2017-02-21 21:16:50 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2017-07-18 15:37:13 +02:00
# Generated by Django 1.11.3 on 2017-07-18 13:17
2017-02-21 21:16:50 +01:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
initial = True
dependencies = [
( ' event ' , ' 0001_initial ' ) ,
operations = [
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' AbstractEquipment ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . AutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , verbose_name = ' ID ' ) ) ,
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( ' name ' , models . CharField ( max_length = 200 , verbose_name = ' nom du matériel ' ) ) ,
( ' stock ' , models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( verbose_name = ' quantité disponible ' ) ) ,
( ' description ' , models . TextField ( verbose_name = ' description ' ) ) ,
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] ,
options = {
' verbose_name ' : ' matériel abstrait ' ,
' verbose_name_plural ' : ' matériels abstraits ' ,
} ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' EquipmentAttribution ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . AutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , verbose_name = ' ID ' ) ) ,
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( ' amount ' , models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( verbose_name = ' quantité attribuée ' ) ) ,
( ' remarks ' , models . TextField ( verbose_name = " remarques concernant l ' attribution " ) ) ,
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( ' activity ' , models . ForeignKey ( on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , to = ' event.Activity ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' verbose_name ' : ' attribution de matériel ' ,
' verbose_name_plural ' : ' attributions de matériel ' ,
} ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' EquipmentRemark ' ,
fields = [
( ' id ' , models . AutoField ( auto_created = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , verbose_name = ' ID ' ) ) ,
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( ' remark ' , models . TextField ( verbose_name = ' remarque sur le matériel ' ) ) ,
( ' amount ' , models . PositiveSmallIntegerField ( verbose_name = ' quantité concernée ' ) ) ,
2017-02-21 21:16:50 +01:00
( ' is_broken ' , models . BooleanField ( ) ) ,
( ' is_lost ' , models . BooleanField ( ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' verbose_name ' : ' remarque sur matériel ' ,
' verbose_name_plural ' : ' remarques sur le matériel ' ,
} ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' Equipment ' ,
fields = [
( ' abstractequipment_ptr ' , models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' equipment.AbstractEquipment ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' verbose_name ' : ' matériel permanent ' ,
' verbose_name_plural ' : ' matériels permanents ' ,
} ,
bases = ( ' equipment.abstractequipment ' , ) ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' TemporaryEquipment ' ,
fields = [
( ' abstractequipment_ptr ' , models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' equipment.AbstractEquipment ' ) ) ,
( ' event ' , models . ForeignKey ( help_text = ' Évènement pour lequel le matériel a été loué ou emprunté ou apporté ' , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' specific_equipment ' , to = ' event.Event ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' verbose_name ' : ' matériel temporaire ' ,
' verbose_name_plural ' : ' matériels temporaires ' ,
} ,
bases = ( ' equipment.abstractequipment ' , ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' equipmentremark ' ,
name = ' equipment ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( help_text = ' Matériel concerné par la remarque ' , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , related_name = ' remarks ' , to = ' equipment.AbstractEquipment ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' equipmentattribution ' ,
name = ' equipment ' ,
field = models . ForeignKey ( on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , to = ' equipment.AbstractEquipment ' ) ,
) ,
migrations . AddField (
model_name = ' abstractequipment ' ,
name = ' activities ' ,
field = models . ManyToManyField ( related_name = ' equipment ' , through = ' equipment.EquipmentAttribution ' , to = ' event.Activity ' ) ,
) ,