v2.1.0 - 2024-08-18 =================== Added ----- * Support for Django 4.2 * Allow forms to be overridden from settings Deprecated ---------- * Make the crypt module optional and deprecate it's usage. The python stdlid crypt module is deprecated since version 3.11 and will be removed in version 3.13. Check for the availability of the crypt module. All password checks using the crypt module will stop to work on python 3.13.
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Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 2
v2.1.0 - 2024-08-18
* Support for Django 4.2
* Allow forms to be overridden from settings
* Make the crypt module optional and deprecate it's usage.
The python stdlid crypt module is deprecated since version 3.11 and
will be removed in version 3.13. Check for the availability of the
crypt module.
All password checks using the crypt module will stop to work on
python 3.13.
v2.0.0 - 2022-10-17
* Support for Django 4.0 and 4.1
* Add locale for zh_Hans
* Add a unit test with a non ascii char in service url
* Add settings to allow deletings Django cookies upon logout
* Update CI: require pytest >= 7 and remove pytest-pythonpath dependancy
* Fix unicode sandwich issue in cas_server.utils.update_url
* Fix DeprecationWarning about default_app_config in Django 3.2
* Fix DeprecationWarning about USE_L10N in Django 4.0
* Drop support for python 2.7 (now deprecated for more than 2 years,
expect it to break now or in a near future)
* Drop support for python 3.5 (but it should keep working for a while.
pytest >= 7 do not support python 3.5 and Debian Stretch support ended)
v1.3.1 - 2021-07-03
* Documentation generation to works with latest Django and sphinx version
* Update classifier and dependencies versions in setup.py
v1.3.0 - 2021-06-19
* Support for Dango 3.1 and 3.2
* Implement CAS_LDAP_ATTRS_VIEW set to 0: then using ldap bind mode, user
attributes can be retreive either using CAS_LDAP_USER or using the
binded user credentials.
* Added ppc64le architecture support on travis-ci (django-cas-server is
included in the ppc64le versions of RHEL and Ubuntu)
* Python 3.9 support
* Allow to use user attributes if auth by ldap bind
* Fix spelling mistakes in french translation
* Fix bug model datefield Form (Federated User Admin)
* django.conf.urls is deprecated and will be removed in Django 4.0.
Use django.urls.re_path instead
* Drop support for Django 3.0 as it reached end of life.
v1.2.0 - 2020-07-05
* Bootstrap 4 templates
* Support for Django 2.2 and 3.0
* Replace calls to add_description_unit. As of Sphinx 2.4, the deprecated
add_description_unit function has been removed.
* Fix CRYPT-DES hash method for LDAP
* Fix various spelling miskate in README.rst
* Service URL: keep blank GET arguments
* Use python3 for flake8, check_rst and coverage
* Update README.rst quickstart for using python3 by default
* Drop support for Django 2.0 and 2.1 as it reached end of life.
We still keep Django 1.11 as it is the last supported release
by python2 AND the currently packaged version of Django in
Debian Buster (current stable).
v1.1.0 - 2019-03-02
* Support for Django 2.1
* Checkbox position on the login page
* Set ldap3 client_strategy from sync to sync-restartable
* Deprecation warning for {% load staticfiles %} and django.contrib.staticfiles
v1.0.0 - 2019-01-12
* Support for python 3.6 and Django 1.11
* Support for Django 2.0
* Keep query string then redirecting from / to /login
* Add missing attributes authenticationDate, longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed and
isFromNewLogin from service validation response
* Catch error from calling django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles.static
in non-debug mode before collectstatic in cas_server.default_settings.py
* Invalid escape sequence in regular expression
* Support for Django <1.11 is dropped, it should still works for this version.
Next versions will most probably be not compatible with Django <1.11
* Support for python 3.4 is dropped, it should still works for this version.
Next versions may or may not works with python 3.4.
* Migrations have been squashed for Django 2.0 support. Be sur to apply all migration before
updating to this version
* Update PyPi url from https://pypi.python.org to https://pypi.org
v0.9.0 - 2017-11-17
* Dutch translation
* Protuguese translation (brazilian variant)
* Support for ldap3 version 2 or more (changes in the API)
All exception are now in ldap3.core.exceptions, methodes for fetching attritutes and
dn are renamed.
