On avait pas besoin de servir `Chart.bundle.js` puisqu'on avait déjà `moment.js` servi à part. Aussi, on déplace tout et on sert les fichiers minifiés.
On fait pareil que précédemment pour les articles, en rajoutant une vie
de délétion + de quoi afficher qu'un article a été supprimé.
N.B. : le formatage automatique de VSCode fait plein de changements,
donc pourquoi pas les garder.
On rajoute un bouton de suppression d'un compte utilisable avec la perm
`kfet.delete_account`, avec message de vérif. On en profite pour
cleanup un peu le css de `jconfirm`.
Pour pouvoir supprimer un compte, on crée un compte dummy qui a pour but
de recevoir les objets non supprimables (caisses, transferts/opérations
pour statistiques, etc.). Lors de la délétion d'un compte, tout est
transféré sur le dummy, qui est créé via migration.
Tous les `on_delete` étaient mis à PROTECT, ce qui faisait qu'on ne
pouvait rien supprimer... On les met à CASCADE pour tous les modèles
secondaires (`AccountNegative`, `CheckoutStatement`, `InventoryArticle`,
`SupplierArticle`, `Order` et `OrderArticle`) et pour les inventaires
créés à partir d'une commande.
Pour les modèles qui demandent une validation, et pour les `Operation`s,
on met à NULL le compte ou l'article associé (cela ne change pas le
total d'une opération, qui est la partie importante à garder).
Toutes les pages Wagtail doivent désormais être traduites
Suppression du modèle COFUtilPage devenu inutile
Réinitialisation des migrations de Wagtail à cause des changements de ModelTranslation
- Why? Because it should be the actual behavior.
- To allow using arithmetic operations with values of DecimalField when
object are not retrieved from DB, some strings are replaced by Decimal
or int.
If you wonder why it's not automatically done, see:
Many tables in kfet app templates become sortable:
account list, negative account list, article list, article inventory
list, article supplier list, article category list, checkout list,
checkout statement list, inventory list, inventory details, order list,
order creation, order details.
This is achieved thanks to the jQuery plugin 'tablesorter':
- Affected tables also got sticky headers (it stays visible on scroll).
- Dates format are modified in order to ease the date sorting with the
plugin (it avoids writing a custom parser, or an extractor from
additional hidden element in the table cells).
- Tables whose content is classified by category (of articles) now uses
several tbodies. This has minor effects on the tables style.
- Tags of the header help signs become 'i', instead of 'span', in order
to avoid weird spacing.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.8 are resolved.
- Deprecation warnings using Django 1.11 are resolved.
- Admin: grappelli is no longer used.
- Upgrade to django-autocomplete-light v3 (v2 is not 1.11 compatible).
* autocomplete.modelform_factory being dropped, code uses dal Select2
views and widgets.
- Should now work if used in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS settings.
- It does not retieve itself the password, as it should not be used
this way.
- Delete useless 'username' arg of its 'authenticate()' method.
- Now delete the token in DB.
- New name of the middleware is more meaningful.
- Is now responsible to retrieve the password from the request, instead
of the AccountBackend.
GenericTeamToken model
- Add a manager' method to create token, avoiding possible error due to
unicity constraint.
GenericLoginView (authentication with the kfet generic user)
- Replace obscure system with a 100% HTTP handling.
- See comments for more information.
- More docstrings!
- More tests!
- Add some i18n.
- Add kfet/confirm_form.html template:
Ask user to confirm sth via a form (which will send a POST request).
Context variables:
* title: the page title
* confirm_url: action attribute for <form>
* text: displayed confirmation text
- kfet.js : Add functions allowing to emit POST request from <a> tag.
- Non-link nav items from kfet navbar also get a 'title'.
- A utility has been found for the 'sunglasses' glyphicon!
kfet.tests.testcases embed mixins for TestCase:
- TestCaseMixin provides assertion helpers,
- ViewTestCaseMixin provides a few basic tests, which are common to
every view.
kfet.tests.utils provides helpers for users and permissions management.
Each kfet view get a testcase (at least very basic) in
Status is mainly computed in Python. That fix inconsistent datetime between
client and server.
Client only receives status and keep timestamp of last received ws msg.
kfet.open app
- Base data (raw_open, last_update...) is stored and shared through cache system.
- 2 websockets groups: one for team users, one for other users.
- UI is initialized and kept up-to-date with WS.
- raw_open and force_close can be updated with standard HTTP requests.
At this time, there isn't any restriction on raw_open view. Common sense tell us
to change this behavior.
- Clean channels routing.
- 'PermConsumerMixin': user who sent the message is available as argument in
connection_groups method, which returns groups to which the user should be
appended on websocket connection (and discarded on disconnection).
- New kfet.utils module: should be used for mixins, whatever is useful and not concerns
the kfet app.
- Clean JS dependencies.
K-Fêt - Wagtail
- Page content becomes a StreamField.
- GroupTeam snippet becomes a block for stream field.
- Navigation menu moved becomes a "flatmenu", preventing possible future conflicts.
- Page layout can be modified in wagtail admin.
