Finally ported my up-to-date emacs configuration here. I was putting this off for a long while, unsure of how to handle all of the work. All it took was my laptop being fried to force me to do this. So... voila!
52 lines
3.1 KiB
52 lines
3.1 KiB
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
["#10151C" "#D95468" "#8BD49C" "#EBBF83" "#5EC4FF" "#E27E8D" "#70E1E8" "#9CAABB"])
("bd23e5e571f9b951eb79941ba3927fb493c26463654add2a53f4fb0de72ef08b" "013c62a1fcee7c8988c831027b1c38ae215f99722911b69e570f21fc19cb662e" "0b1ded82ebea8b76e3c17c628fe0d3c7aa46746c3efcf657f633d71989110585" "8ff5073d6c694a442c85505d6f885a752061b3738e2de7c2b9042ffd2c1579e5" "4f5fb2b25a9c71d584472abc5b6f850d616ac280a69e43df6e78ddf2b4aa68fa" "0a3a41085c19d8121ed0ad3eb658a475ccb948a70a83604641ee7d4c3575a4d5" "73e35ffa5ca98b57a9923954f296c3854ce6d8736b31fdbdda3d27502d4b4d69" "a7e7804313dbf827a441c86a8109ef5b64b03011383322cbdbf646eb02692f76" "77bddca0879cb3b0ecdf071d9635c818827c57d69164291cb27268ae324efa84" "3481e594ae6866d72c40ad77d86a1ffa338d01daa9eb0977e324f365cef4f47c" "6be42070d23e832a7493166f90e9bb08af348a818ec18389c1f21d33542771af" default)))
'(fci-rule-color "#56697A")
'(flycheck-javascript-flow-args nil)
'(jdee-db-active-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#10151C" "#5EC4FF"))
'(jdee-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#10151C" "#8BD49C"))
'(jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#10151C" "#384551"))
'(org-fontify-done-headline t t)
'(org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t t)
'(org-fontify-whole-heading-line t t)
(writeroom-mode general rainbow-delimiters zen-mode flx-ido xterm-color evil-collection evil-text-objects-javascript evil-text-objects-haskell dired+ org-bullets slack emojify circe oauth2 engine-mode uniquify diminish elisp-slime-nav pcre2el magit-gh-pulls org-mode intero f cycle-themes ansi-term request dash-functional company-flow flycheck-flow flow-minor-mode elixir-mode oceanic-theme git-timemachine dockerfile-mode docker yaml-mode s key-chord yasnippet prettier-js rjsx-mode indium reason-mode flycheck markdown-mode smex magit all-the-icons-ivy which-key doom-themes cider hydra ace-window counsel-projectile counsel paredit projectile company evil exec-path-from-shell use-package)))
((intero-targets "grid:lib" "grid:exe:grid-exe" "grid:test:doctests" "grid:test:grid-test"))))
'(vc-annotate-background "#10151C")
(cons 20 "#8BD49C")
(cons 40 "#abcd93")
(cons 60 "#cbc68b")
(cons 80 "#EBBF83")
(cons 100 "#e5ae6f")
(cons 120 "#df9e5b")
(cons 140 "#D98E48")
(cons 160 "#dc885f")
(cons 180 "#df8376")
(cons 200 "#E27E8D")
(cons 220 "#df7080")
(cons 240 "#dc6274")
(cons 260 "#D95468")
(cons 280 "#b05062")
(cons 300 "#884c5c")
(cons 320 "#604856")
(cons 340 "#56697A")
(cons 360 "#56697A")))
'(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.