Eelco Dolstra 0a84137c45 * checkVarDefs: don't check in closed terms, which don't have
undefined variables by definition.  This matters for the
  implementation of "with", which does a call to checkVarDefs to see
  if the body of the with has no undefined variables.  (It can't be
  checked at parse time because you don't know which variables are in
  the "with" attribute set.)  If we check closed terms, then we check
  not just the with body but also the substituted terms, which are
  typically very large.  This is the cause of the poor nix-env
  performance on Nixpkgs lately.  It didn't happen earlier because
  "with" wasn't used very often in the past.

  This fix improves nix-env performance roughly 60x on current Nixpkgs.
  nix-env -qa is down from 29.3s to 0.5s on my laptop, and nix-env -qa
  --out-path is down from 229s to 3.39s.  Not bad for a 1-line fix :-)
2008-02-21 12:01:24 +00:00

407 lines
11 KiB

#include "nixexpr.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "aterm.hh"
#include "nixexpr-ast.hh"
#include ""
namespace nix {
string showPos(ATerm pos)
ATerm path;
int line, column;
if (matchNoPos(pos)) return "undefined position";
if (!matchPos(pos, path, line, column))
throw badTerm("position expected", pos);
return (format("`%1%', line %2%") % aterm2String(path) % line).str();
ATerm bottomupRewrite(TermFun & f, ATerm e)
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e);
int arity = ATgetArity(fun);
ATerm args[arity];
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
args[i] = bottomupRewrite(f, ATgetArgument(e, i));
e = (ATerm) ATmakeApplArray(fun, args);
else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) {
ATermList in = (ATermList) e;
ATermList out = ATempty;
for (ATermIterator i(in); i; ++i)
out = ATinsert(out, bottomupRewrite(f, *i));
e = (ATerm) ATreverse(out);
return f(e);
void queryAllAttrs(Expr e, ATermMap & attrs, bool withPos)
ATermList bnds;
if (!matchAttrs(e, bnds))
throw TypeError(format("value is %1% while an attribute set was expected") % showType(e));
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
ATerm name;
Expr e;
ATerm pos;
if (!matchBind(*i, name, e, pos)) abort(); /* can't happen */
attrs.set(name, withPos ? makeAttrRHS(e, pos) : e);
Expr queryAttr(Expr e, const string & name)
ATerm dummy;
return queryAttr(e, name, dummy);
Expr queryAttr(Expr e, const string & name, ATerm & pos)
ATermList bnds;
if (!matchAttrs(e, bnds))
throw TypeError(format("value is %1% while an attribute set was expected") % showType(e));
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
ATerm name2, pos2;
Expr e;
if (!matchBind(*i, name2, e, pos2))
abort(); /* can't happen */
if (aterm2String(name2) == name) {
pos = pos2;
return e;
return 0;
Expr makeAttrs(const ATermMap & attrs)
ATermList bnds = ATempty;
for (ATermMap::const_iterator i = attrs.begin(); i != attrs.end(); ++i) {
Expr e;
ATerm pos;
if (!matchAttrRHS(i->value, e, pos))
abort(); /* can't happen */
bnds = ATinsert(bnds, makeBind(i->key, e, pos));
return makeAttrs(bnds);
Expr substitute(const Substitution & subs, Expr e)
//if (subs.size() == 0) return e;
ATerm name, pos, e2;
/* As an optimisation, don't substitute in subterms known to be
closed. */
if (matchClosed(e, e2)) return e;
if (matchVar(e, name)) {
Expr sub = subs.lookup(name);
if (sub == makeRemoved()) sub = 0;
Expr wrapped;
/* Add a "closed" wrapper around terms that aren't already
closed. The check is necessary to prevent repeated
wrapping, e.g., closed(closed(closed(...))), which kills
caching. */
return sub ? (matchClosed(sub, wrapped) ? sub : makeClosed(sub)) : e;
/* In case of a function, filter out all variables bound by this
function. */
ATermList formals;
ATerm body;
if (matchFunction(e, formals, body, pos)) {
ATermMap map(ATgetLength(formals));
for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) {
ATerm d1, d2;
if (!matchFormal(*i, name, d1, d2)) abort();
map.set(name, makeRemoved());
Substitution subs2(&subs, &map);
return makeFunction(
(ATermList) substitute(subs2, (ATerm) formals),
substitute(subs2, body), pos);
if (matchFunction1(e, name, body, pos)) {
ATermMap map(1);
map.set(name, makeRemoved());
return makeFunction1(name, substitute(Substitution(&subs, &map), body), pos);
/* Idem for a mutually recursive attribute set. */
ATermList rbnds, nrbnds;
if (matchRec(e, rbnds, nrbnds)) {
ATermMap map(ATgetLength(rbnds) + ATgetLength(nrbnds));
for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i)
if (matchBind(*i, name, e2, pos)) map.set(name, makeRemoved());
else abort(); /* can't happen */
for (ATermIterator i(nrbnds); i; ++i)
if (matchBind(*i, name, e2, pos)) map.set(name, makeRemoved());
else abort(); /* can't happen */
return makeRec(
(ATermList) substitute(Substitution(&subs, &map), (ATerm) rbnds),
(ATermList) substitute(subs, (ATerm) nrbnds));
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e);
int arity = ATgetArity(fun);
ATerm args[arity];
bool changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
ATerm arg = ATgetArgument(e, i);
args[i] = substitute(subs, arg);
if (args[i] != arg) changed = true;
return changed ? (ATerm) ATmakeApplArray(fun, args) : e;
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) {
unsigned int len = ATgetLength((ATermList) e);
