Fixed up signs, less naive func support
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 42 additions and 10 deletions
@ -38,15 +38,24 @@ module Signs : NAKED_VALUE_DOMAIN = struct
| AST_NOT_EQUAL -> raise NeedTop
| AST_LESS | AST_LESS_EQUAL -> if a == P || a == Z then P else raise NeedTop
| AST_GREATER | AST_GREATER_EQUAL -> if a == N || a == Z then N else raise NeedTop
let compare a b op = match op with
let rec compare a b op = match op with
| AST_EQUAL -> if a <> b then Z, Z else a, b
| AST_NOT_EQUAL -> if a == b && a == Z then raise Absurd else a, b
| AST_LESS | AST_LESS_EQUAL -> if b == N || b == Z then
(match a with | P -> Z | Z -> Z | N -> N), b
else a, b (*if b is P then we learn nothing*)
| AST_GREATER | AST_GREATER_EQUAL -> if a == N || a == Z then
a, (match b with | P -> Z | Z -> Z | N -> N)
else a,b
| AST_LESS_EQUAL -> (match b with
| Z -> (match a with | P -> Z | Z -> Z | N -> N), b
| N -> (match a with
| P -> Z,Z
| N -> N,N
| Z -> Z,Z)
| P -> a,b)
| AST_LESS -> (match b with
| Z -> (match a with | P -> raise Absurd | Z -> raise Absurd | N -> N), b
| N -> (match a with
| P -> raise Absurd
| N -> N,N
| Z -> raise Absurd)
| P -> a,b)
| AST_GREATER_EQUAL | AST_GREATER -> let b',a' = compare b a (reverse op) in a', b'
let meet x y = match x,y with
|P, N | N, P -> raise Absurd
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
int abs(int x) {
if(x < 0) {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
void main() {
int x = rand(0,10);
int y = abs(x);
assert(y >= 0);
x = rand(-10, 10);
y = abs(x);
assert(y >= 0);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let args = [
"--dot-out", Set_string cfg_out,
" Print the cfg in this file (default is";
"--domain", Set_string domain,
" Select the abstract domain (constants/interval)";
" Select the abstract domain (constants/interval/signs)";
] |> align
let usage = "usage: ./analyzer.exe [options] filename.c"
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Iterator (D : DOMAIN) = struct
func_state := NodeMap.add n (D.join s (node_abst n)) !func_state in
let rec iterate n = begin
(*Format.printf "@[<h 0> Handling node %i@]@ " n.node_id;*)
func_dirty := NodeSet.remove n !func_dirty;
let curr_abst = node_abst n in
let l = List.filter (fun x -> Node.equal x.arc_src n) cfg.cfg_arcs in begin
@ -70,8 +71,11 @@ module Iterator (D : DOMAIN) = struct
func_args = [];
func_ret = None;
func_calls = []} D.init in
let x = List.hd cfg.cfg_funcs in (* we are ASSUMING main() is function 0*)
let _ = do_fun x init_st in
let rec do_main l = match l with
| x::_ when x.func_name = "main" -> do_fun x init_st
| _::q -> do_main q
| [] -> failwith "function main() not found" in
let _ = do_main cfg.cfg_funcs in
Format.printf "@]";
@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ treat_examples "constant" "Constants operations (I)" "--domain interval" ""
treat_examples "interval" "Interval operations" "--domain interval" ""
treat_examples "constant_loop" "Constants loops (I)" "--domain interval" ""
treat_examples "interval_loop" "Interval loops" "--domain interval" ""
treat_examples "sign" "Sign and misc." "--domain signs" ""
echo "</table>" >> $index_html
echo "</body>" >> $index_html
echo "</html>" >> $index_html
Add table
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