Aspen Smith 780b47193a refactor(tvix/eval): Generalize propagation of catchable values
Rather than explicitly checking for Value::Catchable in all builtins,
make the #[builtin] proc macro insert this for all strict arguments by
default, with support for a #[catch] attribute on the argument to
disable this behavior. That attribute hasn't actually been *used*
anywhere here, primarily because the tests pass without it, even for
those builtins which weren't previously checking for Value::Catchable -
if some time passes without this being used I might get rid of support
for it entirely.

There's also a `try_value` macro in builtins directly for the places
where builtins were eg forcing something, then explicitly propagating a
catchable value.

Change-Id: Ie22037b9d3e305e3bdb682d105fe467bd90d53e9
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: raitobezarius <>
2024-02-08 19:59:21 +00:00

357 lines
14 KiB

extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::parse::Parse;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
parse2, parse_macro_input, parse_quote, parse_quote_spanned, Attribute, FnArg, Ident, Item,
ItemMod, LitStr, Meta, Pat, PatIdent, PatType, Token, Type,
/// Description of a single argument passed to a builtin
struct BuiltinArgument {
/// The name of the argument, to be used in docstrings and error messages
name: Ident,
/// Type of the argument.
ty: Box<Type>,
/// Whether the argument should be forced before the underlying builtin
/// function is called.
strict: bool,
/// Propagate catchable values as values to the function, rather than short-circuit returning
/// them if encountered
catch: bool,
/// Span at which the argument was defined.
span: Span,
fn extract_docstring(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Option<String> {
// Rust docstrings are transparently written pre-macro expansion into an attribute that looks
// like:
// #[doc = "docstring here"]
// Multi-line docstrings yield multiple attributes in order, which we assemble into a single
// string below.
struct Docstring {
eq: Token![=],
doc: LitStr,
impl Parse for Docstring {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
eq: input.parse()?,
doc: input.parse()?,
.filter(|attr| attr.path.get_ident().into_iter().any(|id| id == "doc"))
.filter_map(|attr| parse2::<Docstring>(attr.tokens.clone()).ok())
.map(|docstring| docstring.doc.value())
.reduce(|mut fst, snd| {
if snd.is_empty() {
// An empty string represents a spacing newline that was added in the
// original doc comment.
} else {
/// Parse arguments to the `builtins` macro itself, such as `#[builtins(state = Rc<State>)]`.
fn parse_module_args(args: TokenStream) -> Option<Type> {
if args.is_empty() {
return None;
let meta: Meta = syn::parse(args).expect("could not parse arguments to `builtins`-attribute");
let name_value = match meta {
Meta::NameValue(nv) => nv,
_ => panic!("arguments to `builtins`-attribute must be of the form `name = value`"),
if *name_value.path.get_ident().unwrap() != "state" {
return None;
if let syn::Lit::Str(type_name) = name_value.lit {
let state_type: Type =
syn::parse_str(&type_name.value()).expect("failed to parse builtins state type");
return Some(state_type);
panic!("state attribute must be a quoted Rust type");
/// Mark the annotated module as a module for defining Nix builtins.
/// An optional type definition may be specified as an argument (e.g. `#[builtins(Rc<State>)]`),
/// which will add a parameter to the `builtins` function of that type which is passed to each
/// builtin upon instantiation. Using this, builtins that close over some external state can be
/// written.
/// The type of each function is rewritten to receive a `Vec<Value>`, containing each `Value`
/// argument that the function receives. The body of functions is accordingly rewritten to "unwrap"
/// values from this vector and bind them to the correct names, so unless a static error occurs this
/// transformation is mostly invisible to users of the macro.
/// A function `fn builtins() -> Vec<Builtin>` will be defined within the annotated module,
/// returning a list of [`tvix_eval::Builtin`] for each function annotated with the `#[builtin]`
/// attribute within the module. If a `state` type is specified, the `builtins` function will take a
/// value of that type.
/// Each invocation of the `#[builtin]` annotation within the module should be passed a string
/// literal for the name of the builtin.
/// # Examples
/// ```ignore
/// # use tvix_eval;
/// # use tvix_eval_builtin_macros::builtins;
/// #[builtins]
/// mod builtins {
/// use tvix_eval::{GenCo, ErrorKind, Value};
/// #[builtin("identity")]
/// pub async fn builtin_identity(co: GenCo, x: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
/// Ok(x)
/// }
/// // Builtins can request their argument not be forced before being called by annotating the
/// // argument with the `#[lazy]` attribute
/// #[builtin("tryEval")]
