Abseil Team ca9856cabc Export of internal Abseil changes
53550735f5a943dfb99225e7c53f211c2d6e7951 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Import of CCTZ from GitHub.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309333648

847bbf8a1d9cd322ec058c6f932d1f687fd3d331 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Make Validation interfaces private in CommandLineFlag.

Calls are rewired via private interface access struct.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309323013

a600fc5051e0a0af50a7850450fd3ed1aef3f316 by Matthew Brown <>:

Internal Change.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309292207

937d00ce3cf62c5f23f59b5377471fd01d6bfbc7 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Make TypeId interface private in CommandLineFlag.

We also rewire the SaveState via the new PrivateHandleInterface trampoline class. This class will be the only way to access private methods of class CommandLineFlag.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309282547

796c4bd35073b6a8337762bdb13603dae12a4df1 by Derek Mauro <>:

Cleanup uses of kLinkerInitialized

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309274734

c831446c52d9ef4bdcb1ea369840904620abc4b9 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Eliminate the interface IsModified of CommndLineFlag.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309256248

a1db59d7f7aa39cb0a37dbf80f8c04e371da8465 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Avoid default value generator if default value expression is constexpr.

If possible, we detect constexpr-ness of default value expression and avoid storing default value generator in side of flag and instead set the flag's value to the value of that expression at const initialization time of flag objects.

At the moment we only do this for flags of (all) integral, float and double value types

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309110630

ae3b4a139aacd8fc165c9acd2a3cbae1f9e26af4 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Make SaveState a private method of the CommandLineFlag and make it only accessible from FlagSaverImpl. There is no other call sites for this call.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309073989

cbc24b4dcc166dd6b0208e9d7620484eaaaa7ee0 by Abseil Team <>:

Eliminate the interface IsModified of CommndLineFlag.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309064639

08e79645a89d71785c5381cea9c413357db9824a by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Eliminate the interface IsModified of CommndLineFlag.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 309054430

4a6c70233c60dc8c39b7fa9beb5fa687c215261f by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Internal change

PiperOrigin-RevId: 308900784

13160efdf7710f142778d5a1e4c85aa309f019b6 by Abseil Team <>:

Provide definitions of static member variables -- improved C++11 support.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 308900290

0343b8228657b9b313afdfe88c4a7b2137d56db4 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Rename method Get<T> to TryGet<T> per approved spec before making interface public.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 308889113

7b84e27fb857fc1296a05504970f506d47d2f2c1 by Derek Mauro <>:

Remove node_hash_* methods that were deprecated on release

PiperOrigin-RevId: 308837933

599d44ee72c02b6bb6e1c1a1db72873841441416 by Gennadiy Rozental <>:

Eliminate CommandLineFlag::Typename interface per approved spec before making CommandLineFlag public.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 308814376
GitOrigin-RevId: 53550735f5a943dfb99225e7c53f211c2d6e7951
Change-Id: Iae52c65b7322152c7e58f222d60eb5a21699a2cb
2020-04-30 22:45:41 -04:00

