We already checked this in, but this commit adds the configuration for making use of it. There are two copies of besadii's JSON configuration with different permissions. Note that the buildkite-graphql-token path needs to be updated in static-pipeline.yml, but this needs to happen in a separate commit after deploy because the pipeline will break otherwise. Change-Id: I6fab4bf1a2e679df7cf76521e2b53bd9dadbac62
24 lines
663 B
24 lines
663 B
tazjin = [
# tverskoy
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIM1fGWz/gsq+ZeZXjvUrV+pBlanw1c3zJ9kLTax9FWQy"
grfn = [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMcBGBoWd5pPIIQQP52rcFOQN3wAY0J/+K2fuU6SffjA "
whitby = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILNh/w4BSKov0jdz3gKBc98tpoLta5bb87fQXWBhAl2I";
default.publicKeys = tazjin ++ grfn ++ [ whitby ];
in {
"besadii.age" = default;
"buildkite-agent-token.age" = default;
"buildkite-graphql-token.age" = default;
"clbot-ssh.age" = default;
"clbot.age" = default;
"gerrit-queue.age" = default;
"grafana.age" = default;
"irccat.age" = default;
"owothia.age" = default;