Vincent Ambo 6936ee40af feat(tools/cheddar): Add endpoint for Markdown rendering
Similar to the source code highlighting endpoint, but for Markdown.
This is to be used by the bug tracker, as well as Sourcegraph in the

Change-Id: I4bea5c46ba969ba9965b61409e1c19c2edf1246c
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: glittershark <>
2020-07-25 01:42:03 +00:00

410 lines
13 KiB

use clap::{App, Arg};
use comrak::arena_tree::Node;
use comrak::nodes::{Ast, AstNode, NodeCodeBlock, NodeHtmlBlock, NodeValue};
use comrak::{format_html, parse_document, Arena, ComrakOptions};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rouille::{router, try_or_400};
use rouille::Response;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use syntect::dumps::from_binary;
use syntect::easy::HighlightLines;
use syntect::highlighting::{Theme, ThemeSet};
use syntect::parsing::{SyntaxReference, SyntaxSet};
use syntect::util::LinesWithEndings;
use serde_json::json;
use syntect::html::{
append_highlighted_html_for_styled_line, start_highlighted_html_snippet, IncludeBackground,
lazy_static! {
// Load syntaxes & themes lazily. Initialisation might not be
// required in the case of Markdown rendering (if there's no code
// blocks within the document).
static ref SYNTAXES: SyntaxSet = from_binary(include_bytes!(env!("BAT_SYNTAXES")));
static ref THEMES: ThemeSet = ThemeSet::load_defaults();
// Configure Comrak's Markdown rendering with all the bells &
// whistles!
static ref MD_OPTS: ComrakOptions = ComrakOptions{
ext_strikethrough: true,
ext_tagfilter: true,
ext_table: true,
ext_autolink: true,
ext_tasklist: true,
ext_header_ids: Some(String::new()), // yyeeesss!
ext_footnotes: true,
ext_description_lists: true,
unsafe_: true, // required for tagfilter
// Configures a map of specific filenames to languages, for cases
// where the detection by extension or other heuristics fails.
static ref FILENAME_OVERRIDES: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> = {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
// is the canonical name of the submit rule file in
// Gerrit, which is written in Prolog.
map.insert("", "Prolog");
// HTML fragment used when rendering inline blocks in Markdown documents.
// Emulates the GitHub style (subtle background hue and padding).
const BLOCK_PRE: &str = "<pre style=\"background-color:#f6f8fa;padding:16px;\">\n";
fn should_continue(res: &io::Result<usize>) -> bool {
match *res {
Ok(n) => n > 0,
Err(_) => false,
// This function is taken from the Comrak documentation.
fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
F: Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>),
for c in node.children() {
iter_nodes(c, f);
// Many of the syntaxes in the syntax list have random capitalisations, which
// means that name matching for the block info of a code block in HTML fails.
// Instead, try finding a syntax match by comparing case insensitively (for
// ASCII characters, anyways).
fn find_syntax_case_insensitive(info: &str) -> Option<&'static SyntaxReference> {
// TODO(tazjin): memoize this lookup
.find(|&s| info.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&
// Replaces code-block inside of a Markdown AST with HTML blocks rendered by
// syntect. This enables static (i.e. no JavaScript) syntax highlighting, even
// of complex languages.
fn highlight_code_block(code_block: &NodeCodeBlock) -> NodeValue {
let theme = &THEMES.themes["InspiredGitHub"];
let info = String::from_utf8_lossy(&;
let syntax = find_syntax_case_insensitive(&info)
.or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_extension(&info))
.unwrap_or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_plain_text());
let code = String::from_utf8_lossy(&code_block.literal);
let rendered = {
// Write the block preamble manually to get exactly the
// desired layout:
let mut hl = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme);
let mut buf = BLOCK_PRE.to_string();
for line in LinesWithEndings::from(&code) {
let regions = hl.highlight(line, &SYNTAXES);
append_highlighted_html_for_styled_line(&regions[..], IncludeBackground::No, &mut buf);
let block = NodeHtmlBlock {
block_type: 1, // It's unclear what behaviour is toggled by this
literal: rendered.into_bytes(),
// Supported callout elements (which each have their own distinct rendering):
enum Callout {
// Determine whether the first child of the supplied node contains a text that
// should cause a callout section to be rendered.
fn has_callout<'a>(node: &Node<'a, RefCell<Ast>>) -> Option<Callout> {
match node.first_child().map(|c| {
Some(child) => match &child.value {
NodeValue::Text(text) => {
if text.starts_with(b"TODO") {
return Some(Callout::Todo);
} else if text.starts_with(b"WARNING") {
return Some(Callout::Warning);
} else if text.starts_with(b"QUESTION") {
return Some(Callout::Question);
} else if text.starts_with(b"TIP") {
return Some(Callout::Tip);
_ => None,
_ => None,
fn format_callout_paragraph(callout: Callout) -> NodeValue {
let class = match callout {
Callout::Todo => "cheddar-todo",
Callout::Warning => "cheddar-warning",