335 lines
11 KiB

#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/extension.h"
namespace absl {
namespace str_format_internal {
enum class LengthMod : std::uint8_t { h, hh, l, ll, L, j, z, t, q, none };
std::string LengthModToString(LengthMod v);
// The analyzed properties of a single specified conversion.
struct UnboundConversion {
: flags() /* This is required to zero all the fields of flags. */ {
flags.basic = true;
class InputValue {
void set_value(int value) {
assert(value >= 0);
value_ = value;
int value() const { return value_; }
// Marks the value as "from arg". aka the '*' format.
// Requires `value >= 1`.
// When set, is_from_arg() return true and get_from_arg() returns the
// original value.
// `value()`'s return value is unspecfied in this state.
void set_from_arg(int value) {
assert(value > 0);
value_ = -value - 1;
bool is_from_arg() const { return value_ < -1; }
int get_from_arg() const {
return -value_ - 1;
int value_ = -1;
// No need to initialize. It will always be set in the parser.
int arg_position;
InputValue width;
InputValue precision;
Flags flags;
LengthMod length_mod = LengthMod::none;
FormatConversionChar conv = FormatConversionCharInternal::kNone;
// Consume conversion spec prefix (not including '%') of [p, end) if valid.
// Examples of valid specs would be e.g.: "s", "d", "-12.6f".
// If valid, it returns the first character following the conversion spec,
// and the spec part is broken down and returned in 'conv'.
// If invalid, returns nullptr.
const char* ConsumeUnboundConversion(const char* p, const char* end,
UnboundConversion* conv, int* next_arg);
// Helper tag class for the table below.
// It allows fast `char -> ConversionChar/LengthMod` checking and
// conversions.
class ConvTag {
constexpr ConvTag(ConversionChar conversion_char) // NOLINT
: tag_(static_cast<int8_t>(conversion_char)) {}
// We invert the length modifiers to make them negative so that we can easily
// test for them.
constexpr ConvTag(LengthMod length_mod) // NOLINT
: tag_(~static_cast<std::int8_t>(length_mod)) {}
// Everything else is -128, which is negative to make is_conv() simpler.
constexpr ConvTag() : tag_(-128) {}
bool is_conv() const { return tag_ >= 0; }
bool is_length() const { return tag_ < 0 && tag_ != -128; }
ConversionChar as_conv() const {
return static_cast<ConversionChar>(tag_);
LengthMod as_length() const {
return static_cast<LengthMod>(~tag_);
std::int8_t tag_;
extern const ConvTag kTags[256];
// Keep a single table for all the conversion chars and length modifiers.
inline ConvTag GetTagForChar(char c) {
return kTags[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)];
// Parse the format string provided in 'src' and pass the identified items into
// 'consumer'.
// Text runs will be passed by calling
// Consumer::Append(string_view);
// ConversionItems will be passed by calling
// Consumer::ConvertOne(UnboundConversion, string_view);
// In the case of ConvertOne, the string_view that is passed is the
// portion of the format string corresponding to the conversion, not including
// the leading %. On success, it returns true. On failure, it stops and returns
// false.
template <typename Consumer>
bool ParseFormatString(string_view src, Consumer consumer) {
int next_arg = 0;
const char* p =;
const char* const end = p + src.size();
while (p != end) {
const char* percent = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(p, '%', end - p));
if (!percent) {
// We found the last substring.
return consumer.Append(string_view(p, end - p));
// We found a percent, so push the text run then process the percent.
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!consumer.Append(string_view(p, percent - p)))) {
return false;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(percent + 1 >= end)) return false;
auto tag = GetTagForChar(percent[1]);
if (tag.is_conv()) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(next_arg < 0)) {
// This indicates an error in the format string.
// The only way to get `next_arg < 0` here is to have a positional
// argument first which sets next_arg to -1 and then a non-positional
// argument.
return false;
p = percent + 2;
// Keep this case separate from the one below.
// ConvertOne is more efficient when the compiler can see that the `basic`
// flag is set.
UnboundConversion conv;
conv.conv = tag.as_conv();
conv.arg_position = ++next_arg;
!consumer.ConvertOne(conv, string_view(percent + 1, 1)))) {
return false;
} else if (percent[1] != '%') {
UnboundConversion conv;
p = ConsumeUnboundConversion(percent + 1, end, &conv, &next_arg);
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(p == nullptr)) return false;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!consumer.ConvertOne(
conv, string_view(percent + 1, p - (percent + 1))))) {
return false;
} else {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!consumer.Append("%"))) return false;
p = percent + 2;
return true;
