Valentin Samir 443c87fa40 Do not try to bind if the user dn was not found with LDAP auth backend
Then using the LDAP auth backend with ``bind`` method for password check, do not try to bind
if the user dn was not found. This was causing the exception
``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'`` describe in #21
2017-03-29 14:28:36 +02:00

508 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# (c) 2015-2016 Valentin Samir
"""Some authentication classes for the CAS"""
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.utils import timezone
from django.db import connections, DatabaseError
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta
from six.moves import range
try: # pragma: no cover
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
except ImportError:
MySQLdb = None
try: # pragma: no cover
import ldap3
except ImportError:
ldap3 = None
from .models import FederatedUser, UserAttributes
from .utils import check_password, dictfetchall
class AuthUser(object):
Authentication base class
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username` class attribute.
#: username used to instanciate the current object
username = None
def __init__(self, username):
self.username = username
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:raises NotImplementedError: always. The method need to be implemented by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError()
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
raises NotImplementedError: always. The method need to be implemented by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError()
class DummyAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A Dummy authentication class. Authentication always fails
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. There is no valid value for this attribute here.
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: always ``False``
:rtype: bool
return False
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: en empty :class:`dict`.
:rtype: dict
return {}
class TestAuthUser(AuthUser):
A test authentication class only working for one unique user.
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. The uniq valid value is ``settings.CAS_TEST_USER``.
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and
``password`` is equal to ``settings.CAS_TEST_PASSWORD``, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.username == settings.CAS_TEST_USER and password == settings.CAS_TEST_PASSWORD
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: the ``settings.CAS_TEST_ATTRIBUTES`` :class:`dict` if
:attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid, an empty :class:`dict` otherwise.
:rtype: dict
if self.username == settings.CAS_TEST_USER:
return settings.CAS_TEST_ATTRIBUTES
else: # pragma: no cover (should not happen)
return {}
class DBAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
"""base class for databate based auth classes"""
#: DB user attributes as a :class:`dict` if the username is found in the database.
user = None
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: a :class:`dict` with the user attributes. Attributes may be :func:`unicode`
or :class:`list` of :func:`unicode`. If the user do not exists, the returned
:class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if self.user:
return self.user
return {}
class MysqlAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
DEPRECATED, use :class:`SqlAuthUser` instead.
A mysql authentication class: authenticate user against a mysql database
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the MySQL database set with
``settings.CAS_SQL_*`` settings parameters using the query
def __init__(self, username):
"MysqlAuthUser authentication class is deprecated: "
"use cas_server.auth.SqlAuthUser instead"
# see the connect function at
# for possible mysql config parameters.
mysql_config = {
"user": settings.CAS_SQL_USERNAME,
"passwd": settings.CAS_SQL_PASSWORD,
"db": settings.CAS_SQL_DBNAME,
"host": settings.CAS_SQL_HOST,
"charset": settings.CAS_SQL_DBCHARSET,
"cursorclass": MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor
if not MySQLdb:
raise RuntimeError("Please install MySQLdb before using the MysqlAuthUser backend")
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**mysql_config)
curs = conn.cursor()
if curs.execute(settings.CAS_SQL_USER_QUERY, (username,)) == 1:
self.user = curs.fetchone()
super(MysqlAuthUser, self).__init__(self.user['username'])
super(MysqlAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return check_password(
return False
class SqlAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A SQL authentication class: authenticate user against a SQL database. The SQL database
must be configures in as ``settings.DATABASES['cas_server']``.
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the MySQL database set with
``settings.CAS_SQL_*`` settings parameters using the query
def __init__(self, username):
if "cas_server" not in connections:
raise RuntimeError("Please configure the 'cas_server' database in settings.DATABASES")
for retry_nb in range(3):
with connections["cas_server"].cursor() as curs:
curs.execute(settings.CAS_SQL_USER_QUERY, (username,))
results = dictfetchall(curs)
if len(results) == 1:
self.user = results[0]
super(SqlAuthUser, self).__init__(self.user['username'])
super(SqlAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
except DatabaseError:
if retry_nb == 2:
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return check_password(
return False
class LdapAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A ldap authentication class: authenticate user against a ldap database
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the ldap database set with
``settings.CAS_LDAP_*`` settings parameters.
