After moving off of Meta, Dotfiles has a greater responsibility to manage configs. Vim, Tmux, and Emacs are now within Stow's purview.
350 lines
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350 lines
14 KiB
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Vibhav Pant <> -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(require 'json)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'lsp-common)
(require 'lsp-notifications)
(require 'pcase)
(require 'subr-x)
;; vibhavp: Should we use a lower value (5)?
(defcustom lsp-response-timeout 10
"Number of seconds to wait for a response from the language server before timing out."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defun lsp--send-wait (message proc parser)
"Send MESSAGE to PROC and wait for output from the process."
(when lsp-print-io
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(message "lsp--stdio-wait: %s" message)))
(when (memq (process-status proc) '(stop exit closed failed nil))
(error "%s: Cannot communicate with the process (%s)" (process-name proc)
(process-status proc)))
(process-send-string proc message)
(let* ((send-time (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
;; max time by which we must get a response
(expected-time (+ send-time lsp-response-timeout)))
(while (lsp--parser-waiting-for-response parser)
;; Wait for expected-time - current-time
(accept-process-output proc (- expected-time (time-to-seconds (current-time))))
;; We have timed out when expected-time < (current-time)
(when (< expected-time (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
(signal 'lsp-timed-out-error nil))))))
(defun lsp--send-no-wait (message proc)
"Send MESSAGE to PROC without waiting for further output."
(when lsp-print-io
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(message "lsp--send-no-wait: %s" message)))
(when (memq (process-status proc) '(stop exit closed failed nil))
(error "%s: Cannot communicate with the process (%s)" (process-name proc)
(process-status proc)))
(process-send-string proc message))
(cl-defstruct lsp--parser
(waiting-for-response nil)
(response-result nil)
(headers '()) ;; alist of headers
(body nil) ;; message body
(reading-body nil) ;; If non-nil, reading body
(body-length nil) ;; length of current message body
(body-received 0) ;; amount of current message body currently stored in 'body'
(leftovers nil) ;; Leftover data from previous chunk; to be processed
(queued-notifications nil) ;; Unused field
(queued-requests nil)
(workspace nil) ;; the workspace
(define-error 'lsp-parse-error
"Error parsing message from language server" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-unknown-message-type
"Unknown message type" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-unknown-json-rpc-version
"Unknown JSON-RPC protocol version" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-no-content-length
"Content-Length header missing in message" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-invalid-header-name
"Invalid header name" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
;; id method
;; x x request
;; x . response
;; . x notification
(defun lsp--get-message-type (json-data)
"Get the message type from JSON-DATA."
(when (not (string= (gethash "jsonrpc" json-data "") "2.0"))
(signal 'lsp-unknown-json-rpc-version (list (gethash "jsonrpc" json-data))))
(if (gethash "id" json-data nil)
(if (gethash "error" json-data nil)
(if (gethash "method" json-data nil)
(if (gethash "method" json-data nil)
(signal 'lsp-unknown-message-type (list json-data)))))
(defun lsp--default-message-handler (workspace params)
(lsp--window-show-message params workspace))
(defconst lsp--default-notification-handlers
test equal
("window/showMessage" lsp--default-message-handler
"window/logMessage" lsp--default-message-handler
"textDocument/publishDiagnostics" (lambda (w p) (lsp--on-diagnostics p w))
"textDocument/diagnosticsEnd" ignore
"textDocument/diagnosticsBegin" ignore)))
(defun lsp--on-notification (p notification)
"Call the appropriate handler for NOTIFICATION."
(let* ((params (gethash "params" notification))
(client (lsp--workspace-client (lsp--parser-workspace p)))
(method (gethash "method" notification))
(handler (gethash method
(lsp--client-notification-handlers client)
(gethash method lsp--default-notification-handlers))))
(if handler
(funcall handler (lsp--parser-workspace p) params)
(lsp-warn "Unknown method: %s" method))))
(defun lsp--on-request (p request)
"Call the appropriate handler for REQUEST, and send the return value to the server."
(let ((params (gethash "params" request))
(client (lsp--workspace-client (lsp--parser-workspace p)))
(process (lsp--workspace-proc (lsp--parser-workspace p)))
(empty-response (lsp--make-response (gethash "id" request) nil nil))
handler response)
(setq response
(pcase (gethash "method" request)
(dolist (reg (gethash "registrations" params))
(lsp--server-register-capability reg))
(let ((choice (lsp--window-show-message-request params)))
(lsp--make-response (gethash "id" request)
`(:title ,choice)
(dolist (unreg (gethash "unregisterations" params))
(lsp--server-unregister-capability unreg))
(lsp--parser-workspace p) params)
(setq handler (gethash other (lsp--client-request-handlers client) nil))
(if (not handler)
(lsp-warn "Unknown request method: %s" other)
(lsp--make-response (gethash "id" request)
(funcall handler (lsp--parser-workspace p) params) nil)))))
;; Send response to the server.
(lsp--send-no-wait (lsp--make-message response) process)))
(defconst lsp--errors
'((-32700 "Parse Error")
(-32600 "Invalid Request")
(-32601 "Method not Found")
(-32602 "Invalid Parameters")
(-32603 "Internal Error")
(-32099 "Server Start Error")
(-32000 "Server End Error")
(-32002 "Server Not Initialized")
(-32001 "Unknown Error Code")
(-32800 "Request Cancelled"))
"alist of error codes to user friendly strings.")
(defconst lsp--silent-errors '(-32800)
"Error codes that are okay to not notify the user about")
(defun lsp--error-string (err)
"Format ERR as a user friendly string."
(let ((code (gethash "code" err))
(message (gethash "message" err)))
(format "Error from the Language Server: %s (%s)"
(or (car (alist-get code lsp--errors)) "Unknown error"))))
(defun lsp--get-body-length (headers)
(let ((content-length (cdr (assoc "Content-Length" headers))))
(if content-length
(string-to-number content-length)
;; This usually means either the server our our parser is
;; screwed up with a previous Content-Length
(error "No Content-Length header"))))
(defun lsp--parse-header (s)
"Parse string S as a LSP (KEY . VAL) header."
(let ((pos (string-match "\:" s))
key val)
(unless pos
(signal 'lsp-invalid-header-name (list s)))
(setq key (substring s 0 pos)
val (substring s (+ 2 pos)))
(when (string-equal key "Content-Length")
(cl-assert (cl-loop for c being the elements of val
when (or (> c ?9) (< c ?0)) return nil
finally return t)
nil (format "Invalid Content-Length value: %s" val)))
(cons key val)))
(defun lsp--parser-reset (p)
(lsp--parser-leftovers p) ""
(lsp--parser-body-length p) nil
(lsp--parser-body-received p) nil
(lsp--parser-headers p) '()
(lsp--parser-body p) nil
(lsp--parser-reading-body p) nil))
(define-inline lsp--read-json (str)
(let* ((json-array-type 'list)
(json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-false nil))
(json-read-from-string ,str))))
(defun lsp--parser-on-message (p msg)
"Called when the parser reads a complete message from the server."
(let* ((json-data (lsp--read-json msg))
(id (gethash "id" json-data nil))
(client (lsp--workspace-client (lsp--parser-workspace p)))
(pcase (lsp--get-message-type json-data)
(cl-assert id)
(setq callback (gethash (if (stringp id)
(string-to-number id)
(lsp--client-response-handlers client)
(if callback
(progn (funcall callback (gethash "result" json-data nil))
(remhash id (lsp--client-response-handlers client)))
(setf (lsp--parser-response-result p)
(and json-data (gethash "result" json-data nil))
(lsp--parser-waiting-for-response p) nil)))
(let* ((err (gethash "error" json-data nil))
(code (gethash "code" err nil)))
(when (and json-data
(not (memq code lsp--silent-errors)))
(message (lsp--error-string err))))
(setf (lsp--parser-response-result p) nil
(lsp--parser-waiting-for-response p) nil))
('notification (lsp--on-notification p json-data))
('request (lsp--on-request p json-data)))))
(defun lsp--parser-read (p output)
(cl-assert (lsp--parser-workspace p) nil "Parser workspace cannot be nil.")
(let ((messages '())
(chunk (concat (lsp--parser-leftovers p) output)))
(while (not (string-empty-p chunk))
(if (not (lsp--parser-reading-body p))
;; Read headers
(let* ((body-sep-pos (string-match-p "\r\n\r\n" chunk)))
(if body-sep-pos
;; We've got all the headers, handle them all at once:
(let* ((header-raw (substring chunk 0 body-sep-pos))
(content (substring chunk (+ body-sep-pos 4)))
(mapcar 'lsp--parse-header
(split-string header-raw "\r\n")))
(body-length (lsp--get-body-length headers)))
(lsp--parser-headers p) headers
(lsp--parser-reading-body p) t
(lsp--parser-body-length p) body-length
(lsp--parser-body-received p) 0
(lsp--parser-body p) (make-string body-length ?\0)
(lsp--parser-leftovers p) nil)
(setq chunk content))
;; Haven't found the end of the headers yet. Save everything
;; for when the next chunk arrives and await further input.
(setf (lsp--parser-leftovers p) chunk)
(setq chunk "")))
;; Read body
(let* ((total-body-length (lsp--parser-body-length p))
(received-body-length (lsp--parser-body-received p))
(chunk-length (string-bytes chunk))
(left-to-receive (- total-body-length received-body-length))
(substring chunk 0 (min left-to-receive chunk-length)))
(leftovers (substring chunk (string-bytes this-body))))
(store-substring (lsp--parser-body p) received-body-length this-body)
(setf (lsp--parser-body-received p) (+ (lsp--parser-body-received p)
(string-bytes this-body)))
(when (>= chunk-length left-to-receive)
;; TODO: keep track of the Content-Type header, if
;; present, and use its value instead of just defaulting
;; to utf-8
(push (decode-coding-string (lsp--parser-body p) 'utf-8) messages)
(lsp--parser-reset p))
(setq chunk leftovers))))
(nreverse messages)))
(defun lsp--json-pretty-print (msg)
"Convert json MSG string to pretty printed json string."
(let ((json-encoding-pretty-print t))
(json-encode (json-read-from-string msg))))
(defun lsp--parser-make-filter (p ignore-regexps)
#'(lambda (_proc output)
(when (cl-loop for r in ignore-regexps
;; check if the output is to be ignored or not
;; TODO: Would this ever result in false positives?
when (string-match r output) return nil
finally return t)
(let ((messages
(condition-case err
(lsp--parser-read p output)
(lsp--parser-reset p)
(setf (lsp--parser-response-result p) nil
(lsp--parser-waiting-for-response p) nil)
(error "Error parsing language server output: %s" err))))))
(dolist (m messages)
(when lsp-print-io
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(message "Output from language server: %s" (lsp--json-pretty-print m))))
(lsp--parser-on-message p m))))))
(declare-function lsp--client-notification-handlers "lsp-methods" (client))
(declare-function lsp--client-request-handlers "lsp-methods" (client))
(declare-function lsp--workspace-client "lsp-methods" (workspace))
(declare-function lsp--workspace-apply-edit-handler "lsp-methods" (workspace params))
(declare-function lsp--window-show-message-request "lsp-notifications" (params))
(provide 'lsp-io)
;;; lsp-io.el ends here