* Possibility to disable service message boxes on the login pages
* Then using the LDAP auth backend with ``bind`` method for password check, do not try to bind
if the user dn was not found. This was causing the exception
``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'`` describe in #21
* Increase the max size of usernames (30 chars to 250)
* Fix XSS js injection
v0.8.0 - 2017-03-08
* Add a test for login with missing parameter (username or password or both)
* Add ldap auth using bind method (use the user credentials to bind the the ldap server and let the
server check the credentials)
* Add CAS_TGT_VALIDITY parameter: Max time after with the user MUST reauthenticate.
* Allow both unicode and bytes dotted string in utils.import_attr
* Fix some spelling and grammar on log messages. (thanks to Allie Micka)
* Fix froms css class error on success/error due to a scpaless block
* Disable pip cache then installing with make install
* Update french translation
v0.7.4 - 2016-09-07
* Add templatetags to Pypi package
v0.7.3 - 2016-09-07
* Add autofocus to the username input on the login page
* Really pick the last version on Pypi for new version checking.
We were only sorting version string lexicographically and it would have break when
we reach version 0.10.N or 0.N.10
* Only check for valid username/password if username and password POST fields are posted.
This fix a bug where posting without it raise a exception are None where passed for
username/password verification.
v0.7.2 - 2016-08-31
* Add Django 1.10 support
* Add support of gitlab continuous integration
* Fix BootsrapForm: placeholder on Input and Textarea only, use class form-control on
Input, Select and Textarea.
* Fix lang attribute in django 1.7. On html pages, the lang attribute of the <html> was not
present in django 1.7. We use now a methode to display it that is also available in django 1.7
v0.7.1 - 2016-08-24
* Add a forgotten migration (only change help_text and validators)
v0.7.0 - 2016-08-24
* Add a CHANGELOG.rst file.
* Add a validator to models CharField that should be regular expressions checking that user input
are valids regular expressions.
* Add a CAS_INFO_MESSAGES and CAS_INFO_MESSAGES_ORDER settings allowing to display messages in
info-boxes on the html pages of the default templates.
* Allow the user defined CAS_COMPONENT_URLS to omit not changed values.
* replace code-block without language indication by literal blocks.
* Update french translation
* Some README.rst typos.
* some english typos
v0.6.4 - 2016-08-14
commit: 282e3a831b3c0b0818881c2f16d056850d572b89
* Add a forgotten migration (only change help_text)
v0.6.3 - 2016-08-14
commit: 07a537b403c5c5e39a4ddd084f90e3a4de88a54e
* Add powered by footer
* Add a github version badge
* documents templatetags
* Usage of the documented API for models _meta in auth.DjangoAuthUser
* set warn cookie using javascript if possible
* Unfold many to many attributes in auth.DjangoAuthUser attributes
* typos in README.rst
* w3c validation
* Code factorisation (models.py, views.py)
v0.6.2 - 2016-08-02
commit: 773707e6c3c3fa20f697c946e31cafc591e8fee8
* Support authentication renewal in federate mode
* Add new version email and info box then new version is available
* Add SqlAuthUser and LdapAuthUser auth classes.
Deprecate the usage of MysqlAuthUser in favor of SqlAuthUser.
* Add pytest-warning to tests
* Add a checkbox to forget the identity provider if we checked "remember the identity provider"
* Add dependancies correspondance between python pypi, debian and centos packages in README
* Move coverage computation last in travis
* Enable logging to stderr then running tests
* Remember "warn me before…" using a cookie
* Put favicon (shortcut icon) URL in settings
* The auth class MysqlAuthUser is deprecated in favor of the SqlAuthUser class.
