cleanSource needs to import the path into store which is quite slow at this point. Since we are filtering the path later anyways, using the original path is probably perfectly fine and speeds up builds (which is nice when iterating on something). Change-Id: I0628854d754b5903eb4ae93a3c3e2539b2c1c7e9 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/3705 Tested-by: BuildkiteCI Reviewed-by: tazjin <mail@tazj.in>
251 lines
7 KiB
251 lines
7 KiB
{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (depot.nix)
minimalDepot = sparseTree depot.path.origSrc [
# general depot things
# nixpkgs for lib and packages
# bubblegum and its dependencies
# tvix docs for svg demo
# for blog.nix
statusCodes = {
# 1xx
"Continue" = 100;
"Switching Protocols" = 101;
"Processing" = 102;
"Early Hints" = 103;
# 2xx
"OK" = 200;
"Created" = 201;
"Accepted" = 202;
"Non-Authoritative Information" = 203;
"No Content" = 204;
"Reset Content" = 205;
"Partial Content" = 206;
"Multi Status" = 207;
"Already Reported" = 208;
"IM Used" = 226;
# 3xx
"Multiple Choices" = 300;
"Moved Permanently" = 301;
"Found" = 302;
"See Other" = 303;
"Not Modified" = 304;
"Use Proxy" = 305;
"Switch Proxy" = 306;
"Temporary Redirect" = 307;
"Permanent Redirect" = 308;
# 4xx
"Bad Request" = 400;
"Unauthorized" = 401;
"Payment Required" = 402;
"Forbidden" = 403;
"Not Found" = 404;
"Method Not Allowed" = 405;
"Not Acceptable" = 406;
"Proxy Authentication Required" = 407;
"Request Timeout" = 408;
"Conflict" = 409;
"Gone" = 410;
"Length Required" = 411;
"Precondition Failed" = 412;
"Payload Too Large" = 413;
"URI Too Long" = 414;
"Unsupported Media Type" = 415;
"Range Not Satisfiable" = 416;
"Expectation Failed" = 417;
"I'm a teapot" = 418;
"Misdirected Request" = 421;
"Unprocessable Entity" = 422;
"Locked" = 423;
"Failed Dependency" = 424;
"Too Early" = 425;
"Upgrade Required" = 426;
"Precondition Required" = 428;
"Too Many Requests" = 429;
"Request Header Fields Too Large" = 431;
"Unavailable For Legal Reasons" = 451;
# 5xx
"Internal Server Error" = 500;
"Not Implemented" = 501;
"Bad Gateway" = 502;
"Service Unavailable" = 503;
"Gateway Timeout" = 504;
"HTTP Version Not Supported" = 505;
"Variant Also Negotiates" = 506;
"Insufficient Storage" = 507;
"Loop Detected" = 508;
"Not Extended" = 510;
"Network Authentication Required" = 511;
/* Generate a CGI response. Takes three arguments:
1. Status of the response as a string which is
the descriptive name in the protocol, e. g.
`"OK"`, `"Not Found"` etc.
2. Attribute set describing extra headers to
send, keys and values should both be strings.
3. Response content as a string.
See the [README](./README.md) for an example.
Type: either int string -> attrs string -> string -> string
respond =
# response status as an integer (status code) or its
# textual representation in the HTTP protocol.
# See `statusCodes` for a list of valid options.
# headers as an attribute set of strings
# response body as a string
status =
if builtins.isInt statusArg
then {
code = statusArg;
line = lib.findFirst
(line: statusCodes."${line}" == statusArg)
(builtins.attrNames statusCodes);
} else if builtins.isString statusArg then {
code = statusCodes."${statusArg}" or null;
line = statusArg;
} else {
code = null; line = null;
renderedHeaders = lib.concatStrings
(lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${n}: ${toString v}\r\n") headers);
internalError = msg: respond 500 {
Content-type = "text/plain";
} "bubblegum error: ${msg}";
body = builtins.tryEval bodyArg;
if status.code == null || status.line == null
then internalError "Invalid status ${lib.generators.toPretty {} statusArg}."
else if !body.success
then internalError "Unknown evaluation error in user code"
else lib.concatStrings [
"Status: ${toString status.code} ${status.line}\r\n"
/* Returns the value of the `SCRIPT_NAME` environment
variable used by CGI.
scriptName = builtins.getEnv "SCRIPT_NAME";
/* Returns the value of the `PATH_INFO` environment
variable used by CGI. All cases that could be
considered as the CGI script's root (i. e.
`PATH_INFO` is empty or `/`) is mapped to `"/"`
for convenience.
pathInfo =
p = builtins.getEnv "PATH_INFO";
if builtins.stringLength p == 0
then "/"
else p;
/* Helper function which converts a path from the
root of the CGI script (i. e. something which
could be the content of `PATH_INFO`) to an
absolute path from the web root by also
utilizing `scriptName`.
Type: string -> string
absolutePath = path:
if builtins.substring 0 1 path == "/"
then "${scriptName}${path}"
else "${scriptName}/${path}";
bins = getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "env" "tee" "cat" "printf" "chmod" ]
// getBins nint [ "nint" ];
/* Type: args -> either path derivation string -> derivation
writeCGI =
{ # if given sets the `PATH` to search for `nix-instantiate`
# Useful when using for example thttpd which unsets `PATH`
# in the CGI environment.
binPath ? ""
# name of the resulting derivation. Defaults to `baseNameOf`
# the input path or name of the input derivation.
# Must be given if the input is a string.
, name ? null
, ...
input: let
drvName =
if builtins.isString input || args ? name
then args.name
else utils.storePathName input;
script =
if builtins.isPath input || lib.isDerivation input
then input
else if builtins.isString input
then pkgs.writeText "${drvName}-source" input
else builtins.throw "Unsupported input: ${lib.generators.toPretty {} input}";
shebang = lib.concatStringsSep " " ([
# use the slightly cursed /usr/bin/env -S which allows us
# to pass any number of arguments to our interpreter
# instead of maximum one using plain shebang which considers
# everything after the first space as the second argument.
] ++ lib.optionals (builtins.stringLength binPath > 0) [
] ++ [
# always pass depot so scripts can use this library
"--arg depot '(import ${minimalDepot} {})'"
in runExecline.local drvName {} [
"importas" "out" "out"
"pipeline" [
"foreground" [
"if" [ bins.printf "%s\n" shebang ]
"if" [ bins.cat script ]
"if" [ bins.tee "$out" ]
"if" [ bins.chmod "+x" "$out" ]
"exit" "0"
in {