William Carroll 17ee0e400b Support Vim, Tmux, Emacs with Stow
After moving off of Meta, Dotfiles has a greater responsibility to
manage configs. Vim, Tmux, and Emacs are now within Stow's purview.
2018-09-10 14:53:23 -04:00

264 lines
10 KiB

;;; slack-stars.el --- -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2017 南優也
;; Author: 南優也 <yuyaminami@minamiyuuya-no-MacBook.local>
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'eieio)
(require 'slack-util)
(require 'slack-request)
(defconst slack-stars-list-url "")
(defclass slack-star ()
((paging :initarg :paging :type slack-star-paging)
(items :initarg :items :type (or null list) :initform nil)))
(defclass slack-star-paging ()
((per-page :initarg :per-page :type number)
(spill :initarg :spill :type number) ;; ??
(total :initarg :total :type number)
(page :initarg :page :type number)
(pages :initarg :pages :type number)))
(defclass slack-star-item ()
((date-create :initarg :date-create :type string)))
(defclass slack-star-message (slack-star-item)
((channel :initarg :channel :type string)
(message :initarg :message :type slack-message)))
(defclass slack-star-file (slack-star-item)
((file :initarg :file :type slack-file)))
(defclass slack-star-file-comment (slack-star-file)
((file-comment :initarg :file-comment :type slack-file-comment)))
(defclass slack-star-channel (slack-star-item) ;; Ch ??
((channel :initarg :channel :type string))) ;; ID
(defclass slack-star-group (slack-star-item) ;; Gh ??
((group :initarg :group :type string))) ;; ID
(defclass slack-star-im (slack-star-item) ;; Dh ??
((channel :initarg :channel :type string))) ;; ID
(defmethod slack-star-item-message ((this slack-star-message))
(oref this message))
(defmethod slack-star-item-message ((this slack-star-file))
(oref this file))
(defmethod slack-star-item-message ((this slack-star-file-comment))
(oref this file-comment))
(defmethod slack-ts ((this slack-star-item))
(oref this date-create))
(defmethod slack-next-page ((this slack-star-paging))
(with-slots (pages page) this
(unless (< pages (1+ page))
(1+ page))))
(defmethod slack-star-has-next-page-p ((this slack-star))
(slack-next-page (oref this paging)))
(defmethod slack-per-page ((this slack-star-paging))
(oref this per-page))
(defmethod slack-star-per-page ((this slack-star))
(slack-per-page (oref this paging)))
(defmethod slack-star-items ((this slack-star))
(oref this items))
(defmethod slack-merge ((old slack-star) new)
(with-slots (paging items) old
(setq paging (oref new paging))
(setq items (append (oref new items) items))))
(defmethod slack-to-string ((this slack-star-message) team)
(slack-message-to-string (oref this message) team))
(defmethod slack-to-string ((this slack-star-file-comment) team)
(slack-message-to-string (oref this file-comment) team))
(defmethod slack-to-string ((this slack-star-file) team)
(slack-message-to-string (oref this file) team))
(defun slack-create-star-paging (payload)
;; (:per_page 20 :spill 0 :page 1 :total 61 :pages 4)
(make-instance 'slack-star-paging
:per-page (plist-get payload :per_page)
:spill (plist-get payload :spill)
:page (plist-get payload :page)
:total (plist-get payload :total)
:pages (plist-get payload :pages)
(defun slack-create-star-items (payload team)
(mapcar #'(lambda (e) (slack-create-star-item e team))
(defun slack-create-star-item (payload team)
(let* ((type (plist-get payload :type))
(date-create (format "%s" (plist-get payload :date_create)))
(file-payload (plist-get payload :file))
(file (and file-payload
(if (or (slack-file-p file-payload)
(slack-file-email-p file-payload))
(slack-file-create file-payload))))
(file-id (and file (oref file id))))
((string= type "message")
(make-instance 'slack-star-message
:date-create date-create
:channel (plist-get payload :channel)
