brouillon:Your file is still in draft and will soon expire. So it will be deleted soon without being instructed. If you want to pursue your procedure you can submit it now. Otherwise you are able to delay its expiration by clicking on the underneath button.
en_construction:Your file is pending for instruction. The maximum delay is 6 months, but your can extend the duration by a month by clicking on the underneath button.
termine:Your file had been processed and will soon expire.So it will be deleted soon. If you want to keep it, your can dowload a PDF file of it.
fetching_data:"Fetching data for recipient No. %{numero_allocataire} with postal code %{code_postal}."
data_fetched:"Data concerning %{sources} linked to the account Nº %{numero_allocataire} with the postal code %{code_postal} has been received from the CAF."
data_fetched_title:"Data received from la Caisse nationale d’allocations familiales"