Adds some of the code I generated while studying for a role transfer at Google using the fantastic resource, This work predates the mono-repo. I should think of ways to DRY up this code and the code in crack_the_coding_interview, but I'm afraid I'm creating unnecessary work for myself that way.
94 lines
2.3 KiB
94 lines
2.3 KiB
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from collections import deque
from fixtures import weighted_graph, expanded_weights_graph
# UnweightedGraph(a) :: Map(a, Set(a))
# WeightedGraph(a) :: Map(a, Set(a))
# shortest_path_dijkstra :: Vertex -> Vertex -> WeightedGraph(Vertex)
def shortest_path_dijkstra(a, b, g):
q = []
seen = set()
heappush(q, (0, a, [a]))
while q:
w0, v0, path = heappop(q)
if v0 in seen:
elif v0 == b:
return w0, path
for w1, v1 in g.get(v0):
heappush(q, (w0 + w1, v1, path + [v1]))
return 'weighted', 'pizza'
# expand_edge :: Vertex -> (Weight, Vertex) -> Map(Vertex, [Vertex])
def expand_edge(v0, wv):
w, v1 = wv
assert w > 1
result = {v0: ['{}-{}'.format(v1, 1)]}
for x in range(w - 2):
result['{}-{}'.format(v1, x + 1)] = ['{}-{}'.format(v1, x + 2)]
result['{}-{}'.format(v1, w - 1)] = [v1]
return result
# expand_weights :: Vertex -> WeightedGraph(Vertex) -> UnweightedGraph(Vertex)
def expand_weights(v, g):
result = {}
q = deque()
seen = set()
while q:
v = d.popleft()
if v in seen:
x = expand_edge(v, g.get)
for w, v1 in g.get(v):
if w > 1:
ws = expand_edge(v, (w, v1))
result = {**result, **ws}
# shortest_path_inject :: Vertex -> Vertex -> WeightedGraph(Vertex)
def shortest_path_inject(a, b, g):
q = deque()
seen = set()
q.append((a, [a]))
while q:
v0, path = q.popleft()
if v0 == 'dummy':
elif v0 in seen:
elif v0 == b:
return len(path), path
for _, v1 in g.get(v0):
q.append((v1, path + [v1]))
return None, None
print(expand_edge('a', (4, 'b')))
print(expand_edge('a', (5, 'e')))
assert expand_weights('a', weighted_graph) == expanded_weights_graph
# a = 'a'
# b = 'd'
# w, x = shortest_path_dijkstra(a, b, weighted_graph)
# w1, x1 = shortest_path_inject(a, b, weighted_graph)
# print("[dijkstra] Shortest path from {} to {} is {} with weight {}".format(
# a, b, x, w))
# print("[injection] Shortest path from {} to {} is {} with weight {}".format(
# a, b, x1, w1))