Tests pour le BDS #816

thubrecht wants to merge 40 commits from thubrecht/bds-tests into master
thubrecht commented 2022-06-30 17:42:49 +02:00 (Migrated from git.eleves.ens.fr)

On écrit des tests pour la réinitialisation des comptes au printemps et à la rentrée.

(Suit !511)

On écrit des tests pour la réinitialisation des comptes au printemps et à la rentrée. (Suit !511)
thubrecht commented 2022-06-30 17:42:49 +02:00 (Migrated from git.eleves.ens.fr)

assigned to @thubrecht

assigned to @thubrecht
thubrecht commented 2022-10-03 18:26:07 +02:00 (Migrated from git.eleves.ens.fr)

added 45 commits

  • 9c7f4991...1be5dcb6 - 5 commits from branch master
  • 965ba074 - Fix vagrant setup w/ daphne
  • f026e0b5 - Update to django channels 2
  • 654848c4 - Update daphne version
  • e1d942a7 - Add default http router
  • d120a2bb - Update base consumers
  • 6db3ed60 - Update django version
  • 65ea5d21 - Update django-redis-cache and fix vagrant setup
  • 3411bc8a - keyOrder is deprecated, using a list in Meta gives the correct order
  • a01e11e4 - Fix app import
  • 1ae5c80f - Add default django asgi handler
  • 2b712dd0 - Channels 3
  • 5a28aab7 - Simplify group_send for kpsul
  • c9158c8e - Fix kpsul tests
  • 9a7deb5e - Fix kfet.ope tests
  • 95e658d0 - Update redis, and implement a custom channel layer to send datetime/decimal objects
  • 8a1c39e4 - ugettext -> gettext
  • b512ba2d - Change backend name as the old one is deprecated
  • 6e4895fb - Update django-djconfig
  • aeb90f72 - Remove default_app_config
  • 9e1e13d3 - Update kfet.open tests
  • 67e921a4 - Try to flush old messages in tests
  • 16f50083 - Try not running tests in parallel
  • 48dd2571 - Only run kf tests in sequential mode (to fix issues with channels)
  • 14eb7401 - Fix typo
  • 8d655f8b - cof has been renamed to gestioasso
  • 1e5d3073 - Update changelog
  • 6be970b2 - Replace unique_together by UniqueConstraint
  • 29726486 - url -> re_path
  • e51951b1 - Use AutoField instead of BigAutoField
  • 75bf5c9b - assertEquals is deprecated
  • 0b03a42a - Explicitely set transform=repr in assertQuerysetEquals
  • 2b2fcb8d - assertDictContainsSubset is deprecated
  • ef68e469 - Update django-hCaptcha
  • d756cb1f - Remove useless migrations
  • e2d7bba8 - dev: update requirements
  • 192b9d1e - kfet: remove redundant static tag
  • 74241e22 - dev: set explicitely DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
  • 7968a702 - kfet/open: Add comment to test
  • 157165a7 - dev: update requirements and directly read the files
  • b4669847 - Update tests for BDS

Compare with previous version

added 45 commits <ul><li>9c7f4991...1be5dcb6 - 5 commits from branch <code>master</code></li><li>965ba074 - Fix vagrant setup w/ daphne</li><li>f026e0b5 - Update to django channels 2</li><li>654848c4 - Update daphne version</li><li>e1d942a7 - Add default http router</li><li>d120a2bb - Update base consumers</li><li>6db3ed60 - Update django version</li><li>65ea5d21 - Update django-redis-cache and fix vagrant setup</li><li>3411bc8a - keyOrder is deprecated, using a list in Meta gives the correct order</li><li>a01e11e4 - Fix app import</li><li>1ae5c80f - Add default django asgi handler</li><li>2b712dd0 - Channels 3</li><li>5a28aab7 - Simplify group_send for kpsul</li><li>c9158c8e - Fix kpsul tests</li><li>9a7deb5e - Fix kfet.ope tests</li><li>95e658d0 - Update redis, and implement a custom channel layer to send datetime/decimal objects</li><li>8a1c39e4 - ugettext -&gt; gettext</li><li>b512ba2d - Change backend name as the old one is deprecated</li><li>6e4895fb - Update django-djconfig</li><li>aeb90f72 - Remove default_app_config</li><li>9e1e13d3 - Update kfet.open tests</li><li>67e921a4 - Try to flush old messages in tests</li><li>16f50083 - Try not running tests in parallel</li><li>48dd2571 - Only run kf tests in sequential mode (to fix issues with channels)</li><li>14eb7401 - Fix typo</li><li>8d655f8b - cof has been renamed to gestioasso</li><li>1e5d3073 - Update changelog</li><li>6be970b2 - Replace unique_together by UniqueConstraint</li><li>29726486 - url -&gt; re_path</li><li>e51951b1 - Use AutoField instead of BigAutoField</li><li>75bf5c9b - assertEquals is deprecated</li><li>0b03a42a - Explicitely set transform=repr in assertQuerysetEquals</li><li>2b2fcb8d - assertDictContainsSubset is deprecated</li><li>ef68e469 - Update django-hCaptcha</li><li>d756cb1f - Remove useless migrations</li><li>e2d7bba8 - dev: update requirements</li><li>192b9d1e - kfet: remove redundant static tag</li><li>74241e22 - dev: set explicitely DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE</li><li>7968a702 - kfet/open: Add comment to test</li><li>157165a7 - dev: update requirements and directly read the files</li><li>b4669847 - Update tests for BDS</li></ul> [Compare with previous version](/klub-dev-ens/gestioCOF/-/merge_requests/512/diffs?diff_id=4229&start_sha=9c7f4991b8f1ff3e9524d9a427b52ca58fffc351)
This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  • requirements.txt
  • shell.nix


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin thubrecht/bds-tests:thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout thubrecht/bds-tests


Merge the changes and update on Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout thubrecht/bds-tests
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout master
git merge --squash thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only thubrecht/bds-tests
git checkout master
git merge thubrecht/bds-tests
git push origin master
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Reference: DGNum/gestioCOF#816
No description provided.