- Add shorthands for ukf account balance/article price.
- Cleaning stylesheets and templates.
- Integrate wagtail to serve "static" pages of old K-Fêt website
- Fixture "kfetcms/kfet_wagtail_17_05" contains a copy of old website
(as in May 2017).
- Media files can be got until end of June 17 at
- Update package django_cas_ng to last version.
- Clean COFCASBackend.
- Change CAS version to 3 (version used on eleves.ens). This enables
the logout redirection (for CAS ofc).
- Add messages and clean existing ones on login/logout (for both
outsider and cas users).
- Update settings to bypass an incompability between debug-toolbar and
wagtailmenus packages.
- Better management of dev/test-specific urls (if debug-toolbar wasn't in
INSTALLED_APPS, media files were not served).
- UI improvements.
Préparation au passage à postgres
- Suppression du champ num du modèle CofProfile.
- Suppression des LOCK (spécifique MySQL).
- Le code devient compatible avec tous les backends supportés par Django.
- Suppressions de code servant à la compatibilité python2.
- Corrige le message de succès à la fin de l'inscription. Celui-ci ne prenait pas en compte le statut is_cof à jour du profil.
See merge request !234
If content type for old kfet.GlobalPermissions exists:
- custom permissions related to this content type are updated to new content types,
- then we can safely remove this content type.
- Add handler for CheckboxSelectMultiple in form_field_snippet.html.
- Add template filter "widget_type" to get widget class name.
- Group permissions selection becomes easier.
- Add css transitions on buttons + navbar links.
- Clean css of navbar.
- Clean templates with only centered form/content.
- Page opened when login as generic team user close itself (only for
non-CAS users).
- A message is added when generic team user connects.
- Fix extra space on right when messages are prompted.
- Non-K-Fêt group membership is no longer erased by the account edit
- Add some tests to ensure proposed choices in this form corresponds to
K-Fêt groups + test case for #161.
- Add total boxes in cellar and bar to new inventory view.
- On this view, table is "minified".
- Revert background color for some templates.
- Clean some margin (responsively).
- Clean tab pills on account read.
- Current day remains on the screen on history.
- Message for generic team user connection is sended only if user is
connecting from a k-fet url.
- Less contrast on history.
- Like perform operations, cancel_operations can add/remove an account
from negative accounts system.
- Balances checks are now performed against real_balance instead of
So if someone with a balance_offset go, for real, to positive land (ie even
without taking into account the balance offset), its account is removed from
the negative system.
- Fix bug on real_balance when negative exists but balance_offset is
not set.
Order create view use WeekScale. No query improvements, only shorter
- Two methods directly relative to the Scale class move to... the Scale
- Fix order create on Chrome.
- Fix #chunks when used with std_chunk=True (there was one too many at
the beginning)
- Scale.end gives the end of the last chunk (instead of its start)
So scale.begin -> scale.end gives the full range of the scale.
`kfet_day` now returns an aware datetime.
- new method `get_by_chunks` which use only one query and ranks
elements according to the scale. Elements are returned by a generator
for each scale chunk (and all chunks are returned as a generator too).
ArticlesStatSales and AccountStatOperations use this new method to
avoid issuing #scale_chunks queries.
- fixed on Chrome
- kfet_config gives "reduction_cof" as editable instead of
- this last one can still be accessed via kfet_config (computed from
new "reduction_cof"
- add units to numeric values of kfet_config form
- PermConsumerMixin allows checking permissions on connection to a
- KPsul consumer uses this mixin to check if connecting user has the
permission `kfet.is_team`.
- Use last official releases of channels, asgiref, daphne and
asgi-redis packages.
- Customization of JsonWebsocketConsumer is now in kfet app through a
custom class (and so, doesn't require anymore a forked version of channels).
- Clean kfet consumers code.
- AccountNegative use new AccountNegativeManager which select_related
account, cofprofile and user for instances accessed via
- Compute sum of negatives with python instead of an SQL statement
(since we already got the data with a previous query).
- Fix bug on account property `real_balance` (happened if
an account has a relative AccountNegative instance but balance_offset
to NULL).
- More compliant to PEP8
- When Account model is queried with Account.objects, it always add
.select_related('cofprofile_user', 'negative').
- Eg benefits: history doesn't do anymore one request by account to
fill the account filter.
Using this workaround (systemically append select_related) can be
dangerous normally, however a certain number of properties in
cofprofile and user are frequently used (as firstname or lastname), and
the benefits seems greater.
createopes script:
- more than 6x faster
- only bulk_create is used instead of create or save
- correctly create editions (~5% of created operations)
- ratio of withdrawals go from ~10% to ~5%
- add verbose names to ArticleCategory fields
- add button to view categories list from articles list
- fix article_update template in form validation
- improve interface for articlecategory_update
- revert vanished urls (happened in merge with master...)
- get_scale_args method of ScaleMixin retrieves useful GET params for
Scale object instanciation (by default from request.GET)
- it takes into account the type of the scale arg
- prefix used for GET param can be modified in stats_manifest funcs and