By using an extremely trivial derivation we can ensure that it will not throw if evaluated using deepSeq. When using stdenv.mkDerivation or similar at some point something will most likely throw or generate some kind of error which is alright in the context of nixpkgs, but makes testing yants harder than you'd think it should be. Change-Id: I61ff7dc01a00a4815ef39066e4e223123356ddd5 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/2507 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
156 lines
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156 lines
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{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
with depot.nix.yants;
# Note: Derivations are not included in the tests below as they cause
# issues with deepSeq.
inherit (depot.nix.runTestsuite)
# this derivation won't throw if evaluated with deepSeq
# unlike most things even remotely related with nixpkgs
trivialDerivation = derivation {
name = "trivial-derivation";
inherit (pkgs.stdenv) system;
builder = "/bin/sh";
args = [ "-c" "echo hello > $out" ];
testPrimitives = it "checks that all primitive types match" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "unit type" (unit {}))
(assertDoesNotThrow "int type" (int 15))
(assertDoesNotThrow "bool type" (bool false))
(assertDoesNotThrow "float type" (float 13.37))
(assertDoesNotThrow "string type" (string "Hello!"))
(assertDoesNotThrow "function type" (function (x: x * 2)))
(assertDoesNotThrow "path type" (path /nix))
(assertDoesNotThrow "derivation type" (drv trivialDerivation))
testPoly = it "checks that polymorphic types work as intended" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "option type" (option int null))
(assertDoesNotThrow "list type" (list string [ "foo" "bar" ]))
(assertDoesNotThrow "either type" (either int float 42))
# Test that structures work as planned.
person = struct "person" {
name = string;
age = int;
contact = option (struct {
email = string;
phone = option string;
testStruct = it "checks that structures work as intended" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "person struct" (person {
name = "Brynhjulf";
age = 42;
contact.email = "brynhjulf@yants.nix";
# Test enum definitions & matching
colour = enum "colour" [ "red" "blue" "green" ];
colourMatcher = {
red = "It is in fact red!";
blue = "It should not be blue!";
green = "It should not be green!";
testEnum = it "checks enum definitions and matching" [
(assertEq "enum is matched correctly"
"It is in fact red!" (colour.match "red" colourMatcher))
(assertThrows "out of bounds enum fails"
(colour.match "alpha" (colourMatcher // {
alpha = "This should never happen";
# Test sum type definitions
creature = sum "creature" {
human = struct {
name = string;
age = option int;
pet = enum "pet" [ "dog" "lizard" "cat" ];
some-human = creature {
human = {
name = "Brynhjulf";
age = 42;
testSum = it "checks sum types definitions and matching" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "creature sum type" some-human)
(assertEq "sum type is matched correctly"
"It's a human named Brynhjulf" (creature.match some-human {
human = v: "It's a human named ${v.name}";
pet = v: "It's not supposed to be a pet!";
# Test curried function definitions
func = defun [ string int string ]
(name: age: "${name} is ${toString age} years old");
testFunctions = it "checks function definitions" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "function application" (func "Brynhjulf" 42))
# Test that all types are types.
assertIsType = name: t:
assertDoesNotThrow "${name} is a type" (type t);
testTypes = it "checks that all types are types" [
(assertIsType "any" any)
(assertIsType "bool" bool)
(assertIsType "drv" drv)
(assertIsType "float" float)
(assertIsType "int" int)
(assertIsType "string" string)
(assertIsType "path" path)
(assertIsType "attrs int" (attrs int))
(assertIsType "eitherN [ ... ]" (eitherN [ int string bool ]))
(assertIsType "either int string" (either int string))
(assertIsType "enum [ ... ]" (enum [ "foo" "bar" ]))
(assertIsType "list string" (list string))
(assertIsType "option int" (option int))
(assertIsType "option (list string)" (option (list string)))
(assertIsType "struct { ... }" (struct { a = int; b = option string; }))
(assertIsType "sum { ... }" (sum { a = int; b = option string; }))
testRestrict = it "checks restrict types" [
(assertDoesNotThrow "< 42" ((restrict "< 42" (i: i < 42) int) 25))
(assertDoesNotThrow "list length < 3"
((restrict "not too long" (l: builtins.length l < 3) (list int)) [ 1 2 ]))
(assertDoesNotThrow "list eq 5"
(list (restrict "eq 5" (v: v == 5) any) [ 5 5 5 ]))
runTestsuite "yants" [