While I first switched to EXWM warily and thinking it would only be temporary, it seems like this switch is here to stay. It turns out that EXWM was exactly the integration I've been looking for. How serendipitous it that I found it when I did. Thank you, @tazjin.
1174 lines
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1174 lines
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# NOTE: All functions should be documented. Including usage examples.
# NOTE: Prioritize the error handling (especially error messages) as highly as
# most people prioritize "happy-paths" (aka features).
# Personal dependencies
source ~/Dropbox/programming/db_cli/src/index.zsh
# Documentation and error messages
# TODO: Move these to their own repository.
echo_info() {
# Echos an informational message.
# depends_variable blue
echo -e "${blue}[INFO]: $1"
echo_warn() {
# Echos a warning message.
# This function depends on the colors defined in variables.zsh.
# depends_variable yellow
echo -e "${yellow}[WARNING]: $1"
echo_error() {
# Echos an error message.
# depends_variable red
echo -e "${red}[ERROR]: $1"
unsupported_input() {
# Generic error message. Consume herein to standardize the error messages.
# Pass the supported inputs as $1.
# depends error_error
echo_error "Unsupported input. This function only supports the following inputs: $1. Exiting..."
depends() {
# Prints a message explaining a function's dependencies. Consume here to
# standardize the error messages.
# Pass the dependencies as $1.
# depends echo_info
echo_info "This function depends on the following functions: $@"
depends_variable() {
# Prints a message explaining a dependency on a variable. Consume here to
# standardize the error messages.
# Pass the dependencies as $1.
# depends echo_info
echo_info "This function depends on the following variables: $@"
depends_alias() {
# Prints a message explaining a dependency on a shell alias. Consume here to
# standardize the error messages.
# Pass the dependencies as $1.
# depends echo_info
echo_info "This function depends on the following aliases: $@"
compliments() {
# Prints a message explaining that a function compliments another function.
# Think of complimentary functions as `zip` and `unzip`.
# depends echo_info
echo_info "This function compliments the \`$1\` function."
# Filesystem operations
ensure_dir() {
# Ensures that the directory and its children exist.
# Usage: ensure_dir <path-to-dir>
mkdir -p $1
ensure_file() {
# Ensures that the file and the path to that file exist.
# Usage: ensure_dir <path-to-file>
# depends ensure_dir
ensure_dir $(dirname $1) && touch $1
tar_dir() {
# Tars dir as dir.tar. Removes dir.
# compliments untar_dir
tar -cf "$1.tar" "$(basename $1)" && rm -rf "$1"
untar_dir() {
# Untars dir.tar as dir. Removes dir.tar.
# compliments tar_dir
tar -xvf "$1" && rm "$1"
targz_dir() {
# Tars a dir as dir.tar.gz.
# compliments untargz_dir
tar -czf "$1.tar.gz" "$(basename $1)"; rm -rf "$1"
untargz_dir() {
# Untars dir.tar.gz as dir. Removes dir.tar.gz.
# compliments targz_dir
tar -xzvf "$1" && rm "$1"
zip_dir() {
# Zips dir as dir.zip. Removes dir.
# compliments unzip_dir
zip -r "$1.zip" "$(basename $1)" && rm -rf "$1"
unzip_dir() {
# Unzips dir.zip as dir. Removes dir.zip.
# compliments zip_dir
unzip "$1" && rm "$1"
archive() {
# Generic function for archiving directories
# depends tar_dir targz_dir zip_dir
# compliments unarchive
printf "Which type of archive would you like to like create? (tar, tar.gz, zip) "
case $(read -e) in
tar) tar_dir "$1";;
tar.gz) targz_dir "$1";;
zip) zip_dir "$1";;
*) unsupported_input "tar, tar.gz, zip";;
unarchive() {
# Generic way to unarchive files.
# Currently supports the following extensions:
# - .tar
# - .tar.gz
# - .zip
# depends untar unzip
# compliments archive
case $1 in
*.tar.gz) untargz_dir "$1";;
*.tar) untar_dir "$1";;
*.zip) unzip_dir "$1";;
*) unsupported_input ".tar, .tar.zip, .zip"
# Filesystem operations
alert() {
# Send the user information via the GUI.
# Intended to have the same API as the Javascript alert function.
# Usage: alert [msg-body]
# depends notify-send
notify-send 'Info' "$1"
alert_echo() {
# Composes `echo` and `alert` together.
# Usage: alert_echo [msg-body]
# depends alert echo
echo "$1" && alert "$1"
# Unclassified
deref() {
# Dereferences a symlink.
# Usage: deref [symlink]
if ! [ -L $1 ]; then
echo_error "File is not a symlink: $1. Exiting..."
