Vincent Ambo 2db3bbcdbe refactor(context): Rewrite and explain value merging logic
Changes the logic for merging context values to be unambiguous and
easy to follow.

* loadDefaultVars returns the default vars directly instead of
  performing merging in addition
* all merging is performed in `mergeContextValues` using explicit
  explanations for every step of the merge.

After this commit the order of merging goes from least to most
"specific", please read the explanatory comments for more information.

This relates to #142.
2018-06-26 21:06:38 +02:00

257 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Vincent Ambo <>
// This file is part of Kontemplate.
// Kontemplate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
package context
import (
type ResourceSet struct {
// Name of the resource set. This can be used in include/exclude statements during kontemplate runs.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Path to the folder containing the files for this resource set. This defaults to the value of the 'name' field
// if unset.
Path string `json:"path"`
// Values to include when interpolating resources from this resource set.
Values map[string]interface{} `json:"values"`
// Nested resource sets to include
Include []ResourceSet `json:"include"`
// Parent resource set for flattened resource sets. Should not be manually specified.
Parent string
type Context struct {
// The name of the kubectl context
Name string `json:"context"`
// Global variables that should be accessible by all resource sets
Global map[string]interface{} `json:"global"`
// File names of YAML or JSON files including extra variables that should be globally accessible
VariableImportFiles []string `json:"import"`
// The resource sets to include in this context
ResourceSets []ResourceSet `json:"include"`
// Variables imported from additional files
ImportedVars map[string]interface{}
// Explicitly set variables (via `--var`) that should override all others
ExplicitVars map[string]interface{}
// This field represents the absolute path to the context base directory and should not be manually specified.
BaseDir string
func contextLoadingError(filename string, cause error) error {
return fmt.Errorf("Context loading failed on file %s due to: \n%v", filename, cause)
// Attempt to load and deserialise a Context from the specified file.
func LoadContext(filename string, explicitVars *[]string) (*Context, error) {
var ctx Context
err := util.LoadData(filename, &ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, contextLoadingError(filename, err)
ctx.BaseDir = path.Dir(filename)
// Prepare the resource sets by resolving parents etc.
ctx.ResourceSets = flattenPrepareResourceSetPaths(&ctx.ResourceSets)
// Add variables explicitly specified on the command line
ctx.ExplicitVars, err = loadExplicitVars(explicitVars)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting explicit variables: %v\n", err)
// Add variables loaded from import files
ctx.ImportedVars, err = ctx.loadImportedVariables()
if err != nil {
return nil, contextLoadingError(filename, err)
// Merge variables defined at different levels. The
// `mergeContextValues` function is documented with the merge
// hierarchy.
ctx.ResourceSets = ctx.mergeContextValues()
if err != nil {
return nil, contextLoadingError(filename, err)
return &ctx, nil
// Kontemplate supports specifying additional variable files with the
// `import` keyword. This function loads those variable files and
// merges them together with the context's other global variables.
func (ctx *Context) loadImportedVariables() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
allImportedVars := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, file := range ctx.VariableImportFiles {
// Ensure that the filename is not merged with the baseDir if
// it is set to an absolute path.
var filePath string
if path.IsAbs(file) {
filePath = file
} else {
filePath = path.Join(ctx.BaseDir, file)
var importedVars map[string]interface{}
err := util.LoadData(filePath, &importedVars)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allImportedVars = *util.Merge(&allImportedVars, &importedVars)
return allImportedVars, nil
// Correctly prepares the file paths for resource sets by inferring implicit paths and flattening resource set
// collections, i.e. resource sets that themselves have an additional 'include' field set.
// Those will be regarded as a short-hand for including multiple resource sets from a subfolder.
// See for more information.
func flattenPrepareResourceSetPaths(rs *[]ResourceSet) []ResourceSet {
flattened := make([]ResourceSet, 0)
for _, r := range *rs {
// If a path is not explicitly specified it should default to the resource set name.
// This is also the classic behaviour prior to kontemplate 1.2
if r.Path == "" {
r.Path = r.Name
if len(r.Include) == 0 {
flattened = append(flattened, r)
} else {
for _, subResourceSet := range r.Include {
if subResourceSet.Path == "" {
subResourceSet.Path = subResourceSet.Name
subResourceSet.Parent = r.Name
subResourceSet.Name = path.Join(r.Name, subResourceSet.Name)
subResourceSet.Path = path.Join(r.Path, subResourceSet.Path)
subResourceSet.Values = *util.Merge(&r.Values, &subResourceSet.Values)
flattened = append(flattened, subResourceSet)
return flattened
// Merges the context and resource set variables according in the
// desired precedence order.
// For now the reasoning behind the merge order is from least specific
// in relation to the cluster configuration, which means that the
// precedence is (in ascending order):
// 1. Default values in resource sets.
// 2. Values imported from files (via `import:`)
// 3. Global values in a cluster configuration
// 4. Values set in a resource set's `include`-section
// 5. Explicit values set on the CLI (`--var`)
// For a discussion on the reasoning behind this order, please consult
func (ctx *Context) mergeContextValues() []ResourceSet {
updated := make([]ResourceSet, len(ctx.ResourceSets))
// Merging has to happen separately for every individual
// resource set to make use of the default values:
for i, rs := range ctx.ResourceSets {
// Begin by loading default values from the resource
// sets configuration.
// Resource sets are used across different cluster
// contexts and the default values in them have the
// lowest precedence.
defaultValues := loadDefaultValues(&rs, ctx)
// Continue by merging default values with values
// imported from external files. Those values are also
// used across cluster contexts, but have higher
// precedence than defaults.
merged := util.Merge(defaultValues, &ctx.ImportedVars)
// Merge global values defined in the cluster context:
merged = util.Merge(merged, &ctx.Global)
// Merge values configured in the resource set's
// `include` section:
merged = util.Merge(merged, &rs.Values)
// Merge values defined explicitly on the CLI:
merged = util.Merge(merged, &ctx.ExplicitVars)
// Continue with the newly merged resource set:
rs.Values = *merged
updated[i] = rs
return updated
// Loads default values for a resource set collection from
// path/to/set/default.{json|yaml}.
func loadDefaultValues(rs *ResourceSet, c *Context) *map[string]interface{} {
var defaultVars map[string]interface{}
for _, filename := range util.DefaultFilenames {
err := util.LoadData(path.Join(c.BaseDir, rs.Path, filename), &defaultVars)
if err == nil {
return &defaultVars
// The actual error is not inspected here. The reasoning for
// this is that in case of serious problems (e.g. permission
// issues with the folder / folder not existing) failure will
// occur a bit later anyways.
// Otherwise we'd have to differentiate between
// file-not-found-errors (no default values specified) and
// other errors here.
return &rs.Values
// Prepares the variables specified explicitly via `--var` when
// executing kontemplate for adding to the context.
func loadExplicitVars(vars *[]string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
explicitVars := make(map[string]interface{}, len(*vars))
for _, v := range *vars {
varParts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if len(varParts) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`invalid explicit variable provided (%s), name and value should be separated with "="`, v)
explicitVars[varParts[0]] = varParts[1]
return explicitVars, nil