:message (slack-message-create (plist-get payload :message)
((string= type "file")
(make-instance 'slack-star-file
:date-create date-create
:file file))
((string= type "file_comment")
(make-instance 'slack-star-file-comment
:date-create date-create
:file file
:file-comment (slack-file-comment-create
(plist-get payload :comment)
((string= type "channel")
(make-instance 'slack-star-channel
:date-create date-create
:channel (plist-get payload :channel)))
((string= type "im")
(make-instance 'slack-star-im
:date-create date-create
:channel (plist-get payload :channel)))
((string= type "group")
(make-instance 'slack-star-group
:date-create date-create
:group (plist-get payload :group))))))
;; (:per_page 20 :spill 0 :page 1 :total 61 :pages 4)
(defun slack-create-star-paging (payload)
(make-instance 'slack-star-paging
:per-page (plist-get payload :per_page)
:spill (plist-get payload :spill)
:page (plist-get payload :page)
:total (plist-get payload :total)
:pages (plist-get payload :pages)))
(defun slack-create-star (payload team)
(let ((items (slack-create-star-items (plist-get payload :items)
(paging (slack-create-star-paging (plist-get payload :paging))))
(make-instance 'slack-star
:items (reverse items)
:paging paging)))
(defun slack-stars-list-request (team &optional page after-success)
((on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(data "slack-stars-list-request")
(let ((star (slack-create-star data team)))
(if (oref team star)
(if page
(slack-merge (oref team star) star)
(oset team star star))
(oset team star star)))
(if after-success
(funcall after-success)))))
:type "POST"
:data (list (cons "exclude" "Ch,Gh,Dh")
(cons "count" "20")
(cons "page" (number-to-string (or page 1))))
:success #'on-success))))
(defun slack-stars-list ()
(let* ((team (slack-team-select))
(buf (slack-buffer-find 'slack-stars-buffer team)))
(if buf (slack-buffer-display buf)
team nil
#'(lambda () (slack-buffer-display (slack-create-stars-buffer team)))))))
(defmethod slack-message-star-api-params ((this slack-star-item))
(list (slack-message-star-api-params (slack-star-item-message this))))
(defmethod slack-message-star-api-params ((this slack-star-message))
(append (list (cons "channel" (oref this channel)))
(defmethod slack-star-remove-star ((this slack-star) ts team)
(slack-if-let* ((item (cl-find-if #'(lambda (e) (string= (oref e date-create) ts))
(oref this items))))
(slack-message-star-api-request slack-message-stars-remove-url
(slack-message-star-api-params item)
(defmethod slack-star-remove ((this slack-star) payload team)
(let ((date-create (format "%s" (plist-get payload :date_create))))
(oset this items (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (e) (string= (slack-ts e)
(oref this items)))
(slack-if-let* ((buffer (slack-buffer-find 'slack-stars-buffer team)))
(slack-buffer-message-delete buffer date-create))))
(defmethod slack-star-add ((this slack-star) payload team)
(setq payload (append payload nil))
((create-star (payload)
(slack-create-star-item payload team))
(append-star-item (item)
(oset this items (append (oref this items) (list item))))
(insert-to-buffer (item)
(slack-if-let* ((buffer (slack-buffer-find 'slack-stars-buffer
(with-current-buffer (slack-buffer-buffer buffer)
(slack-buffer-insert buffer item)))))
(if (plist-get payload :file)
((insert-star (payload file)
(let ((item (create-star (plist-put payload :file file))))
(append-star-item item)
(insert-to-buffer item))))
(let ((file-id (plist-get (plist-get payload :file) :id)))
(slack-if-let* ((file (slack-file-find file-id team)))
(insert-star payload file)
(slack-file-request-info file-id 1 team
#'(lambda (file _team)
(insert-star payload file))))))
(let ((item (create-star payload)))
(append-star-item item)
(insert-to-buffer item)))))
(provide 'slack-star)
;;; slack-stars.el ends here