redirect (authn:auth-url)))))
(defroute logout ("/logout" :method :post) ()
(hunchentoot:delete-session-value 'user)
(hunchentoot:redirect "/"))
(defroute index ("/" :decorators (@auth-optional @db)) ()
(let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :open)))
(render/index :issues issues)))
(defroute settings ("/settings" :method :get :decorators (@auth @db)) ()
(defroute save-settings ("/settings" :method :post :decorators (@auth @db))
(&post enable-email-notifications)
(let ((settings (model:settings-for-user (dn *user*))))
'model:enable-email-notifications enable-email-notifications)
(defroute handle-closed-issues
("/issues/closed" :decorators (@auth-optional @db)) ()
(let ((issues (model:list-issues :status :closed)))
(render/closed-issues :issues issues)))
(defroute new-issue ("/issues/new" :decorators (@auth)) ()
(defroute handle-create-issue
("/issues" :method :post :decorators (@auth @db))
(&post subject body)
(if (string= subject "")
(make-instance 'model:issue :subject subject :body body)
"Subject is required")
(let ((issue
(model:create-issue :subject subject
:body body
:author-dn (dn *user*))))
(format nil
"b/~A: \"~A\" opened by ~A -"
(id issue)
(irc:noping (cn *user*))
(id issue))
:channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
(hunchentoot:redirect "/"))))
(defroute show-issue
("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth-optional @handle-issue-not-found @db))
(&path (id 'integer))
(let* ((issue (model:get-issue id))
(*title* (format nil "~A | Panettone"
(subject issue))))
(render/issue issue)))
(defroute edit-issue
("/issues/:id/edit" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db))
(&path (id 'integer))
(let* ((issue (model:get-issue id))
(*title* "Edit Issue | Panettone"))
(render/issue-form issue)))
(defroute update-issue
("/issues/:id" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
;; NOTE: this should be a put, but we're all HTML forms
;; right now and those don't support PUT
:method :post)
(&path (id 'integer) &post subject body)
(let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
;; only the original author can edit an issue
(if (string-equal (author-dn issue)
(dn *user*))
(model:update-issue issue
'model:subject subject
'model:body body)
(hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id)))
(render/not-found "Issue"))))
(defroute handle-create-comment
:decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
:method :post)
(&path (id 'integer) &post body)
(flet ((redirect-to-issue ()
(hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id))))
((string= body "")
:issue-id id
:body body
:author-dn (dn *user*))
(let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
:subject (format nil "~A commented on b/~A: \"~A\""
(displayname *user*)
(subject issue))
:message (format nil "~A~%~%~A"
(link-to-issue id))))
(defroute close-issue
("/issues/:id/close" :decorators (@auth @handle-issue-not-found @db)
:method :post)
(&path (id 'integer))
(model:set-issue-status id :closed)
(let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
(format nil
"b/~A: \"~A\" closed by ~A - ~A"
(subject issue)
(irc:noping (cn *user*))
(link-to-issue id))
:channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
:subject (format nil "b/~A: \"~A\" closed by ~A"
(subject issue)
(displayname *user*))
:message (link-to-issue id)))
(hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id)))
(defroute open-issue
("/issues/:id/open" :decorators (@auth @db)
:method :post)
(&path (id 'integer))
(model:set-issue-status id :open)
(let ((issue (model:get-issue id)))
(format nil
"b/~A: \"~A\" reopened by ~A - ~A"
(subject issue)
(irc:noping (cn *user*))
(link-to-issue id))
:channel (or (uiop:getenvp "ISSUECHANNEL")
:subject (format nil "b/~A: \"~A\" reopened by ~A"
(subject issue)
(displayname *user*))
:message (link-to-issue id)))
(hunchentoot:redirect (format nil "/issues/~A" id)))
(defroute styles ("/main.css") ()
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/css")
(apply #'lass:compile-and-write panettone.css:styles))
(defvar *acceptor* nil
"Hunchentoot acceptor for Panettone's web server.")
(defun migrate-db ()
"Migrate the database to the latest version of the schema"
(pomo:with-connection *pg-spec*
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
(defun start-panettone (&key port session-secret)
(when session-secret
(setq hunchentoot:*session-secret* session-secret))
(setq hunchentoot:*session-max-time* (* 60 60 24 90))
(setq *acceptor*
(make-instance 'easy-routes:routes-acceptor :port port))
(hunchentoot:start *acceptor*))
(defun main ()
(let ((port (integer-env "PANETTONE_PORT" :default 6161))
(cheddar-url (uiop:getenvp "CHEDDAR_URL"))
(session-secret (uiop:getenvp "SESSION_SECRET")))
(when cheddar-url (setq *cheddar-url* cheddar-url))
(setq hunchentoot:*show-lisp-backtraces-p* nil)
(setq hunchentoot:*log-lisp-backtraces-p* nil)
(start-panettone :port port
:session-secret session-secret)
(format t "launched panettone on port ~A~%" port)
(find-if (lambda (th)
(string= (sb-thread:thread-name th)
(format nil "hunchentoot-listener-*:~A" port)))
(setq hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* nil)
feat(web/panettone): Implement OAuth2-based authentication Instead of directly connecting to LDAP and attempting to bind usernames/password, authenticate users through an OAuth2 flow to Keycloak. This has the advantage of reusing the same SSO we already have for Gerrit, Buildkite, ... However, much of panettone's functionality makes assumptions about LDAP being used. As a result there are some warts introduced by this (for now): * Since LDAP DNs are used as primary keys for users, we have to construct fake DNs based on LDAP usernames It might be sensible to migrate this to the UUIDs used by Keycloak eventually. * LDAP is part of the serving path for issues (for fetching user information), however panettone no longer has a way to fetch arbitrary user information unless it is persisted in its database. To work around this, we construct a "fake" user based only on its DN (i.e. only the username is going to be "correct") and use that to serve issues. * Email notifications no longer work (panettone can not access email addresses) Some of these need to be worked around by persisting some of that information in the panettone database instead, as we don't want to give the service the ability to access arbitrary user information anymore. We can probably do this with the user settings feature that already exists and populate it on launch, but as of this commit email and displayName functionality is simply broken. Change-Id: Id32bf5e09d67f0f1e883024c6e013eb342f03b05 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: grfn <> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2022-05-28 18:20:05 +02:00
;; to setup an ssh tunnel to cheddar+irccat for development:
;; ssh -N -L 4238:localhost:4238 -L 4722:localhost:4722
(start-panettone :port 6161
:session-secret "session-secret")