local src=$(readlink -f $1)
echo "Moving $src -> $1" && \
mv $1 $1.bak && \
mv $src $1 && \
rm $1.bak
wallpaper() {
# Select and load a wallpaper from the wallpaper directory.
local files=$(ls ~wallpaper)
local selection=$(echo $files | fzf)
local fullpath=~wallpaper/$selection
feh --bg-scale $fullpath
# TODO: Write more robust, tested dotfile manager application in Elisp.
dotfilify() {
# Moves a regular, non-symlinked file into my dotfiles.
# compliments undotfilify
# depends ensure_dir
local original_path=$(realpath $1)
local dotfile_path="${DOTFILES}/configs/shared/${original_path#$HOME/}"
ensure_dir $(dirname $dotfile_path) && \
mv $original_path $dotfile_path && \
ln --force -s $dotfile_path $original_path
# TODO: Write more robust, tested dotfile manager application in Elisp.
undotfilify() {
# De-references a file that is symlinked to in my dotfiles.
# Usage: undotfilify [path-to-symlink]
# compliments dotfilify
if ! [ -L "$1" ]; then
echo_error "Not a symbolic link: $1. Exiting..."
return 1
local src=$(readlink -f $1)
echo "Removing: $1" && rm $1 && \
echo "Moving: $src -> $1" && \
mv $src $1
markdown() {
# Simple way to read markdown on the command-line.
# Usage: markdown [file]
# depends pandoc less
pandoc -t plain $1 | less
rofi_prompt() {
# Simple prompt for user input using `rofi`.
# Usage: rofi_prompt [label]
local label="${1:-Input}"
rofi -dmenu -p "$label" -theme-str 'listview { enabled: false; }'
import_gpg() {
# Shorthand for executing the import script for my GPG creds.
local gpg_config=$DOTFILES/configs/shared/gpg/.gnupg
$gpg_config/import.sh $gpg_config/exported
export_gpg() {
# Shorthand for executing the export script for my GPG creds.
local gpg_config=$DOTFILES/configs/shared/gpg/.gnupg
$gpg_config/export.sh $gpg_config/exported
create_bootable_usb() {
# This was created primarily to document the bootable USB creation process, so
# that I'm less dependent on internet solutions.
# Warning this is experimental.
printf 'Path to .iso: '
local lf=$(read -e) # NOTE: maybe use `read lf` instead.
printf 'Path to USB: '
local of=$(read -e)
sudo dd \
bs=4M \
status=progress \
file_sizes() {
# Table to help me conceptualize file sizes.
echo " 1 kB\tHalf a page of raw text"
echo " 8 kB\tLogo image"
echo "500 kB\t5-page word processor document"
echo " 1 MB\t1 minute MP3"
echo " 5 MB\t3 minute MP3"
echo "700 MB\tA full CD-ROM"
echo " 4 GB\tA full DVD"
ldap() {
# Returns the Google LDAP for `user`
declare -A ldaps
echo ${ldaps["$1"]}
repl_closure() {
# Creates a `node` REPL for users to test out Google's Closure library.
# The naming `repl_closure` follows the repl_ convention that alias.sh
# follows.
docker build -t closure_repl - <~/programming/dockerfiles/closure_repl.docker
docker run -it closure_repl:latest
checkout_cl() {
# - find-or-create a new workspace named `cl-<number>`
# - syncs the workspace to tip
# - patches the CL ontop of tip
hg citc "cl-$1" && \
g4d "cl-$1" && \
hg sync && \
hg patch "cl/$1"
