r/3000 will now be shortlinked to show the commit in cgit. Going via atward probably doesn't make sense at this point, since the depot refs are not available in sourcegraph at all (for reasons I can't repeat). Switching to atward might be interesting when/if we introduce support for shortlinking // paths. Fixes: b/163 Change-Id: I57c1a7d02d881e4f8b3ee1f71755dd7930925dc4 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/4402 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Autosubmit: sterni <sternenseemann@systemli.org> Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
341 lines
11 KiB
341 lines
11 KiB
//! This file implements the rendering logic of cheddar with public
//! functions for syntax-highlighting code and for turning Markdown
//! into HTML with TVL extensions.
use comrak::arena_tree::Node;
use comrak::nodes::{Ast, AstNode, NodeCodeBlock, NodeHtmlBlock, NodeValue};
use comrak::{format_html, parse_document, Arena, ComrakOptions};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use syntect::dumps::from_binary;
use syntect::easy::HighlightLines;
use syntect::highlighting::{Theme, ThemeSet};
use syntect::parsing::{SyntaxReference, SyntaxSet};
use syntect::util::LinesWithEndings;
use syntect::html::{
append_highlighted_html_for_styled_line, start_highlighted_html_snippet, IncludeBackground,
mod tests;
lazy_static! {
// Load syntaxes lazily. Initialisation might not be required in
// the case of Markdown rendering (if there's no code blocks
// within the document).
// Note that the syntax set is included from the path pointed to
// by the BAT_SYNTAXES environment variable at compile time. This
// variable is populated by Nix and points to TVL's syntax set.
static ref SYNTAXES: SyntaxSet = from_binary(include_bytes!(env!("BAT_SYNTAXES")));
pub static ref THEMES: ThemeSet = ThemeSet::load_defaults();
// Configure Comrak's Markdown rendering with all the bells &
// whistles!
static ref MD_OPTS: ComrakOptions = {
let mut options = ComrakOptions::default();
// Enable non-standard Markdown features:
options.extension.strikethrough = true;
options.extension.tagfilter = true;
options.extension.table = true;
options.extension.autolink = true;
options.extension.tasklist = true;
options.extension.header_ids = Some(String::new()); // yyeeesss!
options.extension.footnotes = true;
options.extension.description_lists = true;
options.extension.front_matter_delimiter = Some("---".to_owned());
// Required for tagfilter
options.render.unsafe_ = true;
// Configures a map of specific filenames to languages, for cases
// where the detection by extension or other heuristics fails.
static ref FILENAME_OVERRIDES: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
// rules.pl is the canonical name of the submit rule file in
// Gerrit, which is written in Prolog.
map.insert("rules.pl", "Prolog");
// Default shortlink set used in cheddar (i.e. TVL's shortlinks)
static ref TVL_LINKS: Vec<Shortlink> = vec",
Shortlink {
pattern: Regex::new(r#"\br/(?P<dest>\d+)\b"#).unwrap(),
replacement: "[r/$dest](https://code.tvl.fyi/commit/?id=refs/r/$dest)",
/// Structure that describes a single shortlink that should be
/// automatically highlighted. Highlighting is performed as a string
/// replacement over input Markdown.
pub struct Shortlink {
/// Short link pattern to recognise. Make sure to anchor these
/// correctly.
pub pattern: Regex,
/// Replacement string, as per the documentation of
/// [`Regex::replace`].
pub replacement: &'static str,
// HTML fragment used when rendering inline blocks in Markdown documents.
// Emulates the GitHub style (subtle background hue and padding).
const BLOCK_PRE: &str = "<pre style=\"background-color:#f6f8fa;padding:16px;\">\n";
fn should_continue(res: &io::Result<usize>) -> bool {
match *res {
Ok(n) => n > 0,
Err(_) => false,
// This function is taken from the Comrak documentation.
fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
F: Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>),
for c in node.children() {
iter_nodes(c, f);
// Many of the syntaxes in the syntax list have random capitalisations, which
// means that name matching for the block info of a code block in HTML fails.
