This makes things more efficient (we don't need to use an SSH master connection, and we only start a single remote process) and gets rid of locking issues (the remote nix-store process will keep inputs and outputs locked as long as they're needed). It also makes it more or less secure to connect directly to the root account on the build machine, using a forced command (e.g. ‘command="nix-store --serve --write"’). This bypasses the Nix daemon and is therefore more efficient. Also, don't call nix-store to import the output paths.
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130 lines
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package Nix::SSH;
use strict;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use IPC::Open2;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
sshOpts openSSHConnection closeSSHConnection
readN readInt writeInt writeString writeStrings
our @sshOpts = split ' ', ($ENV{"NIX_SSHOPTS"} or "");
push @sshOpts, "-x";
my $sshStarted = 0;
my $sshHost;
# Open a master SSH connection to `host', unless there already is a
# running master connection (as determined by `-O check').
sub openSSHConnection {
my ($host) = @_;
die if $sshStarted;
$sshHost = $host;
return 1 if system("ssh $sshHost @sshOpts -O check 2> /dev/null") == 0;
my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-ssh.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
push @sshOpts, "-S", "$tmpDir/control";
# Start the master. We can't use the `-f' flag (fork into
# background after establishing the connection) because then the
# child continues to run if we are killed. So instead make SSH
# print "started" when it has established the connection, and wait
# until we see that.
open SSHPIPE, "ssh $sshHost @sshOpts -M -N -o LocalCommand='echo started' -o PermitLocalCommand=yes |" or die;
while (<SSHPIPE>) {
if ($_ eq "started") {
$sshStarted = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
# Tell the master SSH client to exit.
sub closeSSHConnection {
if ($sshStarted) {
system("ssh $sshHost @sshOpts -O exit 2> /dev/null") == 0
or warn "unable to stop SSH master: $?";
$sshStarted = 0;
sub readN {
my ($bytes, $from) = @_;
my $res = "";
while ($bytes > 0) {
my $s;
my $n = sysread($from, $s, $bytes);
die "I/O error reading from remote side\n" if !defined $n;
die "got EOF while expecting $bytes bytes from remote side\n" if !$n;
$bytes -= $n;
$res .= $s;
return $res;
sub readInt {
my ($from) = @_;
return unpack("L<x4", readN(8, $from));
sub writeInt {
my ($n, $to) = @_;
syswrite($to, pack("L<x4", $n)) or die;
sub writeString {
my ($s, $to) = @_;
my $len = length $s;
my $req .= pack("L<x4", $len);
$req .= $s;
$req .= "\000" x (8 - $len % 8) if $len % 8;
syswrite($to, $req) or die;
sub writeStrings {
my ($ss, $to) = @_;
writeInt(scalar(@{$ss}), $to);
writeString($_, $to) foreach @{$ss};
sub connectToRemoteNix {
my ($sshHost, $sshOpts) = @_;
# Start ‘nix-store --serve’ on the remote host.
my ($from, $to);
my $pid = open2($from, $to, "ssh $sshHost @{$sshOpts} nix-store --serve --write");
# Do the handshake.
my $SERVE_MAGIC_1 = 0x390c9deb; # FIXME
my $clientVersion = 0x200;
syswrite($to, pack("L<x4L<x4", $SERVE_MAGIC_1, $clientVersion)) or die;
die "did not get valid handshake from remote host\n" if readInt($from) != 0x5452eecb;
my $serverVersion = readInt($from);
die "unsupported server version\n" if $serverVersion < 0x200 || $serverVersion >= 0x300;
return ($from, $to, $pid);
END { my $saved = $?; closeSSHConnection; $? = $saved; }