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2024-05-29 11:47:47 +02:00
Cours "Sémantique et Application à la Vérification de programmes"
Antoine Miné 2015
Marc Chevalier 2018
Josselin Giet 2021
Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France / CNRS / INRIA
Command line parsing utility
module IMap = Map.Make(String)
open Arg
(* Flags *)
let verbose = ref false
(* string arguments *)
let file = ref ""
let cfg_out = ref ""
let domain = ref ""
let args = [
"-v", Set verbose,
" Execute the analyzer in verbose/debug mode";
"--dot-out", Set_string cfg_out,
" Print the cfg in this file (default is";
"--domain", Set_string domain,
" Select the abstract domain (constants/interval/signs)";
2024-05-29 11:47:47 +02:00
] |> align
let usage = "usage: ./analyzer.exe [options] filename.c"
let init () =
let _ = parse args ( (:=) file) usage in
let _ = if Filename.extension !file <> ".c" then begin
Format.eprintf "file should have extension .c file: \"%s\"\n" !file;
Arg.usage args usage;
exit 1
let _ = if Filename.extension !cfg_out <> ".dot" then begin
Format.eprintf "CFG output file should have extension .dot (%s)\n" !cfg_out;
Arg.usage args usage;
exit 1
in ()