Callout::Question => "cheddar-question",
Callout::Tip => "cheddar-tip",
NodeValue::HtmlBlock(NodeHtmlBlock {
block_type: 1,
literal: format!("<p class=\"cheddar-callout {}\">", class).into_bytes(),
fn format_markdown<R: BufRead, W: Write>(reader: &mut R, writer: &mut W) {
let document = {
let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut buffer)
.expect("reading should work");
let arena = Arena::new();
let root = parse_document(&arena, &document, &MD_OPTS);
// This node must exist with a lifetime greater than that of the parsed AST
// in case that callouts are encountered (otherwise insertion into the tree
// is not possible).
let p_close = Node::new(RefCell::new(Ast {
start_line: 0, // TODO(tazjin): hrmm
content: vec![],
open: false,
last_line_blank: false,
value: NodeValue::HtmlBlock(NodeHtmlBlock {
block_type: 1,
literal: b"</p>".to_vec(),
// Syntax highlighting is implemented by traversing the arena and
// replacing all code blocks with HTML blocks rendered by syntect.
iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
let mut ast =;
let new = match &ast.value {
NodeValue::CodeBlock(code) => Some(highlight_code_block(code)),
NodeValue::Paragraph => {
if let Some(callout) = has_callout(node) {
} else {
_ => None,
if let Some(new_value) = new {
ast.value = new_value
format_html(root, &MD_OPTS, writer).expect("Markdown rendering failed");
fn find_syntax_for_file(filename: &str) -> &'static SyntaxReference {
.and_then(|name| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_name(name))
.or_else(|| {
.and_then(|s| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_by_extension(s))
.unwrap_or_else(|| SYNTAXES.find_syntax_plain_text())
fn format_code<R: BufRead, W: Write>(
theme: &Theme,
reader: &mut R,
writer: &mut W,
filename: &str,
) {
let mut linebuf = String::new();
// Get the first line, we might need it for syntax identification.
let mut read_result = reader.read_line(&mut linebuf);
let syntax = find_syntax_for_file(filename);
let mut hl = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme);
let (mut outbuf, bg) = start_highlighted_html_snippet(theme);
// Rather than using the `lines` iterator, read each line manually
// and maintain buffer state.
// This is done because the syntax highlighter requires trailing
// newlines to be efficient, and those are stripped in the lines
// iterator.
while should_continue(&read_result) {
let regions = hl.highlight(&linebuf, &SYNTAXES);
&mut outbuf,
// immediately output the current state to avoid keeping
// things in memory
write!(writer, "{}", outbuf).expect("write should not fail");
// merry go round again
read_result = reader.read_line(&mut linebuf);
writeln!(writer, "</pre>").expect("write should not fail");
// Server endpoint for rendering the syntax of source code. This
// replaces the 'syntect_server' component of Sourcegraph.
fn code_endpoint(request: &rouille::Request) -> rouille::Response {
struct SourcegraphQuery {
filepath: String,
theme: String,
code: String,
let query: SourcegraphQuery = try_or_400!(rouille::input::json_input(request));
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// We don't use syntect with the sourcegraph themes bundled
// currently, so let's fall back to something that is kind of
// similar (tm).
let theme = &THEMES.themes[match query.theme.as_str() {
"Sourcegraph (light)" => "Solarized (light)",
_ => "Solarized (dark)",
&mut query.code.as_bytes(),
&mut buf,
"is_plaintext": false,
"data": String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf)
// Server endpoint for rendering a Markdown file.
fn markdown_endpoint(request: &rouille::Request) -> rouille::Response {
let mut texts: HashMap<String, String> =
for text in texts.values_mut() {
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
format_markdown(&mut text.as_bytes(), &mut buf);
*text = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf).to_string();
fn highlighting_server(listen: &str) {
println!("Starting syntax highlighting server on '{}'", listen);
rouille::start_server(listen, move |request| {
// Markdown rendering route
(POST) (/markdown) => {
// Code rendering route
(POST) (/) => {
_ => {
fn main() {
// Parse the command-line flags passed to cheddar to determine
// whether it is running in about-filter mode (`--about-filter`)
// and what file extension has been supplied.
let matches = App::new("cheddar")
.about("TVL's syntax highlighter")
.help("Run as a cgit about-filter (renders Markdown)")
.help("Run as a Sourcegraph compatible web-server")
.help("Address to listen on")
.arg(Arg::with_name("filename").help("File to render").index(1))
if matches.is_present("sourcegraph-server") {
.expect("Listening address is required for server mode"),
let filename = matches.value_of("filename").expect("filename is required");
let stdin = io::stdin();
let mut in_handle = stdin.lock();
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut out_handle = stdout.lock();
if matches.is_present("about-filter") && filename.ends_with(".md") {
format_markdown(&mut in_handle, &mut out_handle);
} else {
&mut in_handle,
&mut out_handle,