Dropping support for OSX. Moving forward these dotfiles will depend on Linux systems. Furthermore, since I'm support a ~/bin, the machines that consume these dotfiles depend on i386 architectures. Linux and i386 are two dependencies that I'm okay with since the leverage this assumption provides, makes their existence tolerable. There is some Google leakage herein, which includes aliases, functions, and mentions of cloudtop. For now, this is okay. I may break the Google specific code into its own repository, but for now, this is less maintenance. This also introduces a ~/.profile instead of erroneously defining environment variables in my zshrc file, which was unadvised. This is a large commit and also introduces new aliases, variables, functions that I accumulated over the past week or so while migrating away from OSX and onto my new setup. Hopefully in the future I'll be more precise with my commits.
50 lines
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50 lines
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source ~/antigen.zsh
# Load the oh-my-zsh library
antigen use oh-my-zsh
# Bundles from robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh repo.
antigen bundle git
antigen bundle extract # extracts archives polymorphically
antigen bundle zsh-completions # extracts archives polymorphically
# Syntax highlighting
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Theming
# This supports different ZSH themes for each machine
case "$(hostname)" in
# desktop
antigen theme frisk;;
# cloudtop
antigen theme cloud;;
# laptop
antigen theme refined;;
# Leave this last
antigen apply
# Configure fzf
source "$(fzf-share)/key-bindings.zsh"
# Configure fasd
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
# Configure g4 with zsh
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion.d/g4d ]; then
source /etc/bash_completion.d/g4d
# the above line slows tab-completion down dramatically because it attemtps to
# autocomplete for the 600k+ users found in `compgen -u`. Below is a fix which
# also restores the function of `cd ~<tab>` to display only ZSH Named
# Directories.
zstyle ':completion:*' users root $USER
source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/variables.zsh"
source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/aliases.zsh"
source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/functions.zsh"
source "$DOTFILES/configs/shared/zsh/zle.zsh"