prodaccess() {
# Wraps existing `prodaccess` command to provide Google-specific tips.
# Take from this: https://g3doc.corp.google.com/experimental/users/diamondm/fortunes/README.md?cl=head
command prodaccess "$@" && \
cowsay $(/google/data/ro/users/di/diamondm/engfortunes/fortune.sh --extra_space)
home_theater() {
# Does the following:
# - connects to NordVPN for HBO
# - connects to the TV via the attached HDMI cable
# - connects to the bluetooth speaker
# `nordvpn` is an alias defined in `aliases.zsh`
echo 'Run the following to stream HBOGo from this laptop to your TV:'
echo ' 1. nordvpn'
echo ' 2. xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 3840x2160'
echo ' 3. bluetoothctl'
echo ' 4. connect CC:6E:A4:32:6B:BB'
echo 'Having trouble? Use the following tools to troubleshoot:'
echo ' - blueman-manager'
echo ' - pavucontrol'
echo ' - gnome-control-center'
create_citc() {
# Creates an `hg` citc client and `cd`s to its root.
# Usage: create_citc esc-b-119275355
# Note: May want to get into the habit of naming citc clients after the
# Buganizer tickets. The buganizer portion can be prefixed with the shorthand
# representation of the project it relates to. This coupling could lead to
# more integrated tooling.
hg citc $1 && g4d $1
fv() {
# Usage: fv file pattern
# This is useful when you know the fuzzy name of the file you want to edit
local file
file="$(fzf --exact --height 40% --reverse --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0)"
[[ -n "$file" ]] && vim "$file"
project_root() {
# Changes to the directory of the project root.
if [[ "$(pwd)" =~ '(.*)/blaze-bin(.*)' ]]; then
cd "${match[1]}${match[2]}"
elif [[ "$(pwd)" =~ '(.*)/blaze-genfiles(.*)' ]]; then
cd "${match[1]}${match[2]}"
blaze_bin() {
# Changes to the blaze-bin directory.
# Depends:
# - project_root
project_root && cd "${PWD/\/google3//google3/blaze-bin}"
blaze_genfiles() {
# Changes to the blaze-genfiles directory.
# Depends:
# - project_root
project_root && cd "${PWD/\/google3//google3/blaze-genfiles}"
tbz() {
# Toggle between blaze-bin and your source.
# Useful if you like to cd into the dir where your source lives.
if [[ "$(pwd)" =~ '(.*)/blaze-bin(.*)' ]]; then
cd "${match[1]}${match[2]}"
cd "${PWD/\/google3//google3/blaze-bin}"
tj() {
# Toggle between the source dir and test dir in a Java project.
if [[ $PWD =~ '(.*)/javatests(.*)' ]]; then
cd "${match[1]}/java${match[2]}"
cd "${PWD/\/google3\/java//google3/javatests}"
screenshot() {
# Ergonomic way to take a screenshot.
# Writing this since I usually forget the command.
# Usage: screenshot
alert_echo 'Click-and-drag to select the region to capture.'
local filepath=$(scrot --select '%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f /tmp && echo /tmp/$f')
c <<<$filepath
alert_echo "Copied to clipboard!"
snipit() {
# Take a screenshot and host it at https://screenshot.googleplex.com
# Adapted from SnipIt to fit my workflow.
# depends alert_echo
# Capture
alert_echo "SnipIt - Click a window, or drag to snip a region (Ctrl+C to cancel):" && \
import "$file" && \
echo "Sending image to server..." && \
uri=$(curl -sF "imagedata=@$file" $server) && \
c <<<"$uri" && \
alert_echo "Copied to clipboard!"
# Java
run_java() {
# Usage: run_java path/to/file.java
# Intended to be similar in spirit to Haskell's `runhaskell`.
set -e
javac $1
java ${1%.java}
# Aptitude
apts() {
# Searches aptitude package repository for $1, surrounding it in ^$ to ensure
# fewer results.
apt search "^$1$"
# Docker
dkcsh() {
# Drop into a Docker shell. Shell defaults to /bin/bash.
# `dkcsh` stands for DocKer Container SHell.
# Usage: dkcsh
docker exec -it "$container" "$cmd"
dkish() {
# Runs a Docker container interactively
# Usage: dkrit <container_name> <command> [...args]
docker run -it $@
# gist
gistp() {
# Creates a gist with the contents of the clipboard.
# Prompts the user for the filename and the descriptions of the gist.
# Copies the Gist URL to the user's clipboard thereafter.
# depends_alias p
# depends gist
printf "Filename including extension: "
read filename
printf "Gist description: "
read description
p | gist -e -f $filename -d $description
# Github
gh_create() {
# Create git repository in `~/Dropbox/programming`.
# Push repo to my github account.
# Usage: grepo [repo-name]
# depends_alias mdd g
# compliments gh_delete
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'You must supply the name for the repo. Exiting...'