* Use custom templatetags instead settings custom attributes to Boundfields
(As it do not work with django 1.7)
* Display an error message on bad response from identity provider in federate mode
instead of crashing. (e.g. Bad XML document)
* Catch base64 decode error on b64decode to raise our custom exception BadHash
* Add secret as sensitive variables/post parameter for /auth
* Only set "remember my provider" in federated mode upon successful authentication
* Since we drop django-boostrap3 dependancies, Django default minimal version is 1.7.1
* [cas.py] Append renew=true when validating tickets
* code factorization (cas.py, forms.py)
v0.6.1 - 2016-07-27
commit: b168e0a6423c53de31aae6c444fa1d1c5083afa6
* Add sphinx docs + autodoc
* Add the possibility to run tests with "setup.py test"
* Include docs, Makefile, coverage config and tests config to source package
* Add serviceValidate ProxyTicket tests
* Add python 3.5 tox/travis tests
* Use https://badges.genua.fr for badges
* Keep LoginTicket list upon fail authentication
(It prevent the next login attemps to fail because of bad LT)
* Compact federated mode migration
* Reformat default_settings.py for documentation using sphinx autodoc
* Factorize some code (from views.py to Ticket models class methods)
* Update urlpattern for django 1.10
* Drop dependancies django-picklefield and django-bootstrap3
v0.6.0 - 2016-07-06
commit: 4ad4d13baa4236c5cd72cc5216d7ff08dd361476
* Add a section describing service patterns options to README.rst
* Add a federation mode:
When the settings CAS_FEDERATE is True, django-cas-server will offer to the user to choose its
CAS backend to authenticate. Hence the login page do not display anymore a username/password form
but a select form with configured CASs backend.
This allow to give access to CAS supported applications to users from multiple organization
It was originally developped to mach the need of https://ares.fr (Federated CAS at
https://cas.ares.fr, example of an application using it as https://chat.myares.fr)
* Then a ticket was marked as obtained with the user entering its credentials (aka not by SSO), and
the service did not require it, ticket validation was failing. Now, if the service do not require
authentication to be renewed, both ticket with renewed authentication and non renewed
authentication validate successfully.
v0.5.0 - 2016-07-01
commit: e3ab64271b718a17e4cbbbabda0a2453107a83df
* Add more password scheme support to the mysql authentication backend: ldap user
attribute scheme encoding and simple password hash in hexa for md5, sha1, sha224,
sha256, sha384, sha512.
* Add a main heading to template "Central Authentication Service" with a logo controled
* Add logos to the project (svg, png)
* Add coverage computation
* link project to codacy
* Update doc: add debian requirement, correct typos, correct links
* Use settings to set tests username password and attributes
* Tweak the css and html for small screens
* Update travis cache for faster build
* clean Makefile, use pip to install, add target for tests
* Fix "warn me": we generate the ticket after the user agree to be connected to the service.
we were generating first and the connect button was a link to the service url with the ?ticket=
this could lead to situation where the ticket validity expire if the user is slow to click the
connect button.
* Fix authentication renewal: the renew parameter were not transmited when POST the login request
and self.renew (aks for auth renewal) was use instead of self.renewed (auth was renewd)
when generating a ticket.
* Fix attribute value replacement when generating a ticket: we were using the 'name' attribute
instead of the 'attribut' attribut on ReplaceAttributValue
* Fix attribute value replacement when generating a ticket then the value is a list: iterate over
each element of the list.
* Fix a NameError in utils.import_attr
* Fix serviceValidate and samlValidate when user_field is an attribute that is a list: we use
the first element of the list as username. we were serializing the list before that.
* Correct typos
* Clean some useless conditional branches found with coverage
* Clean cas.js: use compact object declararion
* Use six for python{2|3} compatibility
* Move all unit tests to cas_server.tests and use django primitive. We also have a 100% tests
coverage now. Using the django classes for tests, we do not need to use our own dirty mock.
* Move mysql backend password check to a function in utils
v0.4.4 - 2016-04-30
commit: 77d1607b0beefe8b171adcd8e2dcd974e3cdc72a
* Add sensitive_post_parameters and sensitive_variables for passwords, so passwords are anonymised
before django send an error report.
* Before commit 77fc5b5 the User model had a foreign key to the Session model. After the commit,
Only the session_key is store, allowing to use different backend than the Session SQL backend.
So the first migration (which is 21 migrations combined) was creating the User model with the
foreign key, then delete it and add the field session_key. Somehow, MySQL did not like it.