_conn = None
def get_conn(cls):
"""Return a connection object to the ldap database"""
conn = cls._conn
if conn is None or conn.closed:
conn = ldap3.Connection(
cls._conn = conn
return conn
def __init__(self, username):
if not ldap3:
raise RuntimeError("Please install ldap3 before using the LdapAuthUser backend")
if not settings.CAS_LDAP_BASE_DN:
raise ValueError(
"You must define CAS_LDAP_BASE_DN for using the ldap authentication backend"
# in case we got deconnected from the database, retry to connect 2 times
for retry_nb in range(3):
conn = self.get_conn()
settings.CAS_LDAP_USER_QUERY % ldap3.utils.conv.escape_bytes(username),
) and len(conn.entries) == 1:
user = conn.entries[0].entry_get_attributes_dict()
# store the user dn
user["dn"] = conn.entries[0].entry_get_dn()
if user.get(settings.CAS_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTR):
self.user = user
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(user[settings.CAS_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTR][0])
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
except ldap3.LDAPCommunicationError:
if retry_nb == 2:
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user and settings.CAS_LDAP_PASSWORD_CHECK == "bind":
conn = ldap3.Connection(
# fetch the user attribute
settings.CAS_LDAP_USER_QUERY % ldap3.utils.conv.escape_bytes(self.username),
) and len(conn.entries) == 1:
attributes = conn.entries[0].entry_get_attributes_dict()
attributes["dn"] = conn.entries[0].entry_get_dn()
# cache the attributes locally as we wont have access to the user password
# later.
user = UserAttributes.objects.get_or_create(username=self.username)[0]
user.attributs = attributes
return True
except (ldap3.LDAPBindError, ldap3.LDAPCommunicationError):
return False
elif self.user and self.user.get(settings.CAS_LDAP_PASSWORD_ATTR):
return check_password(
return False
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: a :class:`dict` with the user attributes. Attributes may be :func:`unicode`
or :class:`list` of :func:`unicode`. If the user do not exists, the returned
:class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
:raises NotImplementedError: if the password check method in `CAS_LDAP_PASSWORD_CHECK`
do not allow to fetch the attributes without the user credentials.
if settings.CAS_LDAP_PASSWORD_CHECK == "bind":
raise NotImplementedError()
return super(LdapAuthUser, self).attributs()
class DjangoAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A django auth class: authenticate user against django internal users
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are usernames of django internal users.
#: a django user object if the username is found. The user model is retreived
#: using :func:`django.contrib.auth.get_user_model`.
user = None
def __init__(self, username):
User = get_user_model()
self.user = User.objects.get(username=username)
except User.DoesNotExist:
super(DjangoAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`user` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return self.user.check_password(password)
return False
def attributs(self):
The user attributes, defined as the fields on the :attr:`user` object.
:return: a :class:`dict` with the :attr:`user` object fields. Attributes may be
If the user do not exists, the returned :class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if self.user:
attr = {}
# _meta.get_fields() is from the new documented _meta interface in django 1.8
field_names = [
field.attname for field in self.user._meta.get_fields()
if hasattr(field, "attname")
# backward compatibility with django 1.7
except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover (only used by django 1.7)
field_names = self.user._meta.get_all_field_names()
for name in field_names:
attr[name] = getattr(self.user, name)
# unfold user_permissions many to many relation
if 'user_permissions' in attr:
attr['user_permissions'] = [
u"%s.%s" % (
) for perm in attr['user_permissions'].filter()
# unfold group many to many relation
if 'groups' in attr:
attr['groups'] = [ for group in attr['groups'].filter()]
return attr
return {}
class CASFederateAuth(AuthUser):
Authentication class used then CAS_FEDERATE is True
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are usernames of
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object.
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object are created on CAS
backends successful ticket validation.
#: a :class`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object if ``username`` is found.
user = None
def __init__(self, username):
self.user = FederatedUser.get_from_federated_username(username)
super(CASFederateAuth, self).__init__(
except FederatedUser.DoesNotExist:
super(CASFederateAuth, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, ticket):
Tests ``password`` against the user-supplied password.
:param unicode password: The CAS tickets just used to validate the user authentication
against its CAS backend.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`user` is valid and ``password`` is
a ticket validated less than ``settings.CAS_TICKET_VALIDITY`` secondes and has not
being previously used for authenticated this
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>`. ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if not self.user or not self.user.ticket:
return False
return (
ticket == self.user.ticket and
self.user.last_update >
( - timedelta(seconds=settings.CAS_TICKET_VALIDITY))
def attributs(self):
The user attributes, as returned by the CAS backend.
:return: :obj:`FederatedUser.attributs<cas_server.models.FederatedUser.attributs>`.
If the user do not exists, the returned :class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if not self.user: # pragma: no cover (should not happen)
return {}
return self.user.attributs