return 1
mdd "$HOME/Dropbox/programming/$1" && \
g init && \
g create
gh_delete() {
# Deletes a repository from my Github.
# compliments gh_create
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'You must supply the name for the repo to delete. Exiting...'
return 1
g delete "$1"
# Git
gconflicts() {
# Edit git conflicts one-by-one in your favorite editor.
${EDITOR} "$(git status --porcelain | awk '/^UU/ { print $2 }')"
gclone() {
# Since I inevitably always call `cd` after `g clone`.
# Usage: gclone cdown/clipmenu
# depends_alias g
# depends_alias la
g clone "$1" && cd "${1#*/}"
_do_encrypt() {
# Helper function for `encrypt`.
# depends gpg targz_dir
echo "Encrypting..."
if [ -f $1 ]; then
gpg --encrypt --recipient=wpcarro@gmail.com $1
rm $1
elif [ -d $1 ]; then
targz_dir $1
# NOTE: recursion is nice here but it causes the echo statements to happen
# twice. Because of this, we redirect to /dev/null.
_do_encrypt "$1.tar.gz" >/dev/null
echo "Done."
_do_decrypt() {
# Helper function for `decrypt`.
# depends gpg untargz_dir
echo "Decrypting..."
gpg --decrypt $1 2>/dev/null >"${1%.gpg}"
rm $1
# If the file ends with tar.gz, it was most like a directory that we targz'd
# then encrypted.
if [[ "${1%.gpg}" =~ \.tar.gz$ ]]; then
untargz_dir "${1%.gpg}" >/dev/null
echo "Done."
encrypt() {
# Convenience function around encrypting files and directories.
# Appends a .gpg extension and deletes the unencrypted source.
# depends _do_encrypt
for f in $@; do
_do_encrypt $f
decrypt() {
# Convenience function around decrypting .gpg files and directories.
# Deletes the original encrypted file with the .gpg extension.
# depends _do_decrypt
for f in $@; do
_do_decrypt $f
# Python
python_sandbox() {
# Creates a nix-shell with the specified arguments as Python packages
nix-shell -p "python36.withPackages(p: with p; [$@])"
# Haskell
cabal_unhell() {
# Run this function to save yourself from Cabal hell.
# Note: this will require that you reinstall packages for your projects again.
find ~/.ghc -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
rm -rf ~/.cabal/{lib,packages,share}
haskell_sandbox() {
# Creates a nix-shell with the specified arguments as Haskell packages
nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [$@])"
_haskell_test_watch_path() {
# Runs and watches the tests for a provided file path.
ghcid -c "stack ghci grid:lib grid:grid-test --ghci-options=-fobject-code" \
--height="$(tput lines)" --width="$(tput cols)" --warnings --test "$1"
_haskell_test_watch_pattern() {
# Runs and watches the tests that match a provided pattern.
stack test --file-watch grid:grid-test --ta "-p \"${1}\""
haskell_test_watch() {
# Accepts either a filepath or a pattern and runs a test-watcher for either.
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
_haskell_test_watch_path "$1"
_haskell_test_watch_pattern "$1"
# Kubernetes
kush() {
# Drop into a shell via Kubernetes. Shell defaults to /bin/bash.
local name=$1
local cmd=${2-/bin/bash}
kubectl exec -it "${name}" -- "${cmd}"
