Aspen Smith 82ecd61f5c chore(users): grfn -> aspen
Change-Id: I6c6847fac56f0a9a1a2209792e00a3aec5e672b9
Autosubmit: aspen <>
Reviewed-by: sterni <>
Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
Reviewed-by: lukegb <>
2024-02-14 19:37:41 +00:00

306 lines
13 KiB

%% start of file `moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty'.
%% Copyright 2006-2013 Xavier Danaux (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstyleoldstyle}[2013/02/09 v1.3.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: oldstyle]
% required packages
% change the layout of the page on the fly, for resume or letter layout
% overall style definition
% fonts
% \setmainfont[Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}, BoldFont={Kurier Bold}, ItalicFont={Kurier Light Italic}, BoldItalicFont={Kurier Bold Italic}]{Kurier Light}
% \setsansfont[Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}, BoldFont={Kurier Bold}, ItalicFont={Kurier Light Italic}, BoldItalicFont={Kurier Bold Italic}]{Kurier Light}
% \setmathfont{Kurier Light}
% \setmathfont[range=\mathit,\mathsfit]{Kurier Light Italic}
% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfup,\mathbfsfup]{Kurier Bold}
% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfit,\mathbfsfit]{Kurier Bold Italic}
% symbols
% resume style definition
% fonts
% styles
% lengths
% commands
% regular lengths
\changepage{}{+\marginparwidth+\marginparsep}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}% if a letter was typeset before the resume, \marginparwidth and \marginparsep will be non-zero; otherwise, this has no effect
% maketitle lengths
% main lenghts
% listitem lengths
% doubleitem lengths
% listdoubleitem lengths
% fancyhdr lengths
\setlength{\makecvinfoheight}{\totalheightof{\usebox{\makecvinfobox}}}% the total height of the parbox is the sum of its height (\the\ht\makeinfobox) and its depth (\the\dp\makeinfobox); the \totalheightof command is provided by the "calc" package
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% optional picture box
% name and title
\namestyle{\@firstname\ \@lastname}%
% optional photo
% optional quote
% optional details
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
\phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
\par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
\phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
\par\nobreak\addvspace{0.5ex}\@afterheading}% to avoid a pagebreak after the heading
\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }{#3}%
\begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\hintstyle{#2}: #3\end{minipage}%
\hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth
\begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#4}: }#5\end{minipage}%
\hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%
\savebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }#3}%
\begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }#3\end{minipage}%
\hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth
% \small%
% \sfcode`\.\@m%
% \sfcode `\=1000\relax%
\def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% letter style definition
% commands
% \setlength{\textwidthdelta}{+\marginparwidth+\marginparsep}%
% \addtolength{\textwidthdelta}{-\marginparwidth-\marginparsep}%
% \changepage{}{\textwidthdelta}{-\textwidthdelta}{}{}{}{}{}{}%\changepage{<textheight>}{<textwidth>}{<evensidemargin>}{<oddsidemargin>}{<columnsep>}{<topmargin>}{<headheight>}{<headsep>}{<footskip>}
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% recipient block
% date
% opening
% sender contact info
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
% ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line
% \ignorespacesafterend% not working
{\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}}
%% end of file `moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty'.