Profpatsch b800bf2bd4 fix(users/Profpatsch/whatcd-resolver): pretty AppException
AppException would be a console-pretty-printed version for http
errors, which would print all the escape codes in the jaeger traces of
the exception, making it more-or-less unreadable.

So instead, let’s make AppException two cases, an ErrorTree case which
is printed as-is (no color), and a “Pretty” case which is printed
using the pretty module (colors on console, no colors in otel).

Somewhat involved, I guess this is temporary until I figure out what
is really needed.

Change-Id: Iff4a8651c5f5368a5b798541efc19cc7ab9de34b
Reviewed-by: Profpatsch <>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
2024-09-13 11:13:59 +00:00

319 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Transmission where
import AppT
import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson qualified as Json
import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors qualified as Json
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.Error.Tree
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Only (..))
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (PGArray (PGArray))
import FieldParser (FieldParser' (..))
import FieldParser qualified as Field
import Html qualified
import Http qualified
import Json qualified
import Json.Enc (Enc)
import Json.Enc qualified as Enc
import Label
import MyPrelude
import Network.HTTP.Types
import OpenTelemetry.Attributes (ToAttribute (toAttribute))
import OpenTelemetry.Trace qualified as Otel hiding (getTracer, inSpan, inSpan')
import Optional
import Postgres.MonadPostgres
import Pretty
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
import UnliftIO
import Prelude hiding (span)
-- | A value between (inclusive) 0% and (inclusive) 100%. Precise to 1% steps.
newtype Percentage = Percentage {unPercentage :: Int}
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Parse a scientific into a Percentage
scientificPercentage :: FieldParser' Error Scientific Percentage
scientificPercentage =
Field.boundedScientificRealFloat @Float
>>> ( FieldParser $ \f ->
| f < 0 -> Left "percentage cannot be negative"
| f > 1 -> Left "percentage cannot be over 100%"
| otherwise -> Right $ Percentage $ ceiling (f * 100)
-- | Fetch the current status from transmission, and remove the tranmission hash from our database
-- iff it does not exist in transmission anymore
getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus ::
( MonadTransmission m,
MonadThrow m,
MonadLogger m,
MonadPostgres m,
MonadOtel m
) =>
Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) () ->
(Transaction m (Map (Label "torrentHash" Text) (Label "percentDone" Percentage)))
getAndUpdateTransmissionTorrentsStatus knownTorrents = do
let fields = ["hashString", "percentDone"]
actualTorrents <-
lift @Transaction $
( transmissionRequestListOnlyTorrents
( T2
(label @"fields" fields)
(label @"ids" (Map.keys knownTorrents))
$ do
torrentHash <- Json.keyLabel @"torrentHash" "hashString" Json.asText
percentDone <- Json.keyLabel @"percentDone" "percentDone" (Field.toJsonParser $ Field.jsonNumber >>> scientificPercentage)
pure (torrentHash, percentDone)
<&> Map.fromList
let toDelete = Map.difference knownTorrents actualTorrents
UPDATE redacted.torrents_json
SET transmission_torrent_hash = NULL
WHERE transmission_torrent_hash = ANY (?::text[])
$ Only (toDelete & Map.keys <&> (.torrentHash) & PGArray :: PGArray Text)
pure actualTorrents
getTransmissionTorrentsTable ::
(MonadTransmission m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadOtel m) => m Html
getTransmissionTorrentsTable = do
let fields =
[ "hashString",
( transmissionRequestListAllTorrents fields $ do
Json.asObject <&> KeyMap.toMapText
<&> \resp ->
( resp
& List.sortOn (\m -> m & Map.lookup "percentDone" & fromMaybe (Json.Number 0))
<&> Map.toList
& List.take 100
data TransmissionRequest = TransmissionRequest
{ method :: Text,
arguments :: Map Text Enc,
tag :: Maybe Int
deriving stock (Show)
transmissionConnectionConfig :: T3 "host" Text "port" Int "usePlainHttp" Bool
transmissionConnectionConfig = (T3 (label @"host" "localhost") (label @"port" 9091) (label @"usePlainHttp" True))
transmissionRequestListAllTorrents :: (Monad m) => [Text] -> Json.ParseT e m out -> (TransmissionRequest, Json.ParseT e m [out])
transmissionRequestListAllTorrents fields parseTorrent =
( TransmissionRequest
{ method = "torrent-get",
arguments =
[ ("fields", Enc.list Enc.text fields)
tag = Nothing
Json.key "torrents" $ Json.eachInArray parseTorrent
transmissionRequestListOnlyTorrents ::
( HasField "ids" r1 [(Label "torrentHash" Text)],
HasField "fields" r1 [Text],
Monad m
) =>
r1 ->
Json.ParseT e m out ->
(TransmissionRequest, Json.ParseT e m [out])
transmissionRequestListOnlyTorrents dat parseTorrent =
( TransmissionRequest
{ method = "torrent-get",
arguments =
