number of bytes, e.g., in case of a signal like SIGSTOP. This caused `nix --dump' to fail sometimes. Note that this bug went unnoticed because the call to `nix --dump' is in a pipeline, and the shell ignores non-zero exit codes from all but the last element in the pipeline. Is there any way to check the result of the initial elements in the pipeline? (In other words, is it at all possible to write reliable shell scripts?)
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71 lines
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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
my @pushlist;
foreach my $id (@ARGV) {
die unless $id =~ /^([0-9a-z]{32})$/;
# Get all paths referenced by the normalisation of the given
# fstate expression.
system "nix -ih $id";
if ($?) { die "`nix -ih' failed"; }
my @paths;
open PATHS, "nix -qrh $id 2> /dev/null |" or die "nix -qrh";
while (<PATHS>) {
next unless /^\//;
push @paths, $_;
close PATHS;
# For each path, create a Fix expression that turns the path into
# a Nix archive.
foreach my $path (@paths) {
next unless ($path =~ /\/([0-9a-z]{32})[^\/]*/);
my $pathid = $1;
# Construct a name for the Nix archive. If the file is an
# fstate successor, encode this into the name.
my $name = $pathid;
if ($path =~ /-s-([0-9a-z]{32}).nix$/) {
$name = "$name-s-$1";
$name = $name . ".nar.bz2";
# Construct a Fix expression that creates a Nix archive.
my $fixexpr =
"App(IncludeFix(\"nar/nar.fix\"), " .
"[ (\"path\", Slice([\"$pathid\"], [(\"$path\", \"$pathid\", [])]))" .
", (\"name\", \"$name\")" .
my $fixfile = "/tmp/nix-push-tmp.fix";
open FIX, ">$fixfile";
print FIX $fixexpr;
close FIX;
# Instantiate a Nix expression from the Fix expression.
my $nid = `fix $fixfile`;
$? and die "instantiating Nix archive expression";
chomp $nid;
die unless $nid =~ /^([0-9a-z]{32})$/;
# Realise the Nix expression.
system "nix -ih $nid";
if ($?) { die "`nix -ih' failed"; }
my $npath = `nix -qph $nid 2> /dev/null`;
$? and die "creating Nix archive";
chomp $npath;
push @pushlist, $npath;
print "$path -> $npath\n";
# Push the prebuilts to the server. !!! FIXME
if (scalar @pushlist > 0) {
system "rsync -av -e ssh @pushlist eelco\";