Paying-off more packaging debt... Change-Id: Ide641229d6c8efe70c0fd6c625d07aa1a3be98a0 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/7395 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: wpcarro <wpcarro@gmail.com>
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;;; vector.el --- Working with Elisp's Vector data type -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
;;; Commentary:
;; It might be best to think of Elisp vectors as tuples in languages like
;; Haskell or Erlang.
;; Not surprisingly, this API is modelled after Elixir's Tuple API.
;; Some Elisp trivia:
;; - "Array": Usually means vector or string.
;; - "Sequence": Usually means list or "array" (see above).
;; It might be a good idea to think of Array and Sequence as typeclasses in
;; Elisp. This is perhaps more similar to Elixir's notion of the Enum protocol.
;; Intentionally not supporting a to-list function, because tuples can contain
;; heterogenous types whereas lists should contain homogenous types.
;;; Code:
;; Library
(defun vector-concat (&rest args)
"Return a new vector composed of all vectors in `ARGS'."
(apply #'vconcat args))
(defun vector-prepend (x xs)
"Add `X' to the beginning of `XS'."
(vector-concat `[,x] xs))
(defun vector-append (x xs)
"Add `X' to the end of `XS'."
(vector-concat xs `[,x]))
(defun vector-get (i xs)
"Return the value in `XS' at index, `I'."
(aref xs i))
(defun vector-set (i v xs)
"Set index `I' to value `V' in `XS'.
Returns a copy of `XS' with the updates."
(let ((copy (vconcat [] xs)))
(aset copy i v)
(defun vector-set! (i v xs)
"Set index `I' to value `V' in `XS'.
This function mutates XS."
(aset xs i v))
(provide 'vector)
;;; vector.el ends here