[ ("ids", Enc.list (\i -> Enc.text i.torrentHash) dat.ids),
("fields", Enc.list Enc.text dat.fields)
tag = Nothing
Json.key "torrents" $ Json.eachInArray parseTorrent
transmissionRequestAddTorrent ::
(HasField "torrentFile" r ByteString, Monad m) =>
r ->
( TransmissionRequest,
Json.ParseT err m (T2 "torrentHash" Text "torrentName" Text)
transmissionRequestAddTorrent dat =
( TransmissionRequest
{ method = "torrent-add",
arguments =
[ ("metainfo", Enc.base64Bytes dat.torrentFile),
("paused", Enc.bool False)
tag = Nothing
let p method = Json.key method $ do
hash <- Json.keyLabel @"torrentHash" "hashString" Json.asText
name <- Json.keyLabel @"torrentName" "name" Json.asText
pure $ T2 hash name
p "torrent-duplicate" Json.<|> p "torrent-added"
data TransmissionResponse output = TransmissionResponse
{ result :: TransmissionResponseStatus,
arguments :: Maybe output,
tag :: Maybe Int
deriving stock (Show)
data TransmissionResponseStatus
= TransmissionResponseSuccess
| TransmissionResponseFailure Text
deriving stock (Show)
doTransmissionRequest' ::
( MonadTransmission m,
MonadThrow m,
MonadLogger m,
MonadOtel m
) =>
(TransmissionRequest, Json.Parse Error output) ->
m output
doTransmissionRequest' req = inSpan' "Transmission Request" $ \span -> do
resp <-
case resp.result of
TransmissionResponseFailure err -> appThrow span (AppExceptionTree $ nestedError "Transmission RPC error" $ singleError $ newError err)
TransmissionResponseSuccess -> case resp.arguments of
Nothing -> appThrow span "Transmission RPC error: No `arguments` field in response"
Just out -> pure out
-- | Contact the transmission RPC, and do the CSRF protection dance.
-- Spec:
doTransmissionRequest ::
( MonadTransmission m,
HasField "host" t1 Text,
HasField "port" t1 Int,
HasField "usePlainHttp" t1 Bool,
MonadThrow m,
MonadLogger m,
MonadOtel m
) =>
Otel.Span ->
t1 ->
(TransmissionRequest, Json.Parse Error output) ->
m (TransmissionResponse output)
doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser) = do
sessionId <- getCurrentTransmissionSessionId
let textArg t = (Enc.text t, Otel.toAttribute @Text t)
let encArg enc = (enc, Otel.toAttribute @Text $ enc & Enc.encToTextPretty)
let intArg i = ( i, Otel.toAttribute @Int i)
let body :: [(Text, (Enc, Otel.Attribute))] =
( [ ("method", req.method & textArg),
("arguments", encArg $ id req.arguments)
<> (req.tag & foldMap (\t -> [("tag", t & intArg)]))
( HashMap.fromList $
<&> bimap
(\k -> [fmt|transmission.{k}|])
(\(_, attr) -> attr)
resp <-
( (Http.mkRequestOptions (T2 (label @"method" "POST") (label @"host"
{ Http.path = mkOptional ["transmission", "rpc"],
Http.port = mkOptional dat.port,
Http.headers = mkOptional $ (sessionId & ifExists ("X-Transmission-Session-Id",)),
Http.usePlainHttp = mkOptional dat.usePlainHttp
(body <&> second fst & Enc.object)
-- Implement the CSRF protection thingy
case resp & Http.getResponseStatus & (.statusCode) of
409 -> inSpan' "New Transmission Session ID" $ \span' -> do
tid <-
& Http.getResponseHeader "X-Transmission-Session-Id"
& nonEmpty
& annotate [fmt|Missing "X-Transmission-Session-Id" header in 409 response: {showPretty resp}|]
& unwrapIOError
& liftIO
<&> NonEmpty.head
addAttributes span' $
[ ("transmission.new_session_id", tid & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & toAttribute),
("transmission.old_session_id", sessionId <&> bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & fromMaybe "<none yet>" & toAttribute)
updateTransmissionSessionId tid
doTransmissionRequest span dat (req, parser)
200 -> do
addAttributes span $
[ ("transmission.valid_session_id", sessionId <&> bytesToTextUtf8Lenient & fromMaybe "<none yet>" & toAttribute)
& Http.getResponseBody
& Json.parseStrict
( Json.mapError singleError $ do
result <-
Json.key "result" Json.asText <&> \case
"success" -> TransmissionResponseSuccess
err -> TransmissionResponseFailure err
arguments <-
Json.keyMay "arguments" parser
tag <-
(Field.toJsonParser (Field.jsonNumber >>> Field.boundedScientificIntegral "tag too long"))
pure TransmissionResponse {..}
& first (Json.parseErrorTree "Cannot parse transmission RPC response")
& \case
Right a -> pure a
Left err -> do
case Json.eitherDecodeStrict' @Json.Value (resp & Http.getResponseBody) of
Left _err -> pure ()
Right val -> logInfo [fmt|failing transmission response: {showPrettyJson val}|]
appThrow span (AppExceptionTree err)
_ -> appThrow span $ AppExceptionPretty [[fmt|Non-200 response:|], pretty resp]
class MonadTransmission m where
getCurrentTransmissionSessionId :: m (Maybe ByteString)
updateTransmissionSessionId :: ByteString -> m ()
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTransmission (AppT m) where
getCurrentTransmissionSessionId = AppT (asks (.transmissionSessionId)) >>= readIORef
updateTransmissionSessionId t = do
var <- AppT $ asks (.transmissionSessionId)
writeIORef var (Just t)