sharing package directories (i.e., the result of building a Nix descriptor). `nix-pull-prebuilts' obtains a list of all known prebuilts by consulting the paths and URLs specified in $prefix/etc/nix/prebuilts.conf. The mappings ($pkghash, $prebuilthash) and ($prebuilthash, $location) are registered with Nix so that it can use the prebuilt with hash $prebuilthash when installing a package with hash $pkghash by downloading and unpacking $location. `nix-push-prebuilts' creates prebuilts for all packages for which no prebuilt is known to exist. It can then optionally upload these to the network through rsync. `nix-[pull|push]-prebuilts' just provide a policy. Nix provides the mechanism through the `nix [export|regprebuilt|regurl]' commands.
69 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file
69 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
my $prefix = $ENV{"NIX"} || "/nix"; # !!! use prefix
my $etcdir = "$prefix/etc/nix";
my $knowns = "$prefix/var/nix/known-prebuilts";
my $tmpfile = "$prefix/var/nix/prebuilts.tmp";
my $conffile = "$etcdir/prebuilts.conf";
sub register {
my $fn = shift;
return unless $fn =~ /([^\/]*)-([0-9a-z]{32})-([0-9a-z]{32})\.tar\.bz2/;
my $id = $1;
my $pkghash = $2;
my $prebuilthash = $3;
print "$pkghash => $prebuilthash ($id)\n";
system "nix regprebuilt $pkghash $prebuilthash";
if ($?) { die "`nix regprebuilt' failed"; }
print KNOWNS "$pkghash\n";
open KNOWNS, ">$knowns";
open CONFFILE, "<$conffile";
while (<CONFFILE>) {
if (/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\#.*)?$/) {
my $url = $1;
print "obtaining prebuilt list from $url...\n";
if ($url =~ /^\//) {
# It's a local path.
foreach my $fn (glob "$url/*") {
register $fn;
} else {
# It's a URL.
system "wget '$url' -O '$tmpfile' 2> /dev/null"; # !!! escape
if ($?) { die "`wget' failed"; }
open INDEX, "<$tmpfile";
while (<INDEX>) {
# Get all links to prebuilts, that is, file names of the
# form foo-HASH-HASH.tar.bz2.
next unless (/HREF=\"([^\"]*)\"/);
my $fn = $1;
next if $fn =~ /\.\./;
next if $fn =~ /\//;
register $fn;
close INDEX;
unlink $tmpfile;
close KNOWNS;