Now the first migration directly create the User model with the session_key and without the
foreign key to the Session SQL backend.
* Evaluate attributes variables in the template samlValidate.xml. the {{ }} was missing causing
the variable name to be displyed instead of the variable content.
* Return username in CAS 1.0 on the second ligne of the CAS response as specified.
* Update tests
v0.4.3 - 2016-03-18
commit: f6d436acb49f8d32b5457c316c18c4892accfd3b
* Currently, one of our dependancy, django-boostrap3, do not support django 1.7 in its last version.
So there is some detection of the current django installed version in setup.py to pin
django-boostrap3 to a version supported by django 1.7 if django 1.7 is installed, or to require
at least django 1.8.
The detection did not handle the case where django was not installed.
* [PEP8] Put line breaks after binary operator and not before.
v0.4.2 - 2016-03-18
commit: d1cd17d6103281b03a8c57013671057eab80d21c
* On logout, display the number of sessions we are logged out from.
* One of our dependancy, django-boostrap3, do not support django 1.7 in its last version.
Some django version detection is added to setup.py to handle that.
* Some typos
* Make errors returned by utils.import_attr clearer (as they are likely to be displayed to the
django admin)
v0.4.1 - 2015-12-23
commit: 5e63f39f9b7c678a300ad2f8132166be34d1d35b
* Add a run_test_server target to make file. Running make run_test_server will build a virtualenv,
create a django projet with django-cas-server and lauch ./management.py runserver. It is quite
handy to test developement version.
* Add verbose name for cas_server app and models
* Add Makefile clean targets for tox tests and test virtualenv.
* Add link on license badge to the GPLv3
* Make Makefile clean targets modular
* Use img.shields.io for PyPi badges
* Get django-cas-server version in Makefile directly from setup.py (so now, the version is only
written in one place)
* Fix MysqlAuthUser when number of results != 1: In that case, call super anyway this the provided
v0.4.0 - 2015-12-15
commit: 7b4fac575449e50c2caff07f5798dba7f4e4857c
* Add a help_text to pattern of ServicePattern
* Add a timeout to SLO requests
* Add logging capabilities (see README.rst for instruction)
* Add management commands that should be called on a regular basis to README.rst
v0.3.5 - 2015-12-12
commit: 51fa0861f550723171e52d58025fa789dccb8cde
* Add badges to README.rst
* Document settings parameter in README.rst
* Add a "Features" section in README.rst
* Add a AuthUser auth class and use it as auth classes base class instead of DummyAuthUser
* Fix minor errors and typos in README.rst
v0.3.4 - 2015-12-12
commit: 9fbfe19c550b147e8d0377108cdac8231cf0fb27
* Add static files, templates and locales to the PyPi release by adding them to MANIFEST.in
* Add a Makefile with the build/install/clean/dist targets
v0.3.3 - 2015-12-12
commit: 16b700d0127abe33a1eabf5d5fe890aeb5167e5a
* Add management commands and migrations to the package by adding there packages to setup.py
packages list.
v0.3.2 - 2015-12-12 [YANKED]
commit: eef9490885bf665a53349573ddb9cbe844319b3e
* Add migrations to setup.py package_data
v0.3.1 - 2015-12-12
commit: d0f6ed9ea3a4b3e2bf715fd218c460892c32e39f
* Add a forgotten migration (remove auto_now_add=True from the User model)
v0.3.0 - 2015-12-12
commit: b69769d71a99806a69e300eca0d7c6744a2b327e
* Django 1.9 compatibility (add tox and travis tests and fix some decrecated)
v0.2.1 - 2015-12-12
commit: 90e077dedb991d651822e9bb283470de8bddd7dd
First github and PyPi release
* Prune .tox in MANIFEST.in
* add dist/ to .gitignore
* typo in setup.cfg
v0.2.0 - 2015-12-12 [YANKED]
commit: a071ad46d7cd76fc97eb86f2f538d330457c6767
v0.1.0 - 2015-05-22 [YANKED]
commit: 6981433bdf8a406992ba0c5e844a47d06ccc08fb