Vincent Ambo 1213b086a1 merge(3p/immer): Subtree merge at 'ad3e3556d' as 'third_party/immer'
Change-Id: I9636a41ad44b4218293833fd3e9456d9b07c731b
2020-07-15 08:23:32 +01:00

198 lines
5.9 KiB

// immer: immutable data structures for C++
// Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente
// This software is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
#pragma once
#include <immer/detail/hamts/champ.hpp>
#include <immer/detail/hamts/champ_iterator.hpp>
#include <immer/memory_policy.hpp>
#include <functional>
namespace immer {
template <typename T,
typename Hash,
typename Equal,
typename MemoryPolicy,
detail::hamts::bits_t B>
class set_transient;
* Immutable set representing an unordered bag of values.
* @tparam T The type of the values to be stored in the container.
* @tparam Hash The type of a function object capable of hashing
* values of type `T`.
* @tparam Equal The type of a function object capable of comparing
* values of type `T`.
* @tparam MemoryPolicy Memory management policy. See @ref
* memory_policy.
* @rst
* This container provides a good trade-off between cache locality,
* membership checks, update performance and structural sharing. It
* does so by storing the data in contiguous chunks of :math:`2^{B}`
* elements. When storing big objects, the size of these contiguous
* chunks can become too big, damaging performance. If this is
* measured to be problematic for a specific use-case, it can be
* solved by using a `immer::box` to wrap the type `T`.
* **Example**
* .. literalinclude:: ../example/set/intro.cpp
* :language: c++
* :start-after: intro/start
* :end-before: intro/end
* @endrst
template <typename T,
typename Hash = std::hash<T>,
typename Equal = std::equal_to<T>,
typename MemoryPolicy = default_memory_policy,
detail::hamts::bits_t B = default_bits>
class set
using impl_t = detail::hamts::champ<T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B>;
struct project_value_ptr
const T* operator()(const T& v) const noexcept { return &v; }
using key_type = T;
using value_type = T;
using size_type = detail::hamts::size_t;
using diference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using hasher = Hash;
using key_equal = Equal;
using reference = const T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using iterator =
detail::hamts::champ_iterator<T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B>;
using const_iterator = iterator;
using transient_type = set_transient<T, Hash, Equal, MemoryPolicy, B>;
* Default constructor. It creates a set of `size() == 0`. It
* does not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
set() = default;
* Returns an iterator pointing at the first element of the
* collection. It does not allocate memory and its complexity is
* @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD iterator begin() const { return {impl_}; }
* Returns an iterator pointing just after the last element of the
* collection. It does not allocate and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD iterator end() const
return {impl_, typename iterator::end_t{}};
* Returns the number of elements in the container. It does
* not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD size_type size() const { return impl_.size; }
* Returns `true` if there are no elements in the container. It
* does not allocate memory and its complexity is @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD bool empty() const { return impl_.size == 0; }
* Returns `1` when `value` is contained in the set or `0`
* otherwise. It won't allocate memory and its complexity is
* *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD size_type count(const T& value) const
return impl_.template get<detail::constantly<size_type, 1>,
detail::constantly<size_type, 0>>(value);
* Returns a pointer to the value if `value` is contained in the
* set, or nullptr otherwise.
* It does not allocate memory and its complexity is *effectively*
* @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD const T* find(const T& value) const
return impl_.template get<project_value_ptr,
detail::constantly<const T*, nullptr>>(value);
* Returns whether the sets are equal.
IMMER_NODISCARD bool operator==(const set& other) const
return impl_.equals(other.impl_);
IMMER_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const set& other) const
return !(*this == other);
* Returns a set containing `value`. If the `value` is already in
* the set, it returns the same set. It may allocate memory and
* its complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD set insert(T value) const
return impl_.add(std::move(value));
* Returns a set without `value`. If the `value` is not in the
* set it returns the same set. It may allocate memory and its
* complexity is *effectively* @f$ O(1) @f$.
IMMER_NODISCARD set erase(const T& value) const { return impl_.sub(value); }
* Returns an @a transient form of this container, a
* `immer::set_transient`.
IMMER_NODISCARD transient_type transient() const&
return transient_type{impl_};
IMMER_NODISCARD transient_type transient() &&
return transient_type{std::move(impl_)};
// Semi-private
const impl_t& impl() const { return impl_; }
friend transient_type;
set(impl_t impl)
: impl_(std::move(impl))
impl_t impl_ = impl_t::empty();
} // namespace immer