# Misc
update_x11_forwarding() {
# Sometime Tmux misbehaves with X11 applications (e.g. Emacs). This is because
# the DISPLAY variable is not set properly to `:0`. This function w
# Cache the DISPLAY when outside of Tmux. When inside of Tmux, use the cached
# value for DISPLAY.
# This cooperates with my `preexec` function, which runs before every command.
# Adapted from here: http://alexteichman.com/octo/blog/2014/01/01/x11-forwarding-and-terminal-multiplexers/
if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
echo $DISPLAY > ~/.display.txt
export DISPLAY=$(cat ~/.display.txt)
monzo_balance() {
# Return the balance of my Monzo bank account.
# Usage: monzo_balance
# Depends:
# - ~/Dropbox/monzo_creds.json.gpg (encrypted asymmetrically for yourself)
# - httpie
# - jq
# - gpg
local creds=$(gpg --decrypt ~/Dropbox/monzo_creds.json.gpg 2>/dev/null)
local access_token=$(echo $creds | jq --raw-output .access_token)
local account_id=$(echo $creds | jq --raw-output .account_id)
local balance=$(http --body https://api.monzo.com/balance \
"Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
"account_id==${account_id}" | \
jq .balance)
echo "£$balance"
tldr_docs() {
# Helper function for submitting a new page to `tldr`.
# Usage: tldr_docs <cmd-name>
pushd ~/programming/tldr && \
gcb "$1" && \
"$EDITOR" . && \
echo "Next steps:" && \
echo "- commit changes" && \
echo "- push changes" && \
echo "- submit a pull-request to tldr" && \
popd # return to the original directory
ord_to_char() {
# Converts the ordinal, ASCII value of a character into its encoded
# representation.
# Usage:
# $ ord_to_char 65
# A
[ "$1" -lt 256 ] || return 1
printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "$1")\n"
char_to_ord() {
# Converts the ASCII representation of a character to its ordinal value.
# Usage:
# $ char_to_ord A
# 65
LC_CTYPE=C printf '%d\n' "'$1"
all_users() {
# Lists all of the known users in the Linux system
# Useful because when you type `~art` in a prompt and tab-complete, ZSH looks
# up all users whose names start with "art". It's also just interesting to
# have access to this information.
# NOTE: this is not as simple as `cat /etc/passwd` for reasons of which I'm
# not entirely sure.
getent passwd
escape_sequences() {
# Outputs a table of terminal escape sequences and their meaning.
echo -E '\a Bell (alert)'
echo -E '\b Backspace'
echo -E '\f Formfeed'
echo -E '\n New line'
echo -E '\r Carriage return'
echo -E '\t Horizontal tab'
echo -E '\v Vertical tab'
echo -E "\' Single quotation mark"
echo -E '\" Double quotation mark'
echo -E '\\ Backslash'
echo -E '\? Literal question mark'
echo -E '\uhhhh Unicode character'
echo -E '\Uhhhhhhhh Unicode character'
echo -E '\xhh ASCII character in hexadecimal notation'
echo -E '\xhhhh Unicode character in hexadecimal notation if this escape sequence is used in a wide-character constant or a Unicode string literal.'
test_true_color() {
# Run this to test if your terminal emulator supports True Color
curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnMorales/dotfiles/master/colors/24-bit-color.sh | bash
test_16_colors() {
# Useful for testing your terminal's theme.
echo -e "Normal: ${black}black${red}red${green}green${yellow}yellow${blue}blue${magenta}magenta${cyan}cyan${white}white"
echo -e "Bright: ${bright_black}black${bright_red}red${bright_green}green${bright_yellow}yellow${bright_blue}blue${bright_magenta}magenta${bright_cyan}cyan${bright_white}white"
test_text_formatting() {
# Useful when appraising a Tmux. Things can get strange with true colors and
# font rendering.
echo -e "\e[1mbold\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[3mitalic\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[4munderline\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[9mstrikethrough\e[0m"