// Always returns true, or fails to compile in a constexpr context if s does not
// point to a constexpr char array.
constexpr bool EnsureConstexpr(string_view s) {
return s.empty() || s[0] == s[0];
class ParsedFormatBase {
explicit ParsedFormatBase(
string_view format, bool allow_ignored,
std::initializer_list<FormatConversionCharSet> convs);
ParsedFormatBase(const ParsedFormatBase& other) { *this = other; }
ParsedFormatBase(ParsedFormatBase&& other) { *this = std::move(other); }
ParsedFormatBase& operator=(const ParsedFormatBase& other) {
if (this == &other) return *this;
has_error_ = other.has_error_;
items_ = other.items_;
size_t text_size = items_.empty() ? 0 : items_.back().text_end;
data_.reset(new char[text_size]);
memcpy(data_.get(), other.data_.get(), text_size);
return *this;
ParsedFormatBase& operator=(ParsedFormatBase&& other) {
if (this == &other) return *this;
has_error_ = other.has_error_;
data_ = std::move(other.data_);
items_ = std::move(other.items_);
// Reset the vector to make sure the invariants hold.
return *this;
template <typename Consumer>
bool ProcessFormat(Consumer consumer) const {
const char* const base = data_.get();
string_view text(base, 0);
for (const auto& item : items_) {
const char* const end = + text.size();
text = string_view(end, (base + item.text_end) - end);
if (item.is_conversion) {
if (!consumer.ConvertOne(item.conv, text)) return false;
} else {
if (!consumer.Append(text)) return false;
return !has_error_;
bool has_error() const { return has_error_; }
// Returns whether the conversions match and if !allow_ignored it verifies
// that all conversions are used by the format.
bool MatchesConversions(
bool allow_ignored,
std::initializer_list<FormatConversionCharSet> convs) const;
struct ParsedFormatConsumer;
struct ConversionItem {
bool is_conversion;
// Points to the past-the-end location of this element in the data_ array.
size_t text_end;
UnboundConversion conv;
bool has_error_;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> data_;
std::vector<ConversionItem> items_;
// A value type representing a preparsed format. These can be created, copied
// around, and reused to speed up formatting loops.
// The user must specify through the template arguments the conversion
// characters used in the format. This will be checked at compile time.
// This class uses Conv enum values to specify each argument.
// This allows for more flexibility as you can specify multiple possible
// conversion characters for each argument.
// ParsedFormat<char...> is a simplified alias for when the user only
// needs to specify a single conversion character for each argument.
// Example:
// // Extended format supports multiple characters per argument:
// using MyFormat = ExtendedParsedFormat<Conv::d | Conv::x>;
// MyFormat GetFormat(bool use_hex) {
// if (use_hex) return MyFormat("foo %x bar");
// return MyFormat("foo %d bar");
// }
// // 'format' can be used with any value that supports 'd' and 'x',
// // like `int`.
// auto format = GetFormat(use_hex);
// value = StringF(format, i);
// This class also supports runtime format checking with the ::New() and
// ::NewAllowIgnored() factory functions.
// This is the only API that allows the user to pass a runtime specified format
// string. These factory functions will return NULL if the format does not match
// the conversions requested by the user.
template <str_format_internal::Conv... C>
class ExtendedParsedFormat : public str_format_internal::ParsedFormatBase {
explicit ExtendedParsedFormat(string_view format)
"Format string is not constexpr."),
"Format specified does not match the template arguments.")))
: ExtendedParsedFormat(format, false) {
// ExtendedParsedFormat factory function.
// The user still has to specify the conversion characters, but they will not
// be checked at compile time. Instead, it will be checked at runtime.
// This delays the checking to runtime, but allows the user to pass
// dynamically sourced formats.
// It returns NULL if the format does not match the conversion characters.
// The user is responsible for checking the return value before using it.
// The 'New' variant will check that all the specified arguments are being
// consumed by the format and return NULL if any argument is being ignored.
// The 'NewAllowIgnored' variant will not verify this and will allow formats
// that ignore arguments.
static std::unique_ptr<ExtendedParsedFormat> New(string_view format) {
return New(format, false);
static std::unique_ptr<ExtendedParsedFormat> NewAllowIgnored(
string_view format) {
return New(format, true);
static std::unique_ptr<ExtendedParsedFormat> New(string_view format,
bool allow_ignored) {
std::unique_ptr<ExtendedParsedFormat> conv(
new ExtendedParsedFormat(format, allow_ignored));
if (conv->has_error()) return nullptr;
return conv;
ExtendedParsedFormat(string_view s, bool allow_ignored)
: ParsedFormatBase(s, allow_ignored, {C...}) {}
} // namespace str_format_internal
} // namespace absl