My inconsistent git history-keeping is coming to bite me here. At the moment, I can only speculate about what went wrong here. The gist is this: I unintentionally committed files that were supposed to be ignored This commit removes those files which includes: - auto-save-list - elpa packages - quelpa packages - misc
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;;; keybindings.el --- My Evil preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;;; Commentary:
;; This module hosts my Evil preferences
;; Wish List:
;; - drop support for `evil-leader' library in favor of `general.el'
;; - restore support for concise (n <kbd> <function>) instead of `general-mmap'
;; - restore support for `general-unbind'
;;; Code:
(use-package evil
(setq evil-want-integration nil)
:keymaps 'override
"RET" #'evil-goto-line
"H" #'evil-first-non-blank
"L" #'evil-end-of-line
"-" #'dired-jump
"sl" #'wpc/evil-window-vsplit-right
"sh" #'evil-window-vsplit
"sk" #'evil-window-split
"sj" #'wpc/evil-window-split-down
"sj" #'wpc/evil-window-split-down)
:keymaps 'override
"gd" #'xref-find-definitions)
(general-unbind 'motion "M-." "C-p")
(general-unbind 'normal "s" "M-.")
(general-unbind 'insert "C-d" "C-a" "C-e" "C-n" "C-p" "C-k")
(setq evil-symbol-word-search t)
(evil-mode 1))
;; evil keybindings
(use-package evil-collection
:after (evil)
;; expose a leader key
(use-package evil-leader
:after (evil counsel)
(evil-leader/set-leader "<SPC>")
;; global
"i" #'counsel-semantic-or-imenu
"j" #'jump-to-register
"h" #'help
"a" #'wpc/toggle-terminal
"p" #'flycheck-previous-error
"P" #'counsel-git-grep
"f" #'wpc/find-file
"n" #'flycheck-next-error
"N" #'smerge-next
"P" #'smerge-prev
"b" #'ivy-switch-buffer
"gs" #'magit-status
"es" #'wpc/create-snippet
"ev" #'wpc/edit-init-el
"B" #'magit-blame
"w" #'save-buffer
"x" #'evil-save-and-close
"W" #'save-all-buffers
"r" #'wpc/evil-replace-under-point
;; create comments easily
(use-package evil-commentary
:after (evil)
;; evil surround
(use-package evil-surround
:after (evil)
(global-evil-surround-mode 1))
;; Custom minor mode that ensures that my kbds are available no matter which major
;; or minor modes are active.
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #'ensure-william-carroll-kbds)
(defun ensure-william-carroll-kbds (_ignore)
"Try to ensure that my keybindings retain priority over other minor modes."
(unless (eq (caar minor-mode-map-alist) 'wpc/kbds-minor-mode)
(let ((mykbds (assq 'wpc/kbds-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)))
(assq-delete-all 'wpc/kbds-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
(add-to-list 'minor-mode-map-alist mykbds))))
(defvar wpc/kbds
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(bind-keys :map map
("M-q" . delete-window)
("C-x C-;" . comment-or-uncomment-region)
("C-x h" . help)
("<s-return>" . toggle-frame-fullscreen)
("<down-mouse-1>" . ffap-other-window)
("M-h" . wpc/tmux-emacs-windmove-left)
("M-l" . wpc/tmux-emacs-windmove-right)
("M-k" . wpc/tmux-emacs-windmove-up)
("M-j" . wpc/tmux-emacs-windmove-down)
("M--" . split-window-below)
("M-\\" . split-window-right)
("M-q" . delete-window))
"William Carroll's keybindings that should have the highest precedence.")
(define-minor-mode wpc/kbds-minor-mode
"A minor mode so that my key settings override annoying major modes."
:init-value t
:lighter " wpc/kbds"
:keymap wpc/kbds)
;; allow jk to escape
(use-package key-chord
:after (evil)
(key-chord-mode 1)
(key-chord-define evil-insert-state-map "jk" 'evil-normal-state))
(provide 'wpc-keybindings)
;;; wpc-keybindings.el ends here