test_unicode() {
# Run this to test if your terminal supports unicode character rendering.
echo -e '\u2600 \u2601 \u2602 \u2603 \u2604 \u2605 \u2606 \u2607 \u2608 \u2609 \u260A'
echo -e '\u260B \u260C \u260D \u260E \u260F \u2610 \u2611 \u2612 \u2613 \u2614 \u2615'
echo -e '\u2616 \u2617 \u2618 \u2619 \u261A \u261B \u261C \u261D \u261E \u261F \u2620'
echo -e '\u2621 \u2622 \u2623 \u2624 \u2625 \u2626 \u2627 \u2628 \u2629 \u262A \u262B'
echo -e '\u262C \u262D \u262E \u262F \u2630 \u2631 \u2632 \u2633 \u2634 \u2635 \u2636'
echo -e '\u2637 \u2638 \u2639 \u263A \u263B \u263C \u263D \u263E \u263F \u2640 \u2641'
echo -e '\u2642 \u2643 \u2644 \u2645 \u2646 \u2647 \u2648 \u2649 \u264A \u264B \u264C'
echo -e '\u264D \u264E \u264F \u2650 \u2651 \u2652 \u2653 \u2654 \u2655 \u2656 \u2657'
echo -e '\u2658 \u2659 \u265A \u265B \u265C \u265D \u265E \u265F \u2660 \u2661 \u2662'
echo -e '\u2663 \u2664 \u2665 \u2666 \u2667 \u2668 \u2669 \u266A \u266B \u266C \u266D'
echo -e '\u266E \u266F \u2670 \u2671 \u2672 \u2673 \u2674 \u2675 \u2676 \u2677 \u2678'
echo -e '\u2679 \u267A \u267B \u267C \u267D \u267E \u267F \u2680 \u2681 \u2682 \u2683'
echo -e '\u2684 \u2685 \u2686 \u2687 \u2688 \u2689 \u268A \u268B \u268C \u268D \u268E'
echo -e '\u268F \u2690 \u2691 \u2692 \u2693 \u2694 \u2695 \u2696 \u2697 \u2698 \u2699'
echo -e '\u269A \u269B \u269C \u269D \u269E \u269F \u26A0 \u26A1 \u26A2 \u26A3 \u26A4'
echo -e '\u26A5 \u26A6 \u26A7 \u26A8 \u26A9 \u26AA \u26AB \u26AC \u26AD \u26AE \u26AF'
echo -e '\u26B0 \u26B1 \u26B2 \u26B3 \u26B4 \u26B5 \u26B6 \u26B7 \u26B8 \u26B9 \u26BA'
echo -e '\u26BB \u26BC \u26BD \u26BE \u26BF \u26C0 \u26C1 \u26C2 \u26C3 \u26C4 \u26C5'
echo -e '\u26C6 \u26C7 \u26C8 \u26C9 \u26CA \u26CB \u26CC \u26CD \u26CE \u26CF \u26D0'
echo -e '\u26D1 \u26D2 \u26D3 \u26D4 \u26D5 \u26D6 \u26D7 \u26D8 \u26D9 \u26DA \u26DB'
echo -e '\u26DC \u26DD \u26DE \u26DF \u26E0 \u26E1 \u26E2 \u26E3 \u26E4 \u26E5 \u26E6'
echo -e '\u26E7 \u26E8 \u26E9 \u26EA \u26EB \u26EC \u26ED \u26EE \u26EF \u26F0 \u26F1'
echo -e '\u26F2 \u26F3 \u26F4 \u26F5 \u26F6 \u26F7 \u26F8 \u26F9 \u26FA \u26FB \u26FC'
echo -e '\u26FD \u26FE \u26FF'
test_emojis() {
# Outputs a few emojis to see if your terminal supports colored or
# monochromatic emojis.
for n in {0..9}
echo -e -n "\U1F60$n"
echo # newline to clean output
path() {
# Pretty-print the $PATH variable
echo "$PATH" | tr : '\n'
nix_installed() {
# Lists the packages installed with `nix-env`
nix-env -q
nix_store() {
# Print the packages in /nix/store without the preceding hash
ls /nix/store | sed 's/[a-z0-9]*-//'
