feat(panettone): render a subset of markdown in issue subjects
This is achieved by implementing a simple markdown renderer in CL which has the following limitations: * Only supports inline `code`, *emphasize 1*, _emphasize 2_ and ~~strikethrough~~. * Does not support nested markup. This allows for a relatively simple renderer which doesn't need to parse markdown into a in-memory data structure first. The rendered result is directly written to a stream to integrate well with cl-who which is also reused for rendering tags and xml-escaping strings. Fixes #90. Change-Id: Ice88ed770b1fab6365f3b93e8663e25077befa0b Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/2389 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: glittershark <grfn@gws.fyi> Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 198 additions and 4 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ depot.nix.buildLisp.program {
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ depot.nix.buildLisp.program {
srcs = [
expression = "(fiveam:run!)";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
(in-package :panettone.inline-markdown)
(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
(define-constant +inline-markup-types+
'(("~~" :del)
("_" :em)
("*" :em)
("`" :code))
:test #'equal)
(defun next-token (mkdn &optional (escaped nil))
"Parses and returns the next token from the beginning of
an inline markdown string which is not altered. The resulting
tokens are either :normal (normal text), :special (syntactically
significant) or :escaped (escaped using \\). If the string is
empty, a pseudo-token named :endofinput is returned. Return value
is a list where the first element is the token type, the second
the token content and optionally the third the markup type."
; special tokens are syntactically significant characters
; or strings for our inline markdown subset. “normal” tokens
; the strings in between
(let* ((special-toks #.'(cons (list "\\" :escape) +inline-markup-types+))
(toks (loop
for tok in special-toks
for pos = (search (car tok) mkdn)
when pos collect (cons tok pos)))
(unless (null toks)
(reduce (lambda (a b) (if (< (cdr a) (cdr b)) a b)) toks))))
; end of input
((= (length mkdn) 0) (list :endofinput ""))
; no special tokens, just return entire string
((null next-tok) (list :normal mkdn))
; special token, but not at the beginning of the string
; so we return everything until the special token as
; a string
((> (cdr next-tok) 0) (list :normal (subseq mkdn 0 (cdr next-tok))))
; \ at the beginning of the string: we get the next
; token and mark it as escaped unless we are already
; escaping in which case we just return the backslash
; as a special token
((eq (cadr (car next-tok)) :escape)
(if escaped
(list :special "\\")
(list :escaped
(next-token (subseq mkdn 1) t))))
; any other special token at the beginning of the string
; here we also pass the markup type as a third list element
; to prevent unnecessesary lookups
(t (list :special
(subseq mkdn 0 (length (car (car next-tok))))
(cadr (car next-tok)))))))
(defun token-length (tok-type tok-str)
"Returns the string length consumed by a call
to next-token returning the given token type and string."
(check-type tok-type symbol)
(if (eq tok-type :escaped)
; backslash + length of escaped token
(check-type tok-str list)
(1+ (token-length (car tok-str) (cadr tok-str))))
(check-type tok-str string)
(length tok-str))))
(defun write-tag (tag pos &optional (target *standard-output*))
"Wrapper around who:convert-tag-to-string-list to
only output a single :opening or :closing tag."
(check-type tag symbol)
(check-type pos symbol)
((eq pos :opening) 0)
((eq pos :closing) 3)
(t (error 'simple-type-error)))))
(tag-part (subseq
(who:convert-tag-to-string-list tag nil nil nil)
index (+ index 3)))
(write-string tag-part target))))
(defun render-inline-markdown (s &optional (target *standard-output*) (in :normal))
"Render inline markdown, a subset of markdown safe to render
inside inline elements. The resulting html is directly written
to a specified stream or *standard-output* to integrate well
with cl-who."
(check-type s string)
(check-type target stream)
for (tok-type tok-str tok-markup) = (next-token s)
do (setq s (subseq s (token-length tok-type tok-str)))
when (eq tok-type :endofinput)
return ""
when (eq tok-type :normal)
do (write-string (who:escape-string tok-str) target)
when (eq tok-type :escaped)
do (progn
; if normal tokens are escaped we treat the \ as if it were \\
; TODO(sterni): maybe also use the :normal behavior in :code except for #\`.
(when (eq (car tok-str) :normal)
(write-char #\\ target))
(write-string (who:escape-string (cadr tok-str)) target))
when (eq tok-type :special)
do (cond
; we are on the outer level and encounter a special token:
; render surrounding tags and call ourselves to render
; inner content.
((eq in :normal)
(write-tag tok-markup :opening target)
(setq s (render-inline-markdown s target tok-markup))
(write-tag tok-markup :closing target)))
; we are on the inner level and encounter the token that initiated
; our markup again, meaning we need to return to the outer level.
; we return the remaining string to be consumed.
((eq in tok-markup) (return s))
; remaining case: we are on the inner level and encounter different markup.
; we don't support nested markup for simplicity reasons, so instead we
; just render any nested markdown tokens as if they were escaped. This
; only eliminates the slight use case for nesting :em inside :del, but
; shouldn't be too bad. As a side effect this is the precise behavior
; we want for :code.
; TODO(sterni): maybe bring back the restart-based system which allowed
; to skip nested tokens if desired.
(t (write-string (who:escape-string tok-str) target)))))
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
(:use :cl :lass)
(:export :styles))
(defpackage panettone.inline-markdown
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :alexandria :define-constant)
(:export :render-inline-markdown))
(defpackage panettone.irc
(:use :cl :usocket)
(:export :send-irc-notification))
@ -42,7 +47,8 @@
(defpackage panettone
(:use :cl :klatre :easy-routes :iterate
(:import-from :defclass-std :defclass/std)
(:import-from :alexandria :if-let :when-let :switch :alist-hash-table)
(:import-from :cl-ppcre :split)
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
(:a :href (format nil "/issues/~A" issue-id)
(:span :class "issue-subject"
(who:esc (subject issue))))
(render-inline-markdown (subject issue))))
(:span :class "issue-number"
(who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id)))
" - "
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
(issue-status (status issue)))
(render ()
(:h1 (who:esc (subject issue)))
(:h1 (render-inline-markdown (subject issue)))
(:div :class "issue-number"
(who:esc (format nil "#~A" issue-id))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
(in-package :panettone.tests)
(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
(defmacro inline-markdown-unit-test (name input expected)
`(test ,name
(is (equal
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
(render-inline-markdown ,input))))))
"hello _world_, here is ~~no~~ `code`!"
"hello <em>world</em>, here is <del>no</del> <code>code</code>!")
"_stress_ *this*"
"<em>stress</em> <em>this</em>")
"`inside code *anything* goes`, but also ~~*here*~~"
"<code>inside code *anything* goes</code>, but also <del>*here*</del>")
"A backslash \\\\ shows: \\*, \\_, \\` and \\~~"
"A backslash \\ shows: *, _, ` and ~~")
"`prevent \\`code\\` from ending, but never stand alone \\\\`"
"<code>prevent `code` from ending, but never stand alone \\</code>")
"\\Normal tokens \\escaped?"
"\\Normal tokens \\escaped?")
"A tag, once opened, _must be closed"
"A tag, once opened, <em>must be closed</em>")
"Does Unicode 👨👨👧👦 break \\👩🏾🦰 tokenization?"
"Does Unicode 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 break \\👩🏾‍🦰 tokenization?")
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
(defpackage :panettone.tests
(:use :cl :klatre :fiveam))
(:use :cl :klatre :fiveam
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