/// pub async fn builtin_try_eval(co: GenCo, #[lazy] x: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
/// todo!()
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn builtins(args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let mut module = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemMod);
// parse the optional state type, which users might want to pass to builtins
let state_type = parse_module_args(args);
let (_, items) = match &mut module.content {
Some(content) => content,
None => {
return (quote_spanned!(module.span() =>
compile_error!("Builtin modules must be defined in-line")
let mut builtins = vec![];
for item in items.iter_mut() {
if let Item::Fn(f) = item {
if let Some(builtin_attr_pos) = f
.position(|attr| attr.path.get_ident().iter().any(|id| *id == "builtin"))
let builtin_attr = f.attrs.remove(builtin_attr_pos);
let name: LitStr = match builtin_attr.parse_args() {
Ok(args) => args,
Err(err) => return err.into_compile_error().into(),
if f.sig.inputs.len() <= 1 {
return (quote_spanned!(
f.sig.inputs.span() =>
compile_error!("Builtin functions must take at least two arguments")
// Inspect the first argument to determine if this function is
// taking the state parameter.
// TODO(tazjin): add a test in //tvix/eval that covers this
let mut captures_state = false;
if let FnArg::Typed(PatType { pat, .. }) = &f.sig.inputs[0] {
if let Pat::Ident(PatIdent { ident, .. }) = pat.as_ref() {
if *ident == "state" {
if state_type.is_none() {
panic!("builtin captures a `state` argument, but no state type was defined");
captures_state = true;
let mut rewritten_args = std::mem::take(&mut f.sig.inputs)
// Split out the value arguments from the static arguments.
let split_idx = if captures_state { 2 } else { 1 };
let value_args = rewritten_args.split_off(split_idx);
let builtin_arguments = value_args
.map(|arg| {
let span = arg.span();
let mut strict = true;
let mut catch = false;
let (name, ty) = match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => {
return Err(quote_spanned!(span => {
compile_error!("unexpected receiver argument in builtin")
FnArg::Typed(PatType {
mut attrs, pat, ty, ..
}) => {
attrs.retain(|attr| {
attr.path.get_ident().into_iter().any(|id| {
if id == "lazy" {
strict = false;
} else if id == "catch" {
catch = true;
} else {
match pat.as_ref() {
Pat::Ident(PatIdent { ident, .. }) => {
(ident.clone(), ty.clone())
_ => panic!("ignored value parameters must be named, e.g. `_x` and not just `_`"),
if catch && !strict {
return Err(quote_spanned!(span => {
compile_error!("Cannot mix both lazy and catch on the same argument")
Ok(BuiltinArgument {
.collect::<Result<Vec<BuiltinArgument>, _>>();
let builtin_arguments = match builtin_arguments {
Err(err) => return err.into(),
// reverse argument order, as they are popped from the stack
// slice in opposite order
Ok(args) => args,
// Rewrite the argument to the actual function to take a
// `Vec<Value>`, which is then destructured into the
// user-defined values in the function header.
let sig_span = f.sig.span();
rewritten_args.push(parse_quote_spanned!(sig_span=> mut values: Vec<Value>));
f.sig.inputs = rewritten_args.into_iter().collect();
// Rewrite the body of the function to do said argument forcing.
// This is done by creating a new block for each of the
// arguments that evaluates it, and wraps the inner block.
for arg in &builtin_arguments {
let block = &f.block;
let ty = &arg.ty;
let ident = &;
if arg.strict {
if arg.catch {
f.block = Box::new(parse_quote_spanned! {arg.span=> {
let #ident: #ty = tvix_eval::generators::request_force(&co, values.pop()
.expect("Tvix bug: builtin called with incorrect number of arguments")).await;
} else {
f.block = Box::new(parse_quote_spanned! {arg.span=> {
let #ident: #ty = tvix_eval::generators::request_force(&co, values.pop()
.expect("Tvix bug: builtin called with incorrect number of arguments")).await;
if #ident.is_catchable() {
return Ok(#ident);
} else {
f.block = Box::new(parse_quote_spanned! {arg.span=> {
let #ident: #ty = values.pop()
.expect("Tvix bug: builtin called with incorrect number of arguments");
let fn_name = f.sig.ident.clone();
let arg_count = builtin_arguments.len();
let docstring = match extract_docstring(&f.attrs) {
Some(docs) => quote!(Some(#docs)),
None => quote!(None),
if captures_state {
builtins.push(quote_spanned! { builtin_attr.span() => {
let inner_state = state.clone();
move |values| Gen::new(|co| tvix_eval::generators::pin_generator(#fn_name(inner_state.clone(), co, values))),
} else {
builtins.push(quote_spanned! { builtin_attr.span() => {
|values| Gen::new(|co| tvix_eval::generators::pin_generator(#fn_name(co, values))),
if let Some(state_type) = state_type {
items.push(parse_quote! {
pub fn builtins(state: #state_type) -> Vec<(&'static str, Value)> {
vec![#(#builtins),*].into_iter().map(|b| (, Value::Builtin(b))).collect()
} else {
items.push(parse_quote! {
pub fn builtins() -> Vec<(&'static str, Value)> {
vec![#(#builtins),*].into_iter().map(|b| (, Value::Builtin(b))).collect()