Currently paying the price of months of non-diligent git usage. Here's what has changed. - Theming support in Gvcci and wpgtk - Dropping support for i3 - Supporting EXWM - Many Elisp modules - Collapsed redundant directories in ./configs
183 lines
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183 lines
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;;; google-stuff.el --- Working with Google infrastructure from Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: William Carroll <>
;;; Commentary:
;; Some of this is just encoding my learnings as notes in Elisp format.
;;; Code:
;; Dependencies
(require 'f)
(require 'ivy-helpers)
(require 'evil-leader)
(require 'maybe)
(require 'device)
;; Library
;; TODO: Ensure a consistent and deliberate usage of `defvar', `defconst', and
;; `defcustom' across all Elisp modules.
(defcustom google-stuff/install-kbds? t
"When t, install the keybindings defined herein.")
;; Definitions as explained by the highly knowledgeable Matthew (i.e. mjo@)
(defconst google-stuff/definitions
;; command-line tools
("gcert" . "Requests a CorpSSH certificate.")
("glogin" . "SSO (i.e. Single Sign-On) cookie.")
("googlenetworkaccess" . "Device certificate that gives users a certificate
to access to the Google corp network.")
("prodaccess" . "Sets up a LOAS session on Goobuntu.")
;; general wtfs
("LOAS" . "Distributed authentication service used by jobs in production and
corp to authenticate each other. It's more efficient than SSL and works with
;; TODO: Straighten out fig, citc, google3 and have modules for each.
;; TODO: Move this to a google3.el module.
(defconst google-stuff/root
"The root directory to access google3.")
;; TODO: Find a fast way to generate this.
(defconst google-stuff/citc-clients
"A list of my active CitC clients.")
;; TODO: Can this be sourced from ~/.g4d?
(defconst google-stuff/citc-aliases
'(("escalations" . "/google3/corp/gtech/pto/tda/beacons_extension")
("spewall_fe" . "/google3/alkali/apps/speakeasydashboard")
("spewall_be" . "/google3/java/com/google/alkali/applications/speakeasydashboard")
("spewall_protos" . "/google3/google/internal/alkali/applications/speakeasydashboard")
("spewall_tests" . "/google3/javatests/com/google/alkali/applications/speakeasydashboard")
("gti" . "/google3/experimental/engedu/gti/projects/week20190422/mtv/Team10")
("authwf" . "/google3/customer_support/automation/workflow")
("redwood" . "/google3/customer_support/kms/redwood/ui")
("wf-fe" . "/google3/customer_support/kms/redwood/ui/client/components/item/workflow_editor")
("ac" . "/google3/google/internal/alkali/applications/casesconsultservice")
("ac-server" . "/google3/java/com/google/alkali/applications/casesconsultservice/server/")
("ac-server (tests)" . "/google3/javatests/com/google/alkali/applications/casesconsultservice/server/"))
"Mapping of a label to commonly visited locations in Google3.")
(defvar google-stuff/active-citc-client nil
"Currently active CitC client.")
(defun google-stuff/depot-prefix ()
"Return the current prefix for //depot/google3."
(string/format "/google/src/cloud/wpcarro/%s/google3/"
(defun google-stuff/cs-url ()
"Return the code-search URL for the current buffer and line number."
(string/format ""
(defun google-stuff/copy-cs-url ()
"Copy the current file and line-position to the system clipboard."
(clipboard/copy (google-stuff/cs-url)))
(defun google-stuff/open-buffer-in-cs ()
"Open the current file in Google's CodeSearch."
(string/format "google-chrome '%s'"
;; TODO: As a naming convention, should I prefer ivy or select? Or counsel?
(defun google-stuff/select-citc-client ()
"Set `google-stuff/active-citc-client' with counsel."
(setq google-stuff/active-citc-client
(ivy-read "CitC Client: " google-stuff/citc-clients)))
(defun google-stuff/remote-buffer? ()
"Return t if buffer is one accessed via Tramp."
(with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
(if (file-remote-p default-directory)
(defun google-stuff/jump-to-citc-alias ()
"Use `find-file' to open an alias registered in `google-stuff/citc-aliases'.
When on a corporate laptop, remote connections are made using Tramp."
(when (maybe/nil? google-stuff/active-citc-client)
(call-interactively #'google-stuff/select-citc-client))
"Jump to CitC Alias: "
(lambda (k v)
(->> v
;; If I don't remove the leading slash, `f-join' won't return a valid
;; path.
(s-chop-prefix "/")
(f-join google-stuff/root
(s-prepend (if (device/work-laptop?) "/ssh:wpcarro@desktop:" ""))
;; Stuff I learned reading go/emacs
;; Fig
;; TODO: Make sure there are Evil-compatible KBDs for `fig-status'.
;; (require 'google-fig)
;; This allows `find-file' handle "//depot/google3/devtools/editors/".
(require 'p4-files)
;; Blaze Support
;; - `google3-compile-current-file' is an excellent command!
;; google3-eglot (uses CiderLSP)
;; TODO: Make sure the functionality is supported as advertised:
;; - auto-completion
;; - eglot-help-at-point for documentation.
;; - goto-definition
;; - `eglot-code-actions' fixits
;; - `eglot-rename' refactoring
(require 'google3-eglot)
;; CodeSearch
;; TODO: Debug why this depends on google-piper and why I don't have that on my
;; desktop.
;; (require 'ivy-cs)
;; Auto completion
;; TODO: Is the part of or separate from google3-eglot? Because google3-eglot
;; advertises auto-completion support.
(require 'google3-build-capf)
(add-to-list 'company-backends #'company-capf)
;; Keybindings
(when google-stuff/install-kbds?
(evil-leader/set-key "Gs" #'fig-status)
(evil-leader/set-key "Cs" #'google-stuff/open-buffer-in-cs)
(evil-leader/set-key "jc" #'google-stuff/jump-to-citc-alias))
(provide 'google-stuff)
;;; google-stuff.el ends here