Create a web app off the post-its that I keep near my bathroom mirror.
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151 lines
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import { createSlice, configureStore, PayloadAction } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { useSelector, TypedUseSelectorHook } from "react-redux";
// Monday 0
// Tuesday 1
// Wednesday 2
// Thursday 3
// Friday 4
// Saturday 5
// Sunday 6
type Day = number;
export interface Task {
label: string;
// Number of milliseconds
duration: number;
export interface Habit {
day: Day;
tasks: Task[];
export interface State {
isLoading: boolean;
habits: Habit[];
const minute: number = 1000 * 60;
const hour: number = minute * 60;
* Tasks
const jiuJitsu: Task = {
label: "Jiu Jitsu",
duration: hour,
const hotYoga: Task = {
label: "Hot Pod Yoga",
duration: hour,
const shave: Task = {
label: "Shave",
duration: 10 * minute,
const vacuum: Task = {
label: "Vacuum",
duration: 15 * minute,
const nap: Task = {
label: "Nap",
duration: hour,
const trimNails: Task = {
label: "Trim Nails",
duration: 5 * minute,
const trash: Task = {
label: "Take out trash",
duration: 5 * minute,
const scheduleLaundry: Task = {
label: "Schedule laundry pick-up",
duration: 5 * minute,
* Days
const monday: Habit = {
day: 0,
tasks: [jiuJitsu],
const tuesday: Habit = {
day: 1,
tasks: [
label: "Work from 6PS",
duration: hour * 8,
const wednesday: Habit = {
day: 2,
tasks: [
label: "Clean apartment sinks",
duration: 15 * minute,
const thursday: Habit = {
day: 3,
tasks: [],
const friday: Habit = {
day: 4,
tasks: [hotYoga],
const saturday: Habit = {
day: 5,
tasks: [vacuum, nap],
const sunday: Habit = {
day: 6,
tasks: [jiuJitsu, nap, shave, trimNails, trash, scheduleLaundry],
* State
const initialState: State = {
isLoading: true,
habits: [monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday],
export const { actions, reducer } = createSlice({
name: "application",
reducers: {
toggleIsLoading: (state) => ({ ...state, isLoading: !state.isLoading }),
* Defining and consuming this allows us to avoid annotating State in all of our
* selectors.
export const useTypedSelector: TypedUseSelectorHook<State> = useSelector;
export default configureStore({ reducer });