William Carroll fdd51f626c Fully support login, logout
Refactor my handlers to use the `Handler a` type instead of `IO a`; this allows
me to throwError inside of handlers that Servant properly handles. Previously I
was creating 500 errors unnecessarily.
2020-07-29 20:26:23 +01:00

127 lines
4.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module App where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Servant
import Servant.Server.Internal.ServerError
import API
import Utils
import Web.Cookie
import qualified Crypto.KDF.BCrypt as BC
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import qualified Types as T
import qualified Accounts as Accounts
import qualified Auth as Auth
import qualified Trips as Trips
import qualified Sessions as Sessions
import qualified LoginAttempts as LoginAttempts
err429 :: ServerError
err429 = ServerError
{ errHTTPCode = 429
, errReasonPhrase = "Too many requests"
, errBody = ""
, errHeaders = []
server :: FilePath -> Server API
server dbFile = createAccount
:<|> deleteAccount
:<|> listAccounts
:<|> createTrip
:<|> deleteTrip
:<|> listTrips
:<|> login
:<|> logout
-- TODO(wpcarro): Handle failed CONSTRAINTs instead of sending 500s
createAccount :: T.CreateAccountRequest -> Handler NoContent
createAccount request = do
liftIO $ Accounts.create dbFile
(T.createAccountRequestUsername request)
(T.createAccountRequestPassword request)
(T.createAccountRequestEmail request)
(T.createAccountRequestRole request)
pure NoContent
deleteAccount :: T.SessionCookie -> Text -> Handler NoContent
deleteAccount cookie username = do
mRole <- liftIO $ Auth.roleFromCookie dbFile cookie
case mRole of
Just T.Admin -> do
liftIO $ Accounts.delete dbFile (T.Username username)
pure NoContent
-- cannot delete an account if you're not an Admin
_ -> throwError err401 { errBody = "Only admins can delete accounts." }
listAccounts :: T.SessionCookie -> Handler [T.User]
listAccounts (T.SessionCookie cookie) = liftIO $ Accounts.list dbFile
createTrip :: T.SessionCookie -> T.Trip -> Handler NoContent
createTrip cookie trip = do
liftIO $ Trips.create dbFile trip
pure NoContent
-- TODO(wpcarro): Validate incoming data like startDate.
deleteTrip :: T.SessionCookie -> T.TripPK -> Handler NoContent
deleteTrip cookie tripPK = do
liftIO $ Trips.delete dbFile tripPK
pure NoContent
listTrips :: Handler [T.Trip]
listTrips = liftIO $ Trips.list dbFile
login :: T.AccountCredentials
-> Handler (Headers '[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie] NoContent)
login (T.AccountCredentials username password) = do
mAccount <- liftIO $ Accounts.lookup dbFile username
case mAccount of
Just account@T.Account{..} -> do
mAttempts <- liftIO $ LoginAttempts.forUsername dbFile accountUsername
case mAttempts of
Nothing ->
if T.passwordsMatch password accountPassword then do
uuid <- liftIO $ Sessions.findOrCreate dbFile account
pure $ addHeader (Auth.mkCookie uuid) NoContent
else do
liftIO $ LoginAttempts.increment dbFile username
throwError err401 { errBody = "Your credentials are invalid" }
Just attempts ->
if attempts > 3 then
throwError err429
else if T.passwordsMatch password accountPassword then do
uuid <- liftIO $ Sessions.findOrCreate dbFile account
pure $ addHeader (Auth.mkCookie uuid) NoContent
else do
liftIO $ LoginAttempts.increment dbFile username
throwError err401 { errBody = "Your credentials are invalid" }
-- In this branch, the user didn't supply a known username.
Nothing -> throwError err401 { errBody = "Your credentials are invalid" }
logout :: T.SessionCookie
-> Handler (Headers '[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie] NoContent)
logout cookie = do
case Auth.uuidFromCookie cookie of
Nothing ->
pure $ addHeader Auth.emptyCookie NoContent
Just uuid -> do
liftIO $ Sessions.delete dbFile uuid
pure $ addHeader Auth.emptyCookie NoContent
run :: FilePath -> IO ()
run dbFile = 3000 (serve (Proxy @ API) $ server dbFile)