// Instead, try finding a syntax match by comparing case insensitively (for
// ASCII characters, anyways).
fn find_syntax_case_insensitive(info: &str) -> Option<&'static SyntaxReference> {
// TODO(tazjin): memoize this lookup
.find(|&s| info.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&s.name))
// Replaces code-block inside of a Markdown AST with HTML blocks rendered by
// syntect. This enables static (i.e. no JavaScript) syntax highlighting, even
// of complex languages.
fn highlight_code_block(code_block: &NodeCodeBlock) -> NodeValue {
let theme = &THEMES.themes["InspiredGitHub"];
let info = String::from_utf8_lossy(&code_block.info);
let syntax = find_syntax_case_insensitive(&info)
.or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_extension(&info))
.unwrap_or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_plain_text());
let code = String::from_utf8_lossy(&code_block.literal);
let rendered = {
// Write the block preamble manually to get exactly the
// desired layout:
let mut hl = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme);
let mut buf = BLOCK_PRE.to_string();
for line in LinesWithEndings::from(&code) {
let regions = hl.highlight(line, &SYNTAXES);
append_highlighted_html_for_styled_line(®ions[..], IncludeBackground::No, &mut buf);
let mut block = NodeHtmlBlock::default();
block.literal = rendered.into_bytes();
// Supported callout elements (which each have their own distinct rendering):
enum Callout {
// Determine whether the first child of the supplied node contains a text that
// should cause a callout section to be rendered.
fn has_callout<'a>(node: &Node<'a, RefCell<Ast>>) -> Option<Callout> {
match node.first_child().map(|c| c.data.borrow()) {
Some(child) => match &child.value {
NodeValue::Text(text) => {
if text.starts_with(b"TODO") {
return Some(Callout::Todo);
} else if text.starts_with(b"WARNING") {
return Some(Callout::Warning);
} else if text.starts_with(b"QUESTION") {
return Some(Callout::Question);
} else if text.starts_with(b"TIP") {
return Some(Callout::Tip);
_ => None,
_ => None,
// Replace instances of known shortlinks in the input document with
// Markdown syntax for a highlighted link.
fn linkify_shortlinks(mut text: String, shortlinks: &[Shortlink]) -> String {
for link in shortlinks {
text = link
.replace_all(&text, link.replacement)
return text;
fn format_callout_paragraph(callout: Callout) -> NodeValue {
let class = match callout {
Callout::Todo => "cheddar-todo",
Callout::Warning => "cheddar-warning",
Callout::Question => "cheddar-question",
Callout::Tip => "cheddar-tip",
let mut block = NodeHtmlBlock::default();
block.literal = format!("<p class=\"cheddar-callout {}\">", class).into_bytes();
pub fn format_markdown_with_shortlinks<R: BufRead, W: Write>(
reader: &mut R,
writer: &mut W,
shortlinks: &[Shortlink],
) {
let document = {
let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut buffer)
.expect("reading should work");
let arena = Arena::new();
let root = parse_document(&arena, &linkify_shortlinks(document, shortlinks), &MD_OPTS);
// This node must exist with a lifetime greater than that of the parsed AST
// in case that callouts are encountered (otherwise insertion into the tree
// is not possible).
let mut p_close_value = NodeHtmlBlock::default();
p_close_value.literal = b"</p>".to_vec();
let p_close_node = Ast::new(NodeValue::HtmlBlock(p_close_value));
let p_close = Node::new(RefCell::new(p_close_node));
// Special features of Cheddar are implemented by traversing the
// arena and reacting on nodes that we might want to modify.
iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
let mut ast = node.data.borrow_mut();
let new = match &ast.value {
// Syntax highlighting is implemented by replacing the
// code block node with literal HTML.
NodeValue::CodeBlock(code) => Some(highlight_code_block(code)),
NodeValue::Paragraph => {
if let Some(callout) = has_callout(node) {
} else {
_ => None,
if let Some(new_value) = new {
ast.value = new_value
format_html(root, &MD_OPTS, writer).expect("Markdown rendering failed");
pub fn format_markdown<R: BufRead, W: Write>(reader: &mut R, writer: &mut W) {
format_markdown_with_shortlinks(reader, writer, &TVL_LINKS)
fn find_syntax_for_file(filename: &str) -> &'static SyntaxReference {
.and_then(|name| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_name(name))
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|s| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_extension(s))
.unwrap_or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_plain_text())
pub fn format_code<R: BufRead, W: Write>(
theme: &Theme,
reader: &mut R,
writer: &mut W,
filename: &str,
) {
let mut linebuf = String::new();
// Get the first line, we might need it for syntax identification.
let mut read_result = reader.read_line(&mut linebuf);
let syntax = find_syntax_for_file(filename);
let mut hl = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme);
let (mut outbuf, bg) = start_highlighted_html_snippet(theme);
// Rather than using the `lines` iterator, read each line manually
// and maintain buffer state.
// This is done because the syntax highlighter requires trailing
// newlines to be efficient, and those are stripped in the lines
// iterator.
while should_continue(&read_result) {
let regions = hl.highlight(&linebuf, &SYNTAXES);
&mut outbuf,
// immediately output the current state to avoid keeping
// things in memory
write!(writer, "{}", outbuf).expect("write should not fail");
// merry go round again
read_result = reader.read_line(&mut linebuf);
writeln!(writer, "</pre>").expect("write should not fail");