La présence de DJDT sur l'interface admin multiplie par 100 environ
(sans exagération) les temps de chargement des pages, cause des 503, et
a une utilité au plus limitée. Cette MR vire donc l'addon de l'interface
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
- Typo
- Removes old comments
- Moves the template debug context processor back to the common file: it
won't be loaded anyway if `DEBUG=False`.
- Ddt's middleware should be loaded first
We reproduce what has been done here:
The following files can be found under `cof/settings/`
- ``: the settings that are shared by all the environments we
have + the secrets (see below).
- ``: the settings used by the vagrant VM for local development.
- ``: the production settings (for both and
There is also a notion of "secrets". Some settings like the `SECRET_KEY`
or the database's credentials are loaded from an untracked files called
`` in the same directory. This secrets are loaded by the common
settings file.