Removes nginx configuration built by the web targets (with the exception of the includable block used to set up redirects for old blog URLs).
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59 lines
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# This creates the static files that make up my blog from the Markdown
# files in this repository.
# All blog posts are rendered from Markdown by cheddar.
{ pkgs, lib, ... }@args:
with pkgs.nix.yants;
inherit (builtins) filter hasAttr map;
# Type definition for a single blog post.
post = struct "blog-post" {
key = string; #
title = string;
date = int;
# Path to the Markdown file containing the post content.
content = path;
# Should this post be included in the index? (defaults to true)
listed = option bool;
# Is this a draft? (adds a banner indicating that the link should
# not be shared)
draft = option bool;
# Previously each post title had a numeric ID. For these numeric
# IDs, redirects are generated so that old URLs stay compatible.
oldKey = option string;
posts = list post (import ./posts.nix);
fragments = import ./fragments.nix args;
rendered = pkgs.third_party.runCommandNoCC "tazjins-blog" {} ''
mkdir -p $out
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (post:
"cp ${fragments.renderPost post} $out/${post.key}.html"
) posts)}
includePost = post: !(fragments.isDraft post) && !(fragments.isUnlisted post);
in {
inherit post rendered;
static = ./static;
# Only include listed posts
posts = filter includePost posts;
# Generate embeddable nginx configuration for redirects from old post URLs
oldRedirects = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (post: ''
location ~* ^(/en)?/${post.oldKey} {
# TODO(tazjin): 301 once this works
return 302 https://tazj.in/blog/${post.key};
'') (filter (hasAttr "oldKey") posts));