sure that it works as expected when you pass it a derivation. That is, we have to make sure that all build-time dependencies are built, and that they are all in the input closure (otherwise remote builds might fail, for example). This is ensured at instantiation time by adding all derivations and their sources to inputDrvs and inputSrcs.
273 lines
6.9 KiB
273 lines
6.9 KiB
#! @perl@ -w -I@libexecdir@/nix
use strict;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use readmanifest;
my $hashAlgo = "sha256";
my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-push.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
my $nixExpr = "$tmpDir/create-nars.nix";
my $manifest = "$tmpDir/MANIFEST";
my $curl = "@curl@ --fail --silent";
my $extraCurlFlags = ${ENV{'CURL_FLAGS'}};
$curl = "$curl $extraCurlFlags" if defined $extraCurlFlags;
my $binDir = $ENV{"NIX_BIN_DIR"} || "@bindir@";
my $dataDir = $ENV{"NIX_DATA_DIR"};
$dataDir = "@datadir@" unless defined $dataDir;
# Parse the command line.
my $localCopy;
my $localArchivesDir;
my $localManifestFile;
my $targetArchivesUrl;
my $archivesPutURL;
my $archivesGetURL;
my $manifestPutURL;
sub showSyntax {
print STDERR <<EOF
Usage: nix-push --copy ARCHIVES_DIR MANIFEST_FILE PATHS...
`nix-push' copies or uploads the closure of PATHS to the given
; # `
exit 1;
showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 1;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--copy") {
showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 3;
$localCopy = 1;
shift @ARGV;
$localArchivesDir = shift @ARGV;
$localManifestFile = shift @ARGV;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--target") {
shift @ARGV;
$targetArchivesUrl = shift @ARGV;
else {
$targetArchivesUrl = "file://$localArchivesDir";
else {
showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 3;
$localCopy = 0;
$archivesPutURL = shift @ARGV;
$archivesGetURL = shift @ARGV;
$manifestPutURL = shift @ARGV;
# From the given store paths, determine the set of requisite store
# paths, i.e, the paths required to realise them.
my %storePaths;
foreach my $path (@ARGV) {
die unless $path =~ /^\//;
# Get all paths referenced by the normalisation of the given
# Nix expression.
my $pid = open(READ,
"$binDir/nix-store --query --requisites --force-realise " .
"--include-outputs '$path'|") or die;
while (<READ>) {
die "bad: $_" unless /^\//;
$storePaths{$_} = "";
close READ or die "nix-store failed: $?";
my @storePaths = keys %storePaths;
# For each path, create a Nix expression that turns the path into
# a Nix archive.
open NIX, ">$nixExpr";
print NIX "[";
foreach my $storePath (@storePaths) {
die unless ($storePath =~ /\/[0-9a-z]{32}[^\"\\\$]*$/);
# Construct a Nix expression that creates a Nix archive.
my $nixexpr =
"((import $dataDir/nix/corepkgs/nar/nar.nix) " .
"{storePath = builtins.storePath \"$storePath\"; system = \"@system@\"; hashAlgo = \"$hashAlgo\";}) ";
print NIX $nixexpr;
print NIX "]";
close NIX;
# Instantiate store derivations from the Nix expression.
my @storeExprs;
print STDERR "instantiating store derivations...\n";
my $pid = open(READ, "$binDir/nix-instantiate $nixExpr|")
or die "cannot run nix-instantiate";
while (<READ>) {
die unless /^\//;
push @storeExprs, $_;
close READ or die "nix-instantiate failed: $?";
# Build the derivations.
print STDERR "creating archives...\n";
my @narPaths;
my @tmp = @storeExprs;
while (scalar @tmp > 0) {
my $n = scalar @tmp;
if ($n > 256) { $n = 256 };
my @tmp2 = @tmp[0..$n - 1];
@tmp = @tmp[$n..scalar @tmp - 1];
my $pid = open(READ, "$binDir/nix-store --realise @tmp2|")
or die "cannot run nix-store";
while (<READ>) {
die unless (/^\//);
push @narPaths, "$_";
close READ or die "nix-store failed: $?";
# Create the manifest.
print STDERR "creating manifest...\n";
my %narFiles;
my %patches;
my @narArchives;
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @storePaths; $n++) {
my $storePath = $storePaths[$n];
my $narDir = $narPaths[$n];
$storePath =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/;
my $basename = $1;
defined $basename or die;
open HASH, "$narDir/narbz2-hash" or die "cannot open narbz2-hash";
my $narbz2Hash = <HASH>;
chomp $narbz2Hash;
$narbz2Hash =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/ or die "invalid hash";
close HASH;
open HASH, "$narDir/nar-hash" or die "cannot open nar-hash";
my $narHash = <HASH>;
chomp $narHash;
$narHash =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/ or die "invalid hash";
close HASH;
my $narName = "$narbz2Hash.nar.bz2";
my $narFile = "$narDir/$narName";
(-f $narFile) or die "narfile for $storePath not found";
push @narArchives, $narFile;
my $narbz2Size = (stat $narFile)[7];
my $references = `$binDir/nix-store --query --references '$storePath'`;
die "cannot query references for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
$references = join(" ", split(" ", $references));
my $deriver = `$binDir/nix-store --query --deriver '$storePath'`;
die "cannot query deriver for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
chomp $deriver;
$deriver = "" if $deriver eq "unknown-deriver";
my $url;
if ($localCopy) {
$url = "$targetArchivesUrl/$narName";
} else {
$url = "$archivesGetURL/$narName";
$narFiles{$storePath} = [
{ url => $url
, hash => "$hashAlgo:$narbz2Hash"
, size => $narbz2Size
, narHash => "$hashAlgo:$narHash"
, references => $references
, deriver => $deriver
writeManifest $manifest, \%narFiles, \%patches;
sub copyFile {
my $src = shift;
my $dst = shift;
my $tmp = "$dst.tmp.$$";
system("@coreutils@/cp", $src, $tmp) == 0 or die "cannot copy file";
rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename file: $!";
# Upload/copy the archives.
print STDERR "uploading/copying archives...\n";
sub archiveExists {
my $name = shift;
print STDERR " HEAD on $archivesGetURL/$name\n";
return system("$curl --head $archivesGetURL/$name > /dev/null") == 0;
foreach my $narArchive (@narArchives) {
$narArchive =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/;
my $basename = $1;
if ($localCopy) {
# Since nix-push creates $dst atomically, if it exists we
# don't have to copy again.
my $dst = "$localArchivesDir/$basename";
if (! -f "$localArchivesDir/$basename") {
print STDERR " $narArchive\n";
copyFile $narArchive, $dst;
else {
if (!archiveExists("$basename")) {
print STDERR " $narArchive\n";
system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
"'$narArchive' '$archivesPutURL/$basename' > /dev/null") == 0 or
die "curl failed on $narArchive: $?";
# Upload the manifest.
print STDERR "uploading manifest...\n";
if ($localCopy) {
copyFile $manifest, $localManifestFile;
copyFile "$manifest.bz2", "$localManifestFile.bz2";
} else {
system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
"'$manifest' '$manifestPutURL' > /dev/null") == 0 or
die "curl failed on $manifest: $?";
system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
"'$manifest'.bz2 '$manifestPutURL'.bz2 > /dev/null") == 0 or
die "curl failed on $manifest: $?";