William Carroll 0456a1c4b4 Define notmuch KBDs
Until I have more opinions about my workflow with notmuch, I will redefine the
KBDs from Gmail that I'm comfortable with. While not many KBDs are defined here,
evil-collection defines dozens, many of which I find reasonable; those that I
disagree with, I've unbound in this commit.

Composing emails in notmuch feels similar to writing a commit message with
magit. I want to be able to type :x or :wq, but these commands don't DWIM. For
magit, I'd like that behavior to be the same as `C-c C-c`; not surprisingly, for
notmuch, I'd like the same.

I've bound :x to do this for notmuch. I'd like to define a macro that can easily
define buffer-local evil-ex commands for particular modes. This should lower the
cost of defining evil-ex commands and hopefully convince me to support some of
this desired behavior.
2020-02-14 15:38:28 +00:00

133 lines
4.4 KiB

;;; keybindings.el --- Centralizing my keybindings -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;;; Commentary:
;; Attempting to centralize my keybindings to simplify my configuration.
;;; Code:
;; Dependencies
(require 'clipboard)
(require 'screen-brightness)
(require 'chrome)
(require 'scrot)
(require 'ivy-clipmenu)
(require 'general)
(require 'window-manager)
(require 'vterm-mgt)
(require 'buffer)
(require 'display)
(require 'device)
(require 'evil-ex)
;; Configuration
(defmacro keybinding/exwm (c fn)
"Bind C to FN using `exwm-input-set-key' with `kbd' applied to C."
`(exwm-input-set-key (kbd ,c) ,fn))
(keybinding/exwm "C-M-v" #'ivy-clipmenu/copy)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86MonBrightnessUp>" #'screen-brightness/increase)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86MonBrightnessDown>" #'screen-brightness/decrease)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86AudioMute>" #'pulse-audio/toggle-mute)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86AudioLowerVolume>" #'pulse-audio/decrease-volume)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>" #'pulse-audio/increase-volume)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86AudioMicMute>" #'pulse-audio/toggle-microphone)
(keybinding/exwm "C-M-c" #'chrome/browse)
(keybinding/exwm (kbd/raw 'x11 "s") #'scrot/select)
(keybinding/exwm "<C-M-tab>" #'exwm/switch-to-exwm-buffer)
;; Vterm
;; Show or hide a vterm buffer. I'm intentionally not defining this in
;; vterm-mgt.el because it consumes `buffer/show-previous', and I'd like to
;; avoid bloating vterm-mgt.el with dependencies that others may not want.
(general-define-key (kbd/raw 'x11 "t")
(lambda ()
(if (vterm-mgt--instance? (current-buffer))
(switch-to-buffer (first (buffer/source-code-buffers)))
(call-interactively #'vterm-mgt-find-or-create))))
:keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
"C-S-n" #'vterm-mgt-instantiate
"C-S-w" #'vterm-mgt-kill
"<C-tab>" #'vterm-mgt-next
"<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'vterm-mgt-prev
"<s-backspace>" #'vterm-mgt-rename-buffer)
;; Displays
(when (device/work-laptop?)
(keybinding/exwm "<XF86Display>" #'display/cycle-display-states)
:prefix "<SPC>"
:states '(normal)
"d0" #'display/disable-laptop
"d1" #'display/enable-laptop)
:prefix "<SPC>"
:states '(normal)
"D0" #'display/disable-4k
"D1" #'display/enable-4k))
;; notmuch
;; evil-collection adds many KBDs to notmuch modes. Some of these I find
;; disruptive.
:states '(normal)
:keymaps '(notmuch-show-mode-map)
"M-j" nil
"M-k" nil
"<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'notmuch-show-previous-thread-show
"<C-tab>" #'notmuch-show-next-thread-show
"e" #'notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-next-thread)
;; TODO(wpcarro): Consider moving this to a separate module
(defun evil-ex-define-cmd-local (cmd f)
"Define CMD to F locally to a buffer."
(unless (local-variable-p 'evil-ex-commands)
(setq-local evil-ex-commands (copy-alist evil-ex-commands)))
(evil-ex-define-cmd cmd f))
;; TODO(wpcarro): Support a macro that can easily define evil-ex commands for a
;; particular mode.
;; Consumption:
;; (evil-ex-for-mode 'notmuch-message-mode
;; "x" #'notmuch-mua-send-and-exit)
(add-hook 'notmuch-message-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(evil-ex-define-cmd-local "x" #'notmuch-mua-send-and-exit)))
;; For now, I'm mimmicking Gmail KBDs that I have memorized and enjoy
:states '(normal)
:keymaps '(notmuch-search-mode-map)
"e" #'notmuch-search-archive-thread)
:states '(normal)
:prefix "<SPC>"
"gn" #'notmuch)
(provide 'keybindings)
;;; keybindings.el ends here