While I first switched to EXWM warily and thinking it would only be temporary, it seems like this switch is here to stay. It turns out that EXWM was exactly the integration I've been looking for. How serendipitous it that I found it when I did. Thank you, @tazjin.
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# Might be unnecessary...
. ~/.profile
export DESKTOP_SESSION=cinnamon # gnome for trusty.
# Desktop background color.
xsetroot -solid "#333333"
# Set fallback cursor.
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
# Set KBDs.
xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock'
xmodmap -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Escape'
# set key repeat preferences
# NOTE: This is now being handled with my keyboard.el module in Emacs.
# xset r rate 250 60
# start tmux with a few commonly used sessions
# TODO: consider moving this else like ~/.profile, so it doesn't depend on X.
# This might be better for SSH.
tmux new -d -s main
# Start the Emacs server
# TODO: Consider starting this with `systemctl --user enable emacs.service`
emacs --daemon
# Start ssh-agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
# TODO: Prefer `systemctl start docker.service`
dockerd &
# start compton for shadows, transparency, fading, etc.
# TODO: Consider starting this with `systemctl --user enable compton.service`
compton &
# `unclutter` hide the cursor in when it is inactive
unclutter &
# Startup Emacs (and EXWM).
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs