Instead of using whatever the current system default is, import a Nix channel when building an image. This will use Nix' internal caching behaviour for tarballs fetched without a SHA-hash. For now the downloaded channel is pinned to nixos-19.03.
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<aside>ad-hoc container images - powered by <a href="">Nix</a></aside>
<h3>What is this?</h3>
Nixery provides the ability to pull ad-hoc container images from a Docker-compatible registry
server. The image names specify the contents the image should contain, which are then
retrieved and built by the Nix package manager.
Nix is also responsible for the creation of the container images themselves. To do this it
uses an interesting layering strategy described in
<a href="">this blog post</a>.
<h3>How does it work?</h3>
Simply point your local Docker installation (or other compatible registry client) at Nixery
and ask for an image with the contents you desire. Image contents are path separated in the
name, so for example if you needed an image that contains a shell and <code>emacs</code> you
could pull it as such:
Image tags are currently <i>ignored</i>. Every package name needs to correspond to a key in the
<a href="">nixpkgs package set</a>.
There are some special <i>meta-packages</i> which you <strong>must</strong> specify as the
first package in an image. These are:
<li><code>shell</code>: Provides default packages you would expect in an interactive environment</li>
<li><code>builder</code>: Provides the above as well as Nix's standard build environment</li>
Hence if you needed an interactive image with, for example, <code>htop</code> installed you
could run <code>docker run -ti bash</code>.
Technically speaking none of these are frequently-asked questions (because no questions have
been asked so far), but I'm going to take a guess at a few anyways:
<strong>Where is the source code for this?</strong>
Not yet public, sorry. Check back later(tm).
<strong>Which revision of <code>nixpkgs</code> is used?</strong>
Nixery imports a Nix channel
via <code>builtins.fetchTarball</code>. Currently the channel
to which this instance is pinned is NixOS 19.03.
One idea I've had is to let users specify tags on images that
correspond to commits in nixpkgs, however there is some
potential for abuse there (e.g. by triggering lots of builds
on commits that have broken Hydra builds) and I don't want to
deal with that yet.
<strong>Who made this?</strong>
<a href="">@tazjin</a>