gregoirenovel df4bad9132 Fix the size and viewBox of several SVG icons
- So that they aren’t stretched by the
  background-size attribute
- So that they are properly dimensioned compared
  to other icons
- Note: the attachment icon is slightly different
2017-10-17 12:40:47 +02:00

1 line
758 B

<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="640.5 640.5 512 512"><path d="M820.864 861.591h151.273v-56.727c0-20.879-7.387-38.705-22.159-53.478-14.773-14.772-32.599-22.159-53.478-22.159s-38.705 7.387-53.477 22.159c-14.773 14.773-22.159 32.599-22.159 53.478v56.727zm245.818 28.364v170.182c0 7.879-2.758 14.575-8.272 20.091-5.516 5.515-12.212 8.272-20.091 8.272H754.682c-7.879 0-14.576-2.758-20.091-8.272-5.515-5.516-8.272-12.212-8.272-20.091V889.955c0-7.879 2.757-14.576 8.272-20.091s12.212-8.273 20.091-8.273h9.455v-56.727c0-36.243 13-67.364 39-93.364s57.121-39 93.364-39c36.242 0 67.363 13 93.363 39s39 57.121 39 93.364v56.727h9.455c7.879 0 14.575 2.758 20.091 8.273 5.514 5.515 8.272 12.212 8.272 20.091z" fill="#999999"/></svg>