ATerm es[len];
ATermIterator i((ATermList) e);
for (unsigned int j = 0; i; ++i, ++j)
es[j] = substitute(subs, *i);
ATermList out = ATempty;
for (unsigned int j = len; j; --j)
out = ATinsert(out, es[j - 1]);
return (ATerm) out;
return e;
/* We use memoisation to prevent exponential complexity on heavily
shared ATerms (remember, an ATerm is a graph, not a tree!). Note
that using an STL set is fine here wrt to ATerm garbage collection
since all the ATerms in the set are already reachable from
somewhere else. */
static void checkVarDefs2(set<Expr> & done, const ATermMap & defs, Expr e)
if (done.find(e) != done.end()) return;
ATerm name, pos, value;
ATermList formals;
ATerm with, body;
ATermList rbnds, nrbnds;
/* Closed terms don't have free variables, so we don't have to
check by definition. */
if (matchClosed(e, value)) return;
else if (matchVar(e, name)) {
if (!defs.get(name))
throw EvalError(format("undefined variable `%1%'")
% aterm2String(name));
else if (matchFunction(e, formals, body, pos)) {
ATermMap defs2(defs);
for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) {
ATerm d1, d2;
if (!matchFormal(*i, name, d1, d2)) abort();
defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty);
for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) {
ATerm valids, deflt;
set<Expr> done2;
if (!matchFormal(*i, name, valids, deflt)) abort();
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, valids);
checkVarDefs2(done2, defs2, deflt);
set<Expr> done2;
checkVarDefs2(done2, defs2, body);
else if (matchFunction1(e, name, body, pos)) {
ATermMap defs2(defs);
defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty);
set<Expr> done2;
checkVarDefs2(done2, defs2, body);
else if (matchRec(e, rbnds, nrbnds)) {
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, (ATerm) nrbnds);
ATermMap defs2(defs);
for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) {
if (!matchBind(*i, name, value, pos)) abort(); /* can't happen */
defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty);
for (ATermIterator i(nrbnds); i; ++i) {
if (!matchBind(*i, name, value, pos)) abort(); /* can't happen */
defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty);
set<Expr> done2;
checkVarDefs2(done2, defs2, (ATerm) rbnds);
else if (matchWith(e, with, body, pos)) {
/* We can't check the body without evaluating the definitions
(which is an arbitrary expression), so we don't do that
here but only when actually evaluating the `with'. */
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, with);
else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
int arity = ATgetArity(ATgetAFun(e));
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i)
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, ATgetArgument(e, i));
else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST)
for (ATermIterator i((ATermList) e); i; ++i)
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, *i);
void checkVarDefs(const ATermMap & defs, Expr e)
set<Expr> done;
checkVarDefs2(done, defs, e);
struct Canonicalise : TermFun
ATerm operator () (ATerm e)
/* Remove position info. */
ATerm path;
int line, column;
if (matchPos(e, path, line, column))
return makeNoPos();
/* Sort attribute sets. */
ATermList _;
if (matchAttrs(e, _)) {
ATermMap attrs;
queryAllAttrs(e, attrs);
StringSet names;
for (ATermMap::const_iterator i = attrs.begin(); i != attrs.end(); ++i)
ATermList attrs2 = ATempty;
for (StringSet::reverse_iterator i = names.rbegin(); i != names.rend(); ++i)
attrs2 = ATinsert(attrs2,
makeBind(toATerm(*i), attrs.get(toATerm(*i)), makeNoPos()));
return makeAttrs(attrs2);
return e;
Expr canonicaliseExpr(Expr e)
Canonicalise canonicalise;
return bottomupRewrite(canonicalise, e);
Expr makeBool(bool b)
return b ? eTrue : eFalse;
bool matchStr(Expr e, string & s, PathSet & context)
ATermList l;
ATerm s_;
if (!matchStr(e, s_, l)) return false;
s = aterm2String(s_);
for (ATermIterator i(l); i; ++i)
return true;
Expr makeStr(const string & s, const PathSet & context)
return makeStr(toATerm(s), toATermList(context));
string showType(Expr e)
ATerm t1, t2, t3;
ATermList l1;
ATermBlob b1;
int i1;
if (matchStr(e, t1, l1)) return "a string";
if (matchPath(e, t1)) return "a path";
if (matchNull(e)) return "null";
if (matchInt(e, i1)) return "an integer";
if (matchBool(e, t1)) return "a boolean";
if (matchFunction(e, l1, t1, t2)) return "a function";
if (matchFunction1(e, t1, t2, t3)) return "a function";
if (matchAttrs(e, l1)) return "an attribute set";
if (matchList(e, l1)) return "a list";
if (matchPrimOp(e, i1, b1, l1)) return "a partially applied built-in function";
return "an unknown type";
string showValue(Expr e)
PathSet context;
string s;
ATerm s2;
int i;
if (matchStr(e, s, context)) {
string u;
for (string::iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i)
if (*i == '\"' || *i == '\\') u += "\\" + *i;
else if (*i == '\n') u += "\\n";
else if (*i == '\r') u += "\\r";
else if (*i == '\t') u += "\\t";
else u += *i;
return "\"" + u + "\"";
if (matchPath(e, s2)) return aterm2String(s2);
if (matchNull(e)) return "null";
if (matchInt(e, i)) return (format("%1%") % i).str();
if (e == eTrue) return "true";
if (e == eFalse) return "false";
/* !!! incomplete */
return "<unknown>";