browse() {
# Open a URL in $BROWSER. Friendly for terminal input and output.
# NOTE: `nohup` ensures that if I close the terminal, I won't all kill the
# browser. Maybe this is similar to calling `disown %<job_id>`. The redirect
# to `/dev/null` ensures that no `nohup.out` file is created.
nohup "$BROWSER" $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
lh() {
# Opens http://localhost:<port> in your $BROWSER.
# Usage: `lh 8080`
# Here, in case it wasn't obvious, `lh` stands for "localhost".
browse "http://localhost:$1"
essids() {
# Returns a list of all ESSIDs the network card detects
local interface=${1-wlp4s0}
sudo iwlist "${interface}" scan | awk -F \" '{print $2}' | sed '/^\s*$/d'
mkdir_cd() {
# Make and cd into a directory or path
mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"
cp_dwim() {
# Calls `cp -r` when a directory is specified, otherwise uses `cp`.
# This is closer to the UX you expect in GUIs when you copy-and-paste files.
if [ -d $1 ]; then
command cp -r $@
command cp $@
swap() {
# Swaps the names of files and directories.
local file_a="${1}"
local file_b="${2}"
if [ -d "${file_a}" ] && [ -d "${file_b}" ]; then
local backup=$(mktemp -d backup.XXX)
mv "${file_a}" "${backup}"
mv "${file_b}" "${file_a}"
mv "${backup}/${file_a}" "${file_b}"
rm -rf "${backup}"
elif [ -f "${file_a}" ] && [ -f "${file_b}" ]; then
local backup=$(mktemp backup.XXX)
mv "${file_a}" "${backup}"
mv "${file_b}" "${file_a}"
mv "${backup}" "${file_b}"
rm "${backup}"
echo "Swapped: ${file_a} <-> ${file_b}"
bak() {
# Backup a file or a directory by appending a .bak extension to it.
mv "$1" "$1.bak"
unbak() {
# Restore a file by removing the .bak extension from it.
mv "$1.bak" "$1"
is_online() {
# Pings google.com and echos "Online" or "Offline" and returns the appropriate
# exit code. Could be useful in the ${PS1} variable.
wget -q --spider "http://google.com"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Online"
return 0
echo "Offline"
return 1
loop() {
# Continuously loop `command` every `sleep_amt` interval. `sleep_amt` defaults
# to 1 second. Pass y/n for `should_clear` if you'd like to clear the screen
# at the end of each iteration.
# Usage: loop <command> <sleep_amt> <should_clear>
local command=$1;
local sleep_amt=${2:-1};
local should_clear=${3:-n}
# clear the screen before kicking things off
if [ $should_clear = y ]; then
while true; do
eval $command && sleep $sleep_amt
if [ $should_clear = y ]; then
du_it_live() {
# Outputs and refreshes the size of a directory's content.
# Useful for watching a directory as large amounts of data are
# downloaded into it.
local directory="${1}"
while true; do
du -hc "${directory}" | tail -n 1 | tr -d '\n' && echo -n ' ' && sleep 0.5
# elipsis
echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
# clear the three-dots
echo -n '\b\b\b' && echo -n ' ' && echo -n '\r'
router() {
# Returns the IP address of the network's router.
# Useful in a call like `ping $(router)` to diagnose an internet problem.
netstat -nr | grep default | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'
monitor_dimensions() {
# Outputs the dimensions of your computer monitor
xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{ print $2 }'
list_sinks() {
# Lists the available output sources (speakers?)
pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index:'
list_sources() {
# List available input sources (microphones?)
pacmd list-sources | grep -e 'index:' -e device.string -e 'name:'
lt() {
# Convenience wrapper around `exa --tree`.
# Optionally accepts a number for the max-depth and a directory to list.
# $ lt 2 ./scripts
# lt
if [ -z ${1} ]; then
exa --tree --all
# lt 2
elif [[ "${1}" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] && [ -z ${2} ]; then
local depth="${1}"
exa --tree -all --level "${depth}"
# lt ./scripts
elif [ -z ${2} ]; then
local directory="${1}"
exa --tree --all "${directory}"
# lt 2 ./scripts
local depth=${1}
local directory="${2}"
exa --tree --all --level ${depth} "${directory}"
lad() {
# List only directories in a directory..
# Usage: lad [directory]
# depends fd
(cd ${1:-.} && fd --hidden --maxdepth 1 --type d)
laf() {
# List only files in a directory.
# Usage: lad [directory]
# depends fd
(cd ${1:-.} && fd --hidden --maxdepth 1 --type f)
