The test for "one step in each cardinal direction is always visible" was giving a false-negative for an entity at the same position as a wall - not only is this something that would ostensibly never happen, it's also completely reasonable to assume that someone stuck in a wall (due to a bad teleport perhaps?) wouldn't be able to see anything, on account of their head being INSIDE A WALL.
57 lines
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57 lines
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module Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.GraphicsSpec (main, test) where
import Test.Prelude
import Data.Aeson
import Xanthous.Game.State
import Xanthous.Data
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap
import Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.Graphics
import Xanthous.Entities.Environment (Wall(..))
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain test
test :: TestTree
test = testGroup "Xanthous.Data.EntityMap.Graphics"
[ testGroup "visiblePositions"
[ testProperty "one step in each cardinal direction is always visible"
$ \pos (Cardinal dir) (Positive r) (wallPositions :: Set Position)->
pos `notMember` wallPositions ==>
let em = review _EntityMap . map (, Wall) . toList $ wallPositions
em' = em & atPosition (move dir pos) %~ (Wall <|)
poss = visiblePositions pos r em'
in counterexample ("visiblePositions: " <> show poss)
$ move dir pos `member` poss
, testGroup "bugs"
[ testCase "non-contiguous bug 1"
$ let charPos = Position 20 20
gormlakPos = Position 17 19
em = insertAt gormlakPos TestEntity
. insertAt charPos TestEntity
$ mempty
visPositions = visiblePositions charPos 12 em
in (gormlakPos `member` visPositions) @?
( "not ("
<> show gormlakPos <> " `member` "
<> show visPositions
<> ")"
data TestEntity = TestEntity
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON, NFData)
instance Brain TestEntity where
step _ = pure
instance Draw TestEntity
instance Entity TestEntity where
description _ = ""
entityChar _ = "e"