lal() {
# List only links in a directory.
# Usage: lad [directory]
# depends fd
(cd ${1:-.} && fd --hidden --maxdepth 1 --type l)
gql() {
# Convenience wrapper around `http POST` that allows you write GQL queries in
# Vim before posting them to the server.
local endpoint="${1}"
local query="/tmp/http-query.gql"
vim "${query}" && \
echo "{\"query\":\"$(cat ${query})\"}" | \
http --body POST "${endpoint}"
# Nix
nix_introspect() {
# Greps through my local nixpkgs repo for
rg --after-context 5 "\\b$1\\b\\s*=" "$(nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs)"
# Tmux
t() {
# Find or create a Tmux session. This should work both from within Tmux or
# outside of Tmux.
local session_name="${1}"
if ! tmux has-session -t "${session_name}" 2> /dev/null; then
local oldTMUX="${TMUX}"
unset TMUX
tmux new -d -s "${session_name}" -n "${session_name}"
export TMUX="${oldTMUX}"
unset oldTMUX
if [[ -n "${TMUX}" ]]; then
tmux switch-client -t "${session_name}"
tmux attach -t "${session_name}"
tk() {
# `tk`: "tmux kill". Kills a tmux session by name.
# If no arguments are provided, kills the current session after jumping to the previous session.
if [ ! -z "${session_name}" ]; then
tmux kill-session -t "${session_name}"
session_name=tmux ls -f '#{?session_attached,#{session_name},}' | xargs
tmux switch-client -l
tmux kill-session -t "${session_name}"
tmux_is_running() {
# Returns zero if tmux is running
# Although this is a simple function body, it's useful to encode esoteric
# knowledge that I will easily forget.
test -n "$TMUX"
tmux_focused_pane() {
# Returns the ID of the focused tmux pane.
# tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_active} #{pane_tty}' | awk /1/{ print $1 }
echo 'Not implemented'
# Google3
p4_filelog() {
# Logs a file's Piper history. This is a convenience wrapper around
# `p4 filelog`.
# `filename` should be a relative path.
# Usage: p4_filelog <filename>
# Depends: p4
p4 filelog "//depot/$(pwd | grep -P -o 'google3\/.+$')/$1"
citc_workspace() {
# Returns the name of your current CitC workspace
pwd | grep -o -P "$(whoami)\/[^\/]+"
hgbrowse() {
# Attempts to open the current directory in Google's Code Search.
# Note: try and get this command supported by Fig
local slug="$(pwd | grep -P -o 'google3\/.+$')"
browse "https://cs.corp.google.com/piper///depot/$slug"
cider() {
# Opens the current workspace and current directory in Google's Cider
# Not very useful at the moment because it cannot jump to the current file or
# line number. Should also support an Emacs integration at some point.
google-chrome \
# C
runc() {
# Compile and run $1. Pass $1 as file.c.
# This is modelled after the `runhaskell` command.
# Deletes the compiled binary after executing it.
# depends gcc
gcc "$1" -o "${1%.c}" && "./${1%.c}" && rm "${1%.c}"
# Rust
runrust() {
# Compile and run $1. Pass $1 as file.rs.
# This is modelled after the `runhaskell` command.
# Deletes the compiled binary after executing it.
# depends rustc
rustc "$1" && "./${1%.rs}" && rm "${1%.rs}"
# zsh
fns() {
# Outputs all available functions.
# `fns` was chosen instead of `functions`, since `functions` was already
# taken.
compgen -A function
aliases() {
# Outputs all available aliases.
compgen -a
keywords() {
# Outputs all of the shell's reserved keywords.
compgen -k
builtins() {
# Outputs all of the shell's builtin commands.
compgen -b
# Theming
colors() {
# Outputs the wpgtk-generated color palette annotated with numbers.
echo ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' && \
wpg --preview && \
echo ' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15'
gvcci() {
# Integrates `gvcii` and `wpgtk`.
# Usage: gvcii path/to/wallpaper.jpg
local filename="$(basename $1)"
local directory="${filename%.*}"
local json=~/.gvcci/themes/$directory/json-scheme.json
if [ -f $json ]; then
wpg --theme $json
(cd ~/Dropbox/programming/gvcci && \
./gvcci.sh "$1" && \
wpg --theme $json)
# TODO: Why do I need this?
sleep